Labor Council

Friday, August 14, 2020
A Few Thoughts from
President Richard Trumka
"Biden/Harris Duo
Right Team for Working People"
Aug 13 - We are mobilizing like never before and going to the mat for the HEROES Act. Too many of our members and our friends are out of work through no fault of their own. Too many of our members are working in unsafe conditions, knowing full well they are risking their lives for a paycheck and to serve their neighbors. Too many of our students and educators are going back into the classroom with no plan in place for their safety. That is why we are taking to the streets, demanding real relief and a vote on the HEROES Act.

Aug 12 - America is witnessing a failure of leadership on the part of President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Rather than protect workers and invest in our faltering economy, Trump and McConnell decided to walk away from the negotiating table last week. But we know that when negotiations reach an impasse, it’s time to turn up the pressure. We need to keep fighting every single day to pass the HEROES Act and win much-needed relief for ourselves and our families. Union members never stop fighting for what’s right, even when politicians turn their backs.

Aug 11 - In a statement from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on Joe Biden naming Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) as his running mate: Kamala Harris has spent her career tackling some of the most critical issues facing working families. As California’s attorney general, she held big banks accountable in the wake of the housing crisis, prosecuted employers for stealing our wages and advanced criminal justice reform. As a U.S. senator, she has achieved a perfect AFL-CIO lifetime score, working to create a fairer process for forming a union and protecting our health care and retirement security. We look forward to electing her America’s next vice president.

Aug 8 - With a thousand Americans dying a day, the economy in tatters and millions of working people in dire need of relief, President Trump is doing what he does best: cut and run. His decision to walk away from negotiations on an overdue, comprehensive COVID-19 response package is just the latest retreat in the face of this historic virus. For someone who claims to have mastered the art of the deal, the president is once again withdrawing to his corner and signing wholly inadequate executive orders that do not meet this moment. He just cut the benefits of out-of-work Americans by $200 a week and is trying to stop Congress from moving forward to allow schools to open safely. And in the case of cutting Social Security and Medicare, he is acting recklessly and illegally. It is time for the administration to go back to the negotiating table or, better yet, the Senate should pass the HEROES Act so Trump can sign something that actually starts us on the path to recovery.
DIVERSITY - Our Greatest Strength!
Brothers & Sisters in the Building Trades,

We had not planned on addressing racial issues in the upcoming issue of Union Builder however with the recent incident that took place at the high profile FC Cincinnati job site as well as the opportunity for all of us to learn from it and grow as one human race; we feel it is absolutely mandatory that we do.

For those of you who have not heard, there were multiple incidents at the jobsite that included at the very least defacing property in one instance as well as the use of racist language in another incident that is unacceptable anywhere and especially on any jobsite. We could argue all day long whether the intent of these incidents were racially motivated or if the incidents were just insensitive in their intent but the fact of the matter is that we need to understand that if our words or actions cause another person to feel belittled, threatened or uncomfortable then we need to check ourselves.

The FC Cincinnati job site is one of the few jobs in recent memory that we were successful in securing a community benefits agreement on. The community benefit agreement allowed for an almost entirely union built project, over 70% so far as well as an opportunity for the labor community to show why working union is the best avenue to the middle class for all working men and women and their families. Incidents such as those that took place do nothing but cast a negative light on the entire unionized construction industry regardless of which trade was at fault. Racism in any form, whether it is overt, covert, implied or otherwise will never be acceptable and we as the building trades need to be the conduit for its eradication once and for all.

Several Building Trades leaders including Bill Froehle (392), Rick Fischer (212), Larry Thompson (265), Dave Baker (44), Brian Wear (18) and Jeff King (18) met with Turner Construction Vice President Dave Spaulding to discuss the FC Cincinnati jobsite and Turners policies moving forward on their jobsites nationwide.

Turner Construction has made it crystal clear that any defacing of property on their jobsites will result in craft workers being banned from all Turner jobsites up to and including possible lifetime bans depending on the infraction. For those of you who enjoy being porta-let poets we want you to understand that it will not be tolerated as well. In many areas of the country workers are required to sign in prior to using the “facilities” and there is a monitor who disinfects the area after each use (Covid-19). If there is graffiti found the worker who caused the damage is removed from the jobsite. Turner does not want to implement monitors here locally however they do not want to deal with childish behavior and criminal damaging either. We would venture to say that every construction manager and contractor we work for would echo this sentiment as well.

As leaders in the Building Trades we are asking each and every member to take an active part in creating an environment on every job site that allows for every worker to be free from harassment of any kind. Our forefathers and foremothers gave us all of the tools and the intellect to be able to do this and just like the physical tools of the trade that we use every day the proper care and respect of those tools will determine our success. We are all proud construction workers in our respective trades and the examples we set today will be emulated by the men and women who pick up the “tools of the trades “tomorrow.

If not us, who? If not now, when?

As leaders of the Building Trades we are asking all of our members, including us to do their part.

In Solidarity,

The Greater Cincinnati Building Trades
Executive Secretary
Frederick E. Lampe

Mark Hamant

Vice President
Terry Burke
Financial Secretary
Brian Wear

Justin Phillips

Jarrod Tiemeier
Jason Parr

Rick Fischer

Rodney Toole
"We can’t allow them to leave us behind."
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,
After a month and a half of the HEROES Act sitting untouched in Mitch McConnell’s lap, the Senate majority leader has finally proposed his own woefully inadequate proposal.
The pitiful proposal barely addresses our national child care emergency, strips millions of their unemployment benefits, and gives nothing to the U.S. Postal Service ahead of one of the most important presidential elections in America’s history.
To no one’s surprise, the proposal has caused a stalemate in Congress at a time when we couldn’t need action sooner. U.S. House members have put their foot down and said they won’t go on recess until a bill is agreed upon, but the Senate is still set to go on vacation next week.
We have been driving phone calls to Capitol Hill all week, letting our senators know that heading out on vacation before approving lifesaving legislation that would benefit millions of Americans is unacceptable.
The future and livelihoods of millions of working Americans are in the hands of the U.S. Senate. Just last week, millions who lost their jobs through no fault of their own during the coronavirus pandemic were stripped of $600 in weekly unemployment benefits—benefits that were keeping them and their families afloat. For the Senate to go on vacation before coming to an agreement that would save lives is despicable and disgraceful.
We are facing a crisis unlike anything the labor movement has ever dealt with before, and it’s going to take every single union member to hold Congress accountable. Brian, can we count you in?
In Solidarity,
IBEW on Sen. Kamala Harris:
“A Fighter for Working Families”
IBEW International President Lonnie R. Stephenson issued the following statement on Joe Biden naming of Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate.

"Throughout her political career, Sen. Kamala Harris has been a fighter for working families and a reliable ally of the labor movement.

As San Francisco District Attorney and state Attorney General, she took on shady companies that cheated workers out of wages and benefits. And she stood up to the big banks on behalf of struggling California homeowners.

As a U.S. Senator, she fought to raise the minimum wage, strengthen workplace health and safety protections, and protect and expand workers’ rights.

Sen. Harris understands that unions built America’s middle class and that protecting the right to organize and collectively bargain is vital to rebuilding it.
The IBEW is committed to doing everything we can to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win this November. And we look forward to working with a Biden/Harris administration to build an economy that works for everyone.”

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) represents approximately 775,000 active and retired members who work in a wide variety of fields, including construction, utilities, manufacturing, telecommunications, broadcasting, railroads and government.

Alex Hogan, Speechwriter
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
900 7th St NW
Washington, DC 20001
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council
2020 Endorsed Candidates and Issues
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Vote Smart's mission is to provide free, factual, unbiased information on candidates and elected officials to ALL Americans. Citizens come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy.

Fact-checking journalism is the heart of PolitiFact. Our core principles are independence, transparency, fairness, thorough reporting and clear writing. The reason we publish is to give citizens the information they need to govern themselves in a democracy.

We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit “consumer advocate” for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics. We monitor the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews and news releases. Our goal is to apply the best practices of both journalism and scholarship, and to increase public knowledge and understanding.

We believe that American government should be “of the people, by the people, and for the people” and that an informed electorate is essential for a thriving democracy. We therefore seek to inform and educate voters by producing and posting comprehensive non-partisan voter information covering national and state elections and some local elections.

League of Woman Voters
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Why I Vote!
From our Friends at Cincinnati Rollergirls!
This video was produced by Pangea Productions for Love This Land, a non-partisan, grass roots organization dedicated to promoting registration and voting in Ohio to encourage participation in our democracy by registering to Vote and Voting!. The video features three players from the Cincinnati Rollergirls who state why they vote.
Hamilton County CARES:
Nonprofit Relief Program
Hamilton County Commissioners are launching the Hamilton County CARES Nonprofit Relief Program using $5.5 million in CARES Act funding to help nonprofits to combat the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 in the community. Applications are now being accepted through August 26 at 12:00 p.m.

Eligible nonprofit organizations with a physical address in Hamilton County may apply for funding from $25,000 up to $250,000. Nonprofits must provide essential social and family services in Hamilton County including food access, workforce development, substance abuse services, services benefiting senior citizens, and foreclosure prevention.

Included in the $5.5 million in nonprofit grants, Hamilton County is setting aside $500,000 specifically for nonprofit organizations that provide domestic violence supportive services. 

To apply and learn more about the program click here.

The second round of the Hamilton County CARES Small Business Relief Program is expected to launch next week. More details on eligibility are forthcoming.

Follow and track the Hamilton County CARES Act funds on our new dashboard.

Stay safe and healthy!

Hamilton County Administration | 138 East Court Street, Room 603, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Op-Ed: How to Build American Resilience
by Will Marshall, PPI President
For Americans and much of the world, 2020 has been an annus horribilis. To contain the coronavirus pandemic, nations have been forced to order mass quarantines, freezing economic activity and social life. It likely will take decades to calculate the full human, economic and psychic costs of this still-unfolding global calamity.

Few countries have been spared the ravages of COVID-19, but no country has been hit harder than the United States. A quarter of the 20 million people the virus has infected globally are American, and at 165,000, our death toll is by far the world’s largest.

The plague has put the world’s biggest economy on life support. After shrinking by 5 percent in the first quarter of 2020, U.S. output plunged by nearly 10 percent in the second quarter. Since March, more than 42 million Americans have filed for unemployment, and as many as one in six (about 25 million) remain out of full-time work.

Amid this unprecedented public health and economic crisis an old American dilemma – racial injustice – has reared its head. The senseless killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other Black Americans by police has triggered widespread public outrage and sometimes violent protests.
Intensifying all three of these shocks is a catastrophic failure of national leadership. In America’s past tribulations, extraordinary leaders have arisen to steer our republic through the storm. Not this time. President Trump has run the ship of state aground.

His incompetent handling of COVID-19 has prolonged the pandemic and pushed our economy to the brink of collapse. As demonstrations against police brutality and racial discrimination tear at the nation’s social fabric, Trump has displayed a perverse talent for inciting social rancor and pitting Americans against each other. 

Now, with a crucial national election approaching this fall, Trump is trying to deny Americans the right to vote safely at home. He’s falsely crying fraud to undermine public confidence in the legitimacy of our electoral system.

No wonder Americans’ nerves are frayed. The impression grows, here and abroad, that our country is becoming a failed state.

But that’s wrong. The United States remains a resourceful and dynamic country capable of swift course corrections. Time and again, we’ve showed that a free people can bounce back from adversity stronger than before. Now it’s time to reinvent ourselves again.

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Buy Union. Build Power.
Introducing the AFL-CIO’s New Webinar Series on the Union Economy
Join us next week for our first “Buy Union. Build Power.” webinar on personal and commercial finance.
Click here to register for Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 10 a.m. ET (7 a.m. PT).
Click here to register for Thursday, Aug. 20, at 6 p.m. ET (3 p.m. PT).

America’s economy has been rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time of crisis, it’s more important than ever for leaders of the labor movement to have the information we need to make smart decisions for ourselves, our families and our unions.
The AFL-CIO is excited to announce the launch of our new “Buy Union. Build Power.” webinar series featuring our union economy partners.
The series kicks off next week with a webinar on personal and commercial finances. Representatives from Union PlusAmerican Income Life and Bank of Labor will be sharing their expertise to keep us, our families and our unions economically stable during this time.
 Register to Join Next Week’s ‘Buy Union. Build Power.’ Webinar
There will be two opportunities to join the hourlong “Buy Union. Build Power.” webinar on personal and commercial finance.
Register Here: Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 10 a.m. ET (7 a.m. PT)
Register Here: Thursday, Aug. 20, at 6 p.m. ET (3 p.m. PT)
Please share this opportunity with interested colleagues within the labor movement.
Lunch With Your Legislators Today at 11:00 AM
Over the past few months, we have had a number of engaging conversations with experts on a number of topics. We are excited to be back again this week to reconnect with you all and add another great conversation to our growing list. If you have not registered for our upcoming Lunch with your Legislators event yet, the time is now!
I hope you will join us again, this Friday, August 14th, at 11:00 am on Facebook Live and Zoom. This week we are joined by early childhood education advocates to discuss child care challenges in the age of COVID-19. Please sign up here or by clicking the invitation below.

Come enjoy Lunch with your Legislators while we answer your questions and discuss what the future holds for all of us. We work for you and want to make sure we do so in the best way possible.

I hope to see you this week. Please sign up here to enjoy another conversation with your legislators, and be sure to pass this link along as well! As long as we continue to work together and stay strong, I know we can get through this!

Jessica E. Miranda
State Representative, OH-28
38th Annual Labor-Management Conference

Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond

Join us at this year's 38th Annual Labor-Management Conference on "Labor-Management Relations: The Pandemic and Beyond" - but this time in a virtual format. Our panel of experts will discuss their experiences in negotiating and implementing changes to deal with one of the largest labor/management obstacles, the COVID-19 pandemic. They will provide a timely examination of issues that have arose in the immediate aftermath and those that have arisen as employers are allowed to resume business and the new workplace that labor unions are operating within.

The Labor-Management Conference has always focused on finding effective approaches for collaboration and partnerships through education for employers, unions and employees - and this year is no exception! We hope to see you virtually on October 13, 2020 and in-person on May 12, 2021 as we return bigger and better than ever for our 39th Annual Labor-Management Conference.
Stay safe and be well.
Kathy Carnes
Director of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Center
October 13, 2020
11:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. EDT

Delivered in a webinar format with allotted time for questions

Past attendee rate: FREE*

New attendee rate: $20

*Attendance lists from years past will be used to verify free registrations

SHRM Credits Approved
(1.5 hours)

CLE Credits Pending for OH and KY (1.5 hours)

Mark A. Carter is a partner in and chairs the labor practice group out of the Charleston, WV office of Dinsmore, a 650-attorney national law firm. He represents a wide range of employers throughout the country. He also serves by appointment of President Trump as Chair of the Federal Service Impasses Panel (FSIP) and previously served as a Member of the Panel by appointment of President George W. Bush. 
Angie Cowan Hamada is a partner in the Chicago, Illinois law firm Allison Slutsky and Kennedy, where she represents a wide range of labor unions. She also serves as a Commissioner on the Cook County (IL) Commission on Human Rights. She previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee, and is a member of the Board of the Chicago Chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association.
Martin H. Malin is Professor and Director of the Institute for Law and the Workplace at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law in Chicago. He is also an arbitrator and mediator and a former Vice President of the National Academy of Arbitrators. During the Obama Administration, he served as a member of FSIP.
Save the Date: Baltimore Museum of Industry Hosts Webinar on Worker Safety with Maryland AFL-CIO Leaders
The Baltimore Museum of Industry is hosting a webinar discussion next month on worker safety and what unions can do to ensure our members are safe during the pandemic. The webinar, entitled Workplace Matters: Unions + Workers’ Safety During the Pandemic, will feature Maryland State and D.C. AFL-CIO officers, President Donna Edwards (AFSCME) and Secretary-Treasurer Gerald Jackson (UA). Click here to register for this event.
The Advantages of Medicare Advantage Plans
From our Community Partners at RetireMEDiQ
Medicare Advantage (MA) and Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug (MAPD) plans are popular choices for health care coverage because they’re convenient and offer a wide range of extra benefits. Whether you’re approaching 65 and are considering retirement, or you’re already 65 still covered under your employer’s group plan, here’s why people just like you are turning to MA and MAPD plans for their health care needs: READ MORE:
Sterling Research Group Seeking First Responders
for COVID-19 Vaccine Studies
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Sterling Research will be doing COVID-19 vaccine studies locally for first responders. The sooner we get these vaccines studied, the sooner we can help prevent a whole lot of additional, very unfortunate outcomes for a large number of people locally, regionally, nationally and around the world.
There are only 4 vaccines actively in phases II-III right now in the US, so this is a pretty big deal and we can help fight ‘war on COVID-19,’ by stepping up and reaching out to Donna Percy, President, Sterling Research, the person in charge of this study.

If this is something you may be interested in and could potentially help out, contact:

Donna Percy, RN, BSN, CCRP
President, Sterling Research

Cincinnati/Mt Auburn
2230 Auburn Ave 
Level B
Cincinnati, OH 45219

375 Glensprings Dr
2nd Floor
Springdale, OH 45246

While we are not in a position to provide the protocol details, we do understand that of the multiple COVID-19 vaccine studies they are doing, one of them (by Inovio) is specifically recruiting First Responders. So, the inclusion criteria likely includes fire fighters/EMT’s/paramedics, police, maybe nurses, etc. So, who better to centrally help get the word out to potential study volunteers than us?

And thank you for all you do... The nation owes you a tremendous debt of gratitude!

In Unity and Solidarity Forever!

Your Sisters and Brothers at the CLC
Sterling Research Group is seeking participants age 18-85 for COVID-19 vaccine studies. These studies will help determine the safety and efficacy of investigational vaccines intended to protect against SARS-Cov-2 (the coronavirus that causes COVID-19). Eligible participants will receive compensation for participation and do not need health insurance to join.

Download and review the COVID 19 Testing FAQ HERE!

Call (513) 621-5112 for more information or CLICK HERE to have someone contact you. 
COVID - 19 By The Numbers
Global Confirmed

Global Deaths

U.S. Confirmed

U.S. Deaths
Hamilton County


Clermont County


Brown County


Butler County


Warren County


Other Important Headlines:
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