Labor Council
News & Updates
Friday, July 31, 2020
Labor Leads National
Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
The Labor movement continues to lead the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to fight for economic opportunity and social justice for America’s workers.
This is really a make-or-break moment for America. COVID-19 cases are spiking and not slowing down. For 18 consecutive weeks, over 1 million people have filed for unemployment each week, more than doubling the previous record. In a few weeks, some governors will recklessly force students and teachers back into the classroom with no plan, with no concern for safety and with no sense of responsibility. As president of the AFL-CIO, as a grandfather and as an American, it disgusts me.
But what’s giving me hope and what keeps me going is the way our labor movement has responded. A few weeks ago, the HEROES Act was hardly known. We didn't just say we supported it, we didn’t just put out a press release about it and we didn't wait for someone else to do something. That’s not who we are. Instead, we are taking to the streets. We are doing what we do best: organize, mobilize and educate. We are the architects of the HEROES Act, and we built national support for it. America’s labor movement is meeting the moment. This level of energy, this groundswell of action is what we need to build on. Not just on Nov. 3, but for the 95 days until Election Day and beyond.
Watch: Richard Trumka on CNN

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka (UMWA)  joined CNN this morning  to lay out why Senate Majority Leader McConnell's bill does nothing to protect workers across the country. He said that it's imperative to extend unemployment insurance, pass the HEROES Act and put in place an emergency temporary standard to keep front-line workers safe.

Reject the McConnell Proposal and
Pass the HEROES Act
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

After months of sitting on his hands, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has finally released a proposal for COVID-19 relief. The package is called the HEALS Act, but unfortunately this poorly named bill will heal nothing and will only hurt working people and our families.

The relief package proposed by McConnell on July 27 is $2 trillion short and 73 days late. The bill drastically reduces the $600 in weekly unemployment benefits that thousands of America’s families are relying on right now. While the HEROES Act requires an emergency OSHA standard, McConnell’s proposal does nothing to keep workers safe and instead only protects corporations from liability. And during a time when millions of working people are without a job, health care or retirement security, the package also includes a bill from Sen. Mitt Romney that fast-tracks Social Security and Medicare cuts.

Time is running out. The McConnell proposal doesn’t cut it. The Senate must pass the HEROES Act.  America is depending on it.

Thank you for all you do.

In Solidarity,
Tim Burga, President
AFT President Randi Weingarten Disappointed in COVID-19 Relief Proposal
WASHINGTON—American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten issued the following statement after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others unveiled highlights of the Republican proposal for the latest coronavirus economic relief package:
“Time is running out. The initial COVID-19 relief protections against eviction and the enhanced unemployment benefits either have expired or will expire soon. And states and schools don’t have the resources to reopen safely, even in places where the virus is contained. Unfortunately, this offer is not better late than never—it’s just late. 
“The relief McConnell has offered doesn’t match the scale of this crisis. The funds proposed for K-12 public schools, colleges and universities are woefully inadequate given the expenses schools will face to reopen safely, expenses for things like additional staff, infrastructure improvements, personal protective equipment and cleaning. It also falls dramatically short by ignoring what schools actually need to reopen safely and, instead, prioritizes the president’s political agenda, tying the funding to in-person instruction and pushing for private school vouchers. Moreover, it includes no new funding to help states, cities and towns recovering from cratering tax revenues—in contrast to the more than $1 trillion offered in the House-passed HEROES Act. Without some federal aid for state and local budgets, we can expect millions more layoffs, and devastating cuts to the very programs families are relying on, including food assistance, unemployment and healthcare. 
“To rub salt in the wound, while this proposal includes no protections for workers on the frontlines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, it does include a nice bailout for corporations and other employers to limit their liability if employees get sick on the job. If McConnell claims to be doing what’s best for the majority of people in this country, he and his colleagues sure have a strange way of showing it. This bill falls far short of what’s necessary to help regular people come out the other side of this crisis.”
Follow AFT President Randi Weingarten:

AFGE Coronavirus Updates You Need To Know
AFGE has been steadfast in its push for immediate action to help protect our members and the public we serve. In this week's newsletter we've included important updates in our fight for the health and safety of government employees.


AFGE calls on the Senate to pass legislation to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency and provide essential workplace protections and benefits for federal employees. AFGE members are working on the front lines to protect and serve the American public during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further legislation is needed to ensure the health and safety of the federal workforce whose jobs are vital to protecting the American public.

AFGE urges the Senate to bring H.R. 6800, the “Helping Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act,” to the floor for a vote with provisions included in the bill to help ensure federal workers can safely and effectively perform their jobs on behalf of the American public during the current pandemic. Such legislation must prevent the furlough of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Employees.


Slaughterhouses and processing plants have failed miserably to protect workers from the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus. This has resulted in more than 32,000 workers testing positive for the virus and over 120 workers and 4 inspectors having died from COVID-19. Now they want to increase line speeds, posing greater risk to food inspectors and other workers.
We need lawmakers to co-sponsor H.R. 7251, the Safe Line Speeds in COVID-19 Act.This bill, introduced by Congresswoman Fudge (D-OH), would protect workers, animals, and consumers from the dangers posed by higher line speeds in poultry, pig and cattle slaughter and processing plants. This bill would prohibit meat processing and slaughter facilities from operating at dangerously high speeds that prevent social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please regularly check  to view important coronavirus updates.

Note:  Information on this site is not intended to substitute for actual medical care or professional medical advice. If you believe you are, or may be ill, contact your primary care health provider immediately. Information on this website may change as the situation/recommendations/resources evolve. Please check back frequently.


Dr. Everett Kelley
AFGE National President
Veterans Call on Senate to Pass $1 Trillion for States, Cities, Towns and Schools
Veterans to call on Senate to pass $1 trillion in aid to states, cities, towns and schools

Congressman Jason Crow, Union Veteran’s Council Executive Director William Attig and veteran front-line public service workers from Alaska and Florida to warn that without immediate federal aid veterans’ jobs and the public services they rely on will be on the chopping block

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Unless the Senate delivers $1 trillion dollars in aid to states, cities, towns and schools to address massive budget shortfalls caused by the coronavirus, our nation’s veterans could face significant job loss and see cuts to public services they depend on such as access to health care through Medicaid.

13% of all  veterans work for state and local governments  according to the Economic Policy Institute, making state and local government workers more likely to be veterans than workers in the private sector. Already 1.6 million public sector jobs have been lost since the pandemic began, nearly three times more than the entire Great Recession. Unless the Senate acts soon, the everyday heroes who have served our country and who continue to risk their lives to keep our communities safe, healthy and strong will be thanked with pink slips.  

American voters  overwhelmingly approve of significant federal funding for states, cities and towns  to overcome the devastating economic effects of the coronavirus on the economy and essential public services. Economists also agree that state and local aid is a smart investment, projecting that every dollar spent protecting public services  will yield $1.70 in additional GDP . The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has also  called on the Senate  to urgently pass state and local aid to prevent massive layoffs and cuts to vital public services.

WHO:  Congressman Jason Crow (D-CO), Iraq and Afghanistan veteran
           William Attig, Union Veteran’s Council Executive Director
           Dawn Bundick, Investigator for the Alaska Department of Corporations,
           Business and Professional Licensing and United States Navy Reserves veteran
           Chris Woloscuk, Fire and Rescue Service Technician at the Jacksonville Fire and 
           Rescue Department, in Jacksonville, Florida. United States Air Force Veteran

WHAT:  Media call on urgent need for state and local aid to protect veteran jobs and essential public services

WHEN:  Friday, July 31 at 11:00 a.m. ET

PHONE NUMBER: 877-242-2872

For more information, please contact Josh Cohen at .


About Union Veterans Council
The Union Veterans Council brings working-class veterans together to speak out on the issues
that impact us most, especially the need for good jobs and a strong, fully funded and staffed VA.
Additionally, we hold private enterprise and elected officials accountable for their words and
actions. We believe wholeheartedly that the ability for someone to self-identify as “pro-
veteran” isn’t determined by what lapel pin they don or what catchphrase they employ;
veterans face real issues that require real actions—constructive actions that lead to positive

At the Union Veterans Council, we fight every day for those who have fought for us.

William (Will) Attig
Executive Director Union Veterans Council AFL-CIO
Office 202-637-5233
Cell 202-251-6773
Kentucky AFL-CIO President Discusses Importance of the HEROES Act
President Bill Londrigan (IUEC) of the Kentucky State AFL-CIO appeared on Facebook Live on Monday to talk about the HEROES Act with the Mitch McConnell Retirement Committee. “The purpose and value of the labor movement can’t be more evident right now on efforts like passing the HEROES Act. The labor movement has been leading the charge for the HEROES Act. The HEROES Act incorporates many of the elements of  America’s Five Economic Essentials  for having a good economy during the pandemic,” Londrigan said. “It is one of the most far-reaching, important and necessary pieces of legislation that we have ever seen.” He contrasted the HEROES Act with the inadequate McConnell proposal.  Fast forward to 29:30 to watch the full interview  with President Londrigan.
EBoard and Delegate Meetings Next Week!
The Voter Suppression Playbook
An Online Screening and Panel Discussion
Of the Multiple Award Winning Documentary

RIGGED: The Voter Suppression Playbook

With the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council &
Faith Community Alliance

In collaboration with
American Issues Initiative

Aug. 13 th  @ 7 PM
Watch The Trailer NOW
  • RIGGED: The Voter Suppression Playbook is an award-winning documentary that exposes the nefarious tactics used to suppress the vote and serves to spark discussion on the actions needed to protect our democracy.
  • Shot principally during the 2016 election, the film tracks a systematic, decade-long effort to reverse the impact of the growing demographic tide of non-white and younger voters who helped elect President Barack Obama in 2008.
  • RIGGED details a variety of voter suppression “plays,” or tactics, ranging from the purging of voting rolls and passing of new, restrictive voter ID laws to gerrymandering and voter intimidation.
  • The film includes revealing interviews with Republican strategists detailing how the voter suppression game is played as well as cogent insights from leading voting rights advocates, law professors and Democratic strategists. It is narrated by Tony & Emmy award-winning actor, Jeffrey Wright. 
Join us for this exclusive screening of Rigged with a panel discussion on the topic of: Democracy in the time of COVID-19. This screening will be presented via Zoom Webinar. Registration is required and the Zoom Event link will be emailed to all RSVPs 48 hours in advance of the screening.
Have you been purged?

Between 2016 and 2018, over 17 million names were purged from voter rolls across the United States.

The 2020 election is less than six months away.

Is your registration safe?

Not yet registered to vote?
Special thanks to American Issues Initiative for making this screening possible. The American Issues Initiative has a simple charge: to inform and educate the American public about the pressing issues of our day – from criminal justice to education to the challenges of maintaining the vibrancy of our democracy.

The Initiative will seek to maintain a narrow, laser focus – tackling one critical issue at a time. But equally important is to give voice to viable solutions, ones that we believe will make America a better, fairer place for Americans of every race, creed and sex.

To tell our story, America’s story, we paint on a broad canvas utilizing every content platform: film, video, the web and social media.
Better Call Paul!
Get your Team Registered
For the 2020
Cincinnati Labor Council
Golf Tournament!
There's still room for a few more teams and there are Hole Sponsorships and other opportunities for you to participate and support the CLC at the 33rd annual Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council Golf Tournament.
Give Paul a call: 513-421-1846 x2,

Paul is waiting to hear from you!
Lunch With Your Legislators
Over the past few months, we have had a number of engaging conversations with experts on a number of topics. We are excited to be back this week to reconnect with you all and add another great conversation to our growing list. If you have not registered for our upcoming Lunch with your Legislators event yet, the time is now!
I hope you will join us again,  this Friday, July 31st, at 11:00 am  on Facebook Live and Zoom. This week we are joined by policy experts and advocates for higher education to discuss  how we tackle the student debt crisis . Please  sign up here   or by clicking the invitation below.

Come enjoy Lunch with your Legislators while we answer your questions and discuss what the future holds for all of us. We work for you and want to make sure we do so in the best way possible.

I hope we see you this week. Please  sign up here   to enjoy another conversation with your legislators, and be sure to pass this link along as well! As long as we continue to work together and stay strong, I know we can get through this!


Jessica E. Miranda
State Representative, OH-28
From Our Friends and Community Partners at
Cincinnati Cares
BoardConnect Event
Hundreds of Cincinnati area
nonprofits are looking for board members. Start the process of becoming one on August 12
A local technology platform and virtual connecting event
make it easy for leaders to find the right fit

CINCINNATI, Ohio -- Ready to make a difference in the lives of thousands? Start now, by beginning the process of finding the right nonprofit organization to serve as a board member.

Cincinnati Cares, the region’s only online guide to what active nonprofits need now, makes it easy for volunteer leaders to find their right fit, beginning with an Aug. 12 virtual connecting event. Cincinnati Cares operates a technology platform aimed at creating WIDER nonprofit boards -- that is, welcoming, inclusive, diverse, equitable and representative. More than 200 nonprofits are using the platform to identify and connect with 500-plus board candidates. A virtual event planned for Aug. 12 from 5-6:30 p.m. will speed the process.

Board candidates must register and complete a profile by Aug. 7. Nonprofits interested in connecting with candidates must register by July 31. Here are links with more information for each:
Cincinnati Cares, 1776 Mentor Avenue Suite 200, Norwood OH, 4521
From Our Friends and Community Partners at United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Something Incredible Happened
Dear United Way friends,

Something incredible happened for our organization Friday.

Cincinnati spoken-word artist Siri Imani released a  powerful video  speaking to how United Way of Greater Cincinnati helps her and our region to thrive. 

Her words speak to how the united way is  the way  to solve deep-rooted community problems.
“Like every individual star it takes to light up the sky in the thick of the dark, like every individual brush stroke that led to a beautiful piece of art, like every vein that maintains a heart, united and stuck together we are,” she says in the video. “At the end of the day, the only way is the united way.”

Imani recently received one of our 29 Black Empowerment Works grants to support a workforce/community gardens project. She sings about it in the video – “The United Way is how my community will have a garden and my children will know ownership.”

Her piece details why every dollar provided to United Way is amplified, producing better results than any one entity because we convene resources and develop replicable solutions. 

Imani, also known for her work with Triiibe, ends the piece with words of wisdom.

“If we decide as a community we don’t like what we see, we must fight,” she says. “For a tribe like mine, we choose to do it united.” 

Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati

P.S.  There’s still time to create notes of encouragement for local older adults. We will continue this effort until we reach our goal of 15,000 notes.  Learn more .
COVID 19 By The Numbers
From  Johns Hopkins University  (as of publication time):
  • More than 17 million global cases and more than 660,000 deaths have been confirmed.
  • The coronavirus has spread to at least 188 countries/regions.
  • There have been at least 150,000 deaths in the United States.
  • More than 4.4 million cases in all 50 states, U.S. territories and Washington, D.C., have been reported.
As of Thursday, July 30, 2020, 2:00 PM

  • 89,626 total positive cases. There were 1,733 new cases in the past 24-hours, the highest number of new cases in one day since the beginning of the pandemic.
  • 3,442 deaths.
  • 10,678 hospitalizations and 2,534 ICU admissions.
As a reminder, Ohio's statewide mask order is effect, having begun last week, July 23, 6:00 PM. The graphic below shows eight counties that have moved into Level 3/"Red." Regardless of the advisory level for the county you live in, masks are now required while in public.
Hardship Assistance and Relief Funds

  • Participants in the Union Plus Mortgage, Credit Card, Personal Loan, or supplemental insurance programs may be eligible for additional hardship assistance. Visit Union Plus Hardship Help for eligibility requirements.

Take Action!
Other Important Headlines:
In an effort to better serve you by doing our part to minimize the amount of email we send and you receive, we've included in this single email the best information we have received this week on issues of importance to all of us. If you have information you would like included in future distributions, please send it to:

Brian D. Griffin | Director of Communication & Technology
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council | 513.421.1846 Office | 513.608.0033 Cell |