Labor Council
News & Updates
Friday, July 17, 2020
A Statement from AFL-CIO President Trumka
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to upend our lives and our economy. As America’s labor movement, we must urgently address the public health crisis and the economic damage it’s causing. This crisis shows that we cannot have a healthy economy without a healthy workforce. For too many of us still working on the front lines of this pandemic, simply going to work could mean getting sick or even losing our lives. Millions of workers are still unemployed as this pandemic has ripped across our country. Workers are among the hardest hit, and our senators must act with urgency to pass the HEROES Act, which will put our country on the path to recovery.

Teachers and school staff care deeply about students’ success. School staff work hard year-round to make sure their students are doing well—not just academically, but physically and emotionally as well. Many children and young people have suffered trauma during these challenging times. For the politicians who are advocating to carelessly reopen schools, the needs of students are a mere afterthought. The labor movement will always stand on the side of students, and their well-being is the highest priority for educators and those who work in our schools. Students are our future and we cannot let them down.
Pres. Burga: Biden's “BUILD BACK BETTER” Plan is Worth Fighting For!
Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

Vice President Biden’s Jobs and Economic plan called “Build Back Better” is exactly what we need. We support this plan because it puts our working people first through concrete policies and actions that will make Made in America and Buy American a reality and not just an empty slogan.

The plan that VP Biden laid out is an investment in us, to get us back to work, grow our wages, improve our health care and protect our retirement income. And, he knows every region of the state, whether you live in a big city or small town you deserve a real shot at the American dream. This is what real leadership looks like and this is a vision and a plan worth fighting for and that’s exactly what we will do.

I had joined Senator Sherrod Brown along with AFSCME retiree Jaladah Aslam and United Steelworker Local 979 President Dan Boone to talk about how this plan will put tens of thousands of Ohioans to work in good-paying jobs.

The Biden plan will mobilize the American people in service of four bold, national efforts to address four great national challenges. As President, Biden will:

  1. Mobilize American manufacturing and innovation to ensure that the future is made in America, and in all of America. We’ve seen the importance of bringing home critical supply chains so that we aren’t dependent on other countries in future crises. But Biden believes we can’t stop there — he is releasing a plan today to build a strong industrial base and small-business-led supply chains to retain and create millions of good-paying union jobs in manufacturing and technology across the country.
  2. Mobilize American ingenuity to build a modern infrastructure and an equitable, clean energy future. We’ve seen the need for a more resilient economy for the long-term, and that means investing in a modern, sustainable infrastructure and sustainable engines of growth — from roads and bridges, to energy grids and schools, to universal broadband. Biden will soon release updated proposals to meet the climate crisis, build a clean energy economy, address environmental injustice, and create millions of good-paying union jobs.
  3. Mobilize American talent and heart to build a 21st century caregiving and education workforce which will help ease the burden of care for working parents, especially women. We’ve seen in this pandemic the immense burdens working parents, and especially women, carry in juggling their jobs and their caregiving responsibilities. We’ve learned anew how hard this work is, and how underappreciated those who do it are. Joe Biden will soon announce a plan to make it far easier to afford child care and to ensure aging relatives and people with disabilities have better access to home and community-based care; to elevate the pay, benefits, and professional opportunities for caregivers and educators; to create millions of good-paying new jobs in these areas with a choice to join a union; and to free up millions of people to join the labor force and grow a stronger economy in return. 
  4. Mobilize across the board to advance racial equity in America. We’ve seen again this year the tragic costs of systemic racism. Biden believes that addressing those costs has to be core to every part of the economic agenda, and also a distinct priority in its own right. As President, he will pursue a dedicated agenda to close the racial wealth gap, to expand affordable housing, to invest in Black, Latino, and Native American entrepreneurs and communities, to advance policing and criminal justice reform, and to make real the promise of educational opportunity regardless of race or zip code. 

Click here to read the details of the plan  and join us in helping ensure this plan is enacted by voting this November.
In Solidarity,

Tim Burga,
President, Ohio AFL-CIO
Tell the Senate:
Get to Work and Pass the HEROES Act!
It’s hard to believe. Coronavirus cases and unemployment numbers are climbing, but Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sent the Senate home without debating the HEROES Act, the next coronavirus economic relief package.

The House passed the HEROES Act on May 15. Yet for two months, the Senate has not brought this critical legislation to the floor, nor has it proposed an alternative solution. The number of people who have been infected with COVID-19 has exponentially increased in nearly every state, and millions of Americans have been left unemployed through no fault of their own. 

The HEROES Act was designed to save lives and livelihoods. Without action, working people are going to continue to get sick on the job and/or lose their jobs. It has become clear that uncoordinated piecemeal actions will not stop the spread, save the economy or lead the economy. The importance of a federal response cannot be overstated.

In Solidarity, 

Better Call Paul!
To Get your Team Registered for the 2020
Cincinnati Labor Council Golf Tournament!
There's still room for a few more teams and there are Hole Sponsorships and other opportunities for you to participate and support the CLC at the 33rd annual Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council Golf Tournament.
Give Paul a call: 513-421-1846 x2,

Paul is waiting to hear from you!
Labor Day Picnic Tradition
Canceled Due to Corona Virus
First Time in 35 Years
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

Every year at this time starting back around 1985, the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council sends out its annual Labor Day Picnic/Coney Island invitation to our union affiliates, their members and working families, and to our Friends of Labor. We would all be preparing for one of the largest, most recognized Labor-sponsored Labor Day picnics in the country, hosting speakers including Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Al Gore, and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown.  

Unfortunately, as you know, 2020 isn’t a normal year and we are not living in ordinary times. As a Labor movement, and as a nation, we are facing difficult challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, a national economic collapse, and a game-changing racial/social justice activism movement unlike anything we’ve experienced in decades. We are also preparing for one of the biggest, most important elections in our lifetimes, with opportunities to elect pro-Union, pro-working family candidates to our courts, to county and state government offices, and to the U.S. Congress and Presidency of the United States.

For the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council and our union affiliates, our highest priority is the health, well-being and safety of our union members and their families. After full consideration of all options, we have decided not to hold our annual Labor Day picnic at Coney Island this year. 

This decision is not an easy one. Our Labor Day Picnic is the biggest annual fundraising event for the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council. However, we believe it serves the health and best interests of our local affiliates, union families and friends of Labor. 

So, what can we do now? The funds that are generated each year from this historic event help run our daily operations and Labor programs, maintain our office and communication tools, fairly compensate our dedicated staff, and helps to progressively move forward our Labor movement/agenda in the greater Cincinnati area. As our labor affiliates/partners and Friends of Labor, we respectfully request that your organization consider making a one-time Labor Day donation to the Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council to make certain that we are able to continue doing the good work for you, the working women and men of Greater Cincinnati.

We thank you for your leadership, your activism/dedication to the Labor movement, and your consideration of the above request. We will continue to stand with you, fight for your union and member’s rights, and social/racial/economic justice for all working families, in Cincinnati and throughout our great nation!

Solidarity Forever, in U and I . . .
Bill Froehle, President
Peter McLinden, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Labor Helps Defeat Attempts to Deport International Students
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages across large parts of America, international students are now being  threatened with deportation  or having their student visas withheld if they are unable to attend in-person classes in the fall. Earlier today, the AFL-CIO held a webinar to connect affiliates that represent graduate student workers and develop strategies to fight against this new rule from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Communications Workers of America (CWA), the UAW and SEIU filed an  amicus brief in support  of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s motion for a preliminary injunction in the District Court of Massachusetts.  More than 200 colleges and universities  are also supporting the lawsuit to prevent this new immigration rule for students from going into effect. It was announced this afternoon that the Trump administration has  rescinded this policy .
Day of Action to Save the U.S. Postal Service?
July 23rd - 10,000 calls In One Day!
Dear Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

Our movement is growing. Together we can save the Post Office and convince lawmakers to do their jobs!

Multiple bills have been introduced that would provide $25 billion in COVID-19 related relief for the Postal Service.

We are planning to put in 10,000 calls to Congress on July 23 – the week the Senate returns to work. Will you join us for a critical call-in day of action?

This is going to be a hard fight. When Senators get back from recess, they need to hear from us – from thousands of us.

That’s why we really need you to join us on the call in day of action.

In Solidarity,
U.S. Mail Not For Sale

US Mail Not For Sale
1300 L Street
Washington, DC 20005
Lunch With Your Legislators 11:00 AM Today
Dear Friends,

Over the past few months, we have had a number of engaging conversations with experts on a number of topics. We are excited to be back this week to reconnect with you all and add another great conversation to our growing list. If you have not registered for our upcoming Lunch with your Legislators event yet, the time is now!
I hope you will join us again,  this morning, Friday, July 17th, at 11:00 am  on Facebook Live and Zoom. This week we are joined by community organizers across Cincinnati to discuss  how we can turn protests into policy . Please  sign up here  or by clicking the invitation below.
Come enjoy Lunch with your Legislators while we answer your questions and discuss what the future holds for all of us. We work for you and want to make sure we do so in the best way possible.

I hope to see you this week. Please  sign up here  to enjoy another conversation with your legislators. As long as we continue to work together and stay strong, I know we can get through this!


Jessica E. Miranda
State Representative, OH-28
From Our Friends and Partners At
Cincinnati Cares
BoardConnect Event
Hundreds of Cincinnati area
nonprofits are looking for board members. Start the process of becoming one on Aug. 12
A local technology platform and virtual connecting event
make it easy for leaders to find the right fit

CINCINNATI, Ohio -- Ready to make a difference in the lives of thousands? Start now, by beginning the process of finding the right nonprofit organization to serve as a board member.

Cincinnati Cares, the region’s only online guide to what active nonprofits need now, makes it easy for volunteer leaders to find their right fit, beginning with an Aug. 12 virtual connecting event. Cincinnati Cares operates a technology platform aimed at creating WIDER nonprofit boards -- that is, welcoming, inclusive, diverse, equitable and representative. More than 200 nonprofits are using the platform to identify and connect with 500-plus board candidates. A virtual event planned for Aug. 12 from 5-6:30 p.m. will speed the process.

Board candidates must register and complete a profile by Aug. 7. Nonprofits interested in connecting with candidates must register by July 31. Here are links with more information for each:
Cincinnati Cares, 1776 Mentor Avenue Suite 200, Norwood OH, 4521
From Our Friends and Partners At UWGC
Ways to Volunteer
Dear United Way friends,

We are fortunate to have tens of thousands across Greater Cincinnati who support the community-changing work we do in our community. Some of them, and others, see United Way of Greater Cincinnati as a hub providing access to volunteer activities.

We are in the midst of our  Notes of Encouragement campaign , a volunteer effort to deliver 15,000 notes of encouragement to isolated older adults across our community. I hope you will join in that effort. But did you know countless volunteer opportunities are listed on our  Volunteer Connection website , including many related to COVID-19 relief effort?
Right now, there are opportunities to sew masks, cook a meal, become a guardian for a senior citizen or an advocate for an abused child, among many others. You can also volunteer “virtually” from home as a mentor for youth, by reading to individuals who are blind or visually impaired, or by collecting food, cleaning supplies or other items. Volunteers can also prepare, pack or deliver meals to older home bound adults.

Please check out all the opportunities with  Volunteer Connection . United Way of Greater Cincinnati considers voluntarism integral to its mission. United is the way to volunteer opportunities that change our community for the better. 

Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
COVID 19 By The Numbers
From  Johns Hopkins University  (as of publication time):
  • More than 13.6 million global cases and more than 580,000 deaths have been confirmed.
  • The coronavirus has spread to at least 188 countries/regions.
  • There have been at least 137,000 deaths in the United States.
  • More than 3.5 million cases in all 50 states, U.S. territories and Washington, D.C., have been reported.
COVID 19 Resources
Take Action!
Other Important Headlines:
In an effort to better serve you, we've adopted a new approach to information dissemination. We've included in this single email the best information we have received recently on issues of importance to all of us. If you have information you would like included in future distributions, please send it to:

Brian D. Griffin | Director of Communication & Technology
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council | 513.421.1846 Office | 513.608.0033 Cell |