Labor Council
News & Updates
Friday, June 26, 2020
A Victory for All Working People
In response to the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse the termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka issued the following statement:

Today’s Supreme Court’s decision on DACA is a victory for all working people and a testament to the tenacity and vision of immigrant youth whose leadership made it possible. For years, hardworking Dreamers, and their families and supporters, have fought for the simple right to live and work without fear in our country. With this decision, the Supreme Court allowed working people to move forward with our fight to bring equal rights and protections to all workers, regardless of our race or place of birth.

President Trump’s 2017 decision to end DACA was cruel and wrong, and that injustice now has been undone—but only temporarily. We know that this is but one step in our long fight to win permanent rights and status for all those whose labor helps our country to prosper. Together, we will continue our struggle to end structural discrimination and demand changes to a system rigged to benefit the wealthiest and corporations.

Our entire workforce has benefited from DACA, and those benefits will now continue. This program helps to raise wages, support a stable workforce and reduce exploitation in our country. The lessons of DACA make clear that the right way to protect workers is by expanding rights and protections, rather than ramping up enforcement tactics that spread fear in our workplaces and communities. Dreamers’ contributions have been vital for this nation, including on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, and America’s unions will continue to stand proudly with them in the struggle for justice by working to secure long overdue immigration reforms.
Contact: Gonzalo Salvador (202) 637-5018
Promoting Workers’ Rights Around the World
AFL-CIO Executive Council Adopts Three Statements That Promote Workers’ Rights Around the Globe. 
The AFL-CIO Executive Council adopted three statements on Friday that promote workers’ rights around the globe. America’s workers stand in solidarity with our sisters, brothers and friends worldwide. We call for the  end of forced labor  in China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. We demand those responsible for the planning of the men’s 2026 FIFA World Cup recognize  the fundamental labor and human rights  of the working people who make the tournament come to life. We call on Congress to end military support for the government of the Philippines until the government guarantees the end of repression  of labor, human rights, environmental and political activists.
Union Members Lead Day of Action
to Save the Postal Service
In cities all across America, thousands of union members, including members of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) and the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), took collective action Tuesday to demand the federal government save the U.S. Postal Service. The nationwide events culminated in a  caravan in Washington, D.C ., where union members delivered millions of petition signatures to the Senate demanding that it pass emergency funding to keep the Postal Service solvent. APWU President Mark Dimondstein said: “The mission of the post office is to bind the country together, and it’s been doing that for centuries. We need to make sure it can continue to do that going forward.”
Sign a Petition to Save the US Postal Service During COVID-19!
June 23 was a day of action where we showed our support for the US Postal Service by making sure it has enough funding to weather the pandemic. Please  click here  to sign the petition to show your support.

The United States Postal Service is America’s favorite federal agency in 2020. Over 90% percent of Americans have a  favorable view of the agency . However, the USPS reported a loss of 4.5 billion in the quarter ending in March, and Reuters reported the U.S. Postal Service finances could be severely damaged over the next 18 months. During COVID-19, advertisers have decided to reduce their physical mail expenses to save on costs. Please note: a post office is funded entirely by its services and postage. We need congressional approval to save the USPS and provide funds to post office workers. Please  click here  to sign a petition to #SaveThePostOffice.

The HEROES Act, the proposed COVID-19 economic and social relief bill, includes provisions to provide postal funding such as:

  • Distributing $25 billion in emergency funding to assist the Postal Service during the pandemic
  • Providing quarterly payments to USPS to cover the difference between postage revenue and USPS operating costs for the duration of the crisis.
  • Requiring postal employees to be treated equally in legislation that authorizes and funds hazard pay for front-line workers.

As of this moment, the HEROES Act has not passed in Congress. Please sign  this petition  to support the HEROES Act to make sure post offices receive funding to weather the pandemic.
Furthermore, our votes may be severely impacted if USPS does not receive adequate funding during the COVID-19 crisis. The USPS is one of the few postal service organizations that provides mail delivery services to rural areas. We need the Post Office to make sure all of our voices at the ballot box are heard.

The HEROES Act would also: make voting by mail accessible for all; require states to provide two weeks of early voting; demand online absentee ballot boxes; and mandate same day registration.

Please assist voters in the ballot process by  clicking here  to ensure the security of our democracy.

Thank you for taking action and supporting USPS and their workforce.
Download and Print The Cincinnati AFL-CIO
Labor Council 2020 Endorsements
Pride at Work Makes First Presidential Endorsement;
Joe Biden for President!
Tuesday night, the Pride at Work National Executive Board took a historic vote to offer its first-ever endorsement for President of the United States. The board voted enthusiastically to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for President in 2020.

Pride at Work Co-President, Shellea Allen, said: “I am so proud to be a part of this dedicated and thoughtful team of LGBTQ labor leaders, especially as we make history by offering our first endorsement for President. Donald Trump is an unmitigated disaster for working people, for LGBTQ people, for immigrants, for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, for women, and for the world. These unprecedented times require extraordinary action and today, we’re taking ourselves off the sidelines and going all-in for Joe!”

Pride at Work Co-President, Gabe González, said: “Working people know they have a friend in Joe. And I believe the LGBTQ community does, too. Donald Trump’s repeated failures for working people have led to the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and it will take strong and dedicated leadership to get us back on track. Joe Biden’s leadership is exactly what we need to put people back to work and get our economy moving again. I know Joe Biden will be the most pro-worker and pro-LGBTQ president of my lifetime.”

Pride at Work Executive Director, Jerame Davis, said: “Pride at Work took this historic step to endorse Vice President Biden because we know he’s someone we can hold accountable to his promises. Joe Biden has possibly the most progressive and transformational platform for LGBTQ equality of any presidential candidate in history. His priorities are our priorities and we believe that he will fulfill his promises to lift up marginalized communities and working people. And if he doesn’t, we’ll be there to hold him to account, just like we did when we believed President Obama wasn’t living up to his word.”

Joe Biden’s  Plan to Advance LGBTQ+ Equality in America and Around the World  is a comprehensive and considered vision for achieving greater equality for LGBTQ people. In his plan, Vice President Biden lays out a vision that not only reverses the damage done by Donald Trump, but pushes the country forward with new regulations and laws that will help level the playing field for the LGBTQ community.

The Vice President’s  Plan for Strengthening Worker Organizing, Collective Bargaining, and Unions  goes a long way toward righting the wrongs of the past. From checking the abuse of corporate power to making it easier for workers to join and form a union, Joe Biden’s plan will empower working people and help ensure every worker can sustain a family, have access to healthcare, and retire with dignity.

Pride at Work will fight hard every day between now and election day to elect Joe Biden. We encourage everyone in the LGBTQ community - and, indeed all working people - to register to vote and make your voice heard on November 3rd.

Paid for by Pride at Work. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s agent or committee.
NLRB Kicks Union Again!
Rules limiting employee discussion on forming unions historically have been a tricky area for employers to navigate legally. However, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently made the significant ruling that companies generally can prohibit employees from encouraging coworkers to support unionization during working time.

At issue in the case was an employee who was disciplined for talking about a union election with an on-duty employee, a conversation which lasted several minutes. The employer had a policy that generally prohibited employees from soliciting union support or distributing union-related materials during working time or in work areas. 
Supremes Forbid Job Discrimination on
Basis of Sexual Orientation 
The Supreme Court ruled Monday that existing federal law forbids job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or transgender status, a major victory for advocates of gay rights and for the nascent transgender rights movement.
Say "Thank you" to our Amazing Bus Drivers

Say thank you to our amazing bus drivers!

Hold signs and balloons to thank our Metro operators on Tuesday, July 7 at Government Square!

With appropriate social distancing, we'll catch each of the 52 buses scheduled between noon - 1 pm. 

Sign up at the link -  Appreciation Day

Metro operators and staff have been at increased risk of COVID-19 throughout the pandemic and we want to show our support for their public service.

When: Tuesday, July 7 between noon - 1 pm
Where: Government Square (5th and Walnut)

Join our virtual weekly meeting

We meet every Wednesday at 5:30 pm.

Here is the link via  Zoom . Please email  if you have any questions. 
NIEHS WTP: Minimizing Workplace Exposures through Design and Engineering Controls
NIEHS WTP: Minimizing Workplace Exposures through Design and Engineering Controls

Wednesday, July 1, 2020
1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EDT

OR call the number below and enter the access code.
Access code: 126 573 5364
Event password: 6p9dKA2SM5m

This webinar will feature a panel of speakers discussing how occupational exposures to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 can be prevented through building, workplace, and job design using engineering controls such as architectural features, physical barriers, local and general dilution ventilation, directional airflow, ultraviolet radiation, and filtration.

Much of the focus on worker protection from SARS CoV-2 has been on the use of PPE and respiratory protection. This session will provide perspective on how the industrial hygiene hierarchy of controls can be applied in selecting a combination of controls to provide effective protection to workers and thereby reducing reliance on PPE and respirators in non-healthcare and institutional settings.

  • Lisa M Brosseau, ScD, CIH, Professor (retired, University of Illinois Chicago), Research Consultant, University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy
  • Duane Hammond, MS, PE, NIOSH Division of Field Studies and Engineering
  • Jonathan Bach, PE, CIH, CSP, NIOSH Division of Science Integration
  • Andrew Harte, AIA, A359 Partners in Architecture
  • Brian Sherlock, Amalgamated Transit Union
  • Andrew Comai, MS, United Auto Workers

REGISTER NOW and add the confirmation to your calendar. 
Deborah Weinstock
Director, National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety & Health Training
Operated by MDB, Inc.
Lunch With Your Legislators Today at 11:00 AM
If it's Friday, it's Lunch with Your Legislators!

You DO NOT want to miss our panel this week - Chandra Yungbluth from the City of Cincinnati and Katy Shanahan from All On The Line - OH. We're talking all things census - how to get counted, what an accurate count means for the next TEN YEARS, and what it means for fair districts and gerrymandering.
Register and submit questions here:

#WeWorkForYou  — with  Sedrick Denson Cathy Ingram , Brigid Kelly and Jessica Miranda
UWGC: 15,000 Notes to Seniors
Dear United Way friends,

As a community and organization, we are working to understand how COVID-19 is impacting individuals and families, particularly their ability to connect with services and one another. More than 20% of our neighbors are adults aged 60 or older. That’s almost half a million people! These changing conditions are holding older adults back from engaging in everyday activities that help them stay connected to friends, family and the community. 

We partner with several organizations across the region to support seniors. Social services such as home-delivered meals and wellness support play an important role in providing connections to older adults who often don’t have outside friends or family. Fortunately, by uniting together, we can all be part of the solution!
So, we launch this year’s Day of Action effort –   United4Neighbors: Notes of Encouragement . This effort focuses on providing notes of encouragement to 15,000 local seniors. Additionally, given the state of our nation and the world, we encourage you to share a note with your family and friends! Being connected to others enables us to thrive, and during a time when many feel disconnected and divided, social connection is something United Way can encourage and facilitate as a means of bringing people together.
Join me in this effort by  writing your own notes of encouragement to a senior today . United is  the way  we will get through this! 


Moira Weir
United Way of Greater Cincinnati
Is Medicare a Better Health Insurance Option?
 As we all evaluate our healthcare costs during the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, older workers sometimes find that Medicare may be a better health insurance option.

There are several factors that you need to consider including Premiums and Deductibles, Health Factors, the type of Group Insurance plan and Coverage for Dependents.

Many Medicare plans offer:

·         Low or No Monthly Premiums
·         Low or No Co-Pays for Services
·         Low or No Deductibles

The Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council Has partnered with RetireMEDiQ, a trusted, local Medicare Advisor, to provide information to our Members in the Cincinnati area. Please join us for a virtual Medicare information session, “ Navigating Medicare and Your Retirement Healthcare Costs .”  

This presentation will cover the basics of Medicare, health care costs to consider before retiring and explain the RetireMEDiQ Program, which includes instant access to the personalized MyiQ Newsletter, access to health plans and lifelong support at no cost to you!

If you have questions about retirement health insurance, are considering retirement, new to Medicare or working past age 65 this meeting will provide valuable information as you plan for your future.

Date:  Wednesday July 15,2020
Time: 6:00 – 7;00 PM

To register, please click HERE!

Upon registration you will receive the link to join the meeting and the option to add the meeting to your calendar. 

If you have questions regarding this meeting, please contact Kevin Lowden at RetireMEDiQ - 937-281-2281.
Action Alert: Gain New Skills with the AFL-CIO’s Digital Communications Trainings
The coronavirus pandemic has changed how we communicate with our members and the wider public. The AFL-CIO is hosting two training sessions for you to boost your digital communications skills.
Video Tools and Processes: Zoom Videos, Interviews and Editing

Friday, June 26, at 1 p.m. ET with Mike Kleinfeld (IBEW), AFL-CIO Senior Producer

This training will show how to use Zoom as a recording platform and go over its function as a tool to make videos. It also will focus on interview techniques, basic concept development that works well with Zoom and editing techniques.  Register here .
Making a Podcast: How to Interview and Record Remotely

Monday, June 29, at 1 p.m. ET with Kenneth Quinnell (TNG-CWA), AFL-CIO Senior Writer, Website/Blog

Even if you don't have a studio and expensive equipment, you can record podcasts and interviews from anywhere. This training session will offer strategies and tips for recording over the phone, online and via Zoom even if you have little technical expertise and don't have a big budget.  Register here .
Eula Bingham
Champion of Worker Safety Dies at 90
Eula Bingham, a toxicologist who energized the Occupational Safety and Health Administration as its director and set stringent standards to protect workers from hazardous materials, died on June 13 in Cincinnati. She was 90.

She was nearing completion of chemotherapy treatments for cancer when she suffered a pulmonary embolism and cardiac collapse and died in a hospital, her daughter Martha Mattheis said.

Dr. Bingham was appointed director of OSHA by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. During her tenure the agency adopted more regulatory standards on harmful chemicals — including benzene, cotton dust and lead — than any previous administration had and more than most have since.

Under so-called right-to-know regulations, employers had to inform workers about any hazardous chemicals they were working with, and manufacturers had to list those chemicals on containers. Dr. Bingham was forced to fend off lawsuits by companies that did not want to disclose such information.
COVID-19 in Numbers
From  Johns Hopkins University  (as of publication time):
  • Nearly 8.4 million global cases and nearly 450,000 deaths have been confirmed.
  • The coronavirus has spread to at least 188 countries/regions.
  • There have been at least 120,333 deaths in the United States.
  • More than 2.3 million cases in all 50 states, U.S. territories and Washington, D.C., have been reported.

Most Up To Date Numbers from CDC HERE
Other Important Headlines:
Take Action!
In an effort to better serve you, we've adopted a new approach to information dissemination. We've included in this single email the best information we have received recently on issues of importance to all of us. If you have information you would like included in future distributions, please send it to:

Brian D. Griffin | Director of Communication & Technology
Cincinnati AFL-CIO Labor Council | 513.421.1846 Office | 513.608.0033 Cell |