Save Time. Write Better.
      Volume 14, Number 36 Issue #236                                                             ISSN: 1933-9690

Welcome, fellow writer!

In each issue of Word Wise, you get writing tips to help you save time and write better.

It's tempting to think of a "thesis statement" as squarely plunked into the domain of those in academia. Wrongo. Today's feature explains why ... and how to write one.  Let me know  what you think of this tip !
Word Wise is Welcomed to the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid

Bible Gateway Blogger Grid logo
I'm excited that the Bible Gateway has welcomed Word Wise at Nonprofit Copywriter to its Blogger Grid (BGA²), an international network of independent bloggers who blog about matters relating to the Bible.
You may have noticed that for a long time, I have linked Bible references in my posts to Bible Gateway. I do so for two reasons. First, I know that when I see a Bible passage referenced in an article or post, I want to check it out myself - and I assume you do, too.
In addition to that, I like to refer you to Bible Gateway because it's an awesome resource. I use it almost every day. It offers free access to the Bible in more than 200 different translations and more than 70 languages. It's no wonder that Bible Gateway is the internet's largest Christian website.
You can take a sec and browse Bible Gateway right now and even skim through some of the other terrific Christian bloggers on the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. Bookmark the site to check later. You can download the Bible Gateway app your phone (yes, it's free!) And if you're on social media, be sure to follow Bible Gateway on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

FEATURE: Do I Need a Thesis Statement for This Piece of Content? A Quick Tutorial

Write a thesis statement
Don't think you need to know how to write a thesis statement? Or maybe you wonder if you really need to write one for your project.
I write a thesis statement for nearly every piece of content that I peck out on my keyboard.  

No, I'm not going all nerdy. 

Writing a thesis statement for a piece of content is an incredibly helpful tool. 

Get one in front of you as your write nearly any kind of content and you can save time, stay on track, and write clearer.  Here's why ...

Selling Your Services

Bob Bly
Bob Bly
I'm not a marketer. In fact, my degree is in classical music. But Bob Bly's Selling Your Services helped me get my first writing clients.

We all know that business is incredibly competitive today. It's important to be good at your craft and deliver superior service, but these things alone are no longer enough to ensure your continued success.
Those who make the most money in any field, industry, or profession are not necessarily those who have the most knowledge, are most experienced in their craft, or sell the highest quality service. No, those who make the most money, charge the top fees, and are constantly in demand are those who are best at selling and marketing themselves!

It doesn't matter what you are selling - professional, creative, trade, or technical services - or what your profession is. Bob Bly's 5-step Selling Your Services process is packed with business-building selling techniques that will enable you to gain the selling skills you need to be more confident in selling, enjoy it more, generate a flood of leads and inquiries for your services, stand out from your competition, and get more and better clients to hire you, more often, for bigger fees.
Now you can increase your personal income simply by becoming much more effective at selling your services to potential clients, at the fees you want to charge.  For more info about Selling Your Services (and to receive 2 free bonus CDs), click here.

More Persuasive Writing Tips
Understand The Writing Process - the Key to Making Writing Go Faster 3 Tips for Starting Your Writing Project How to Find the Main Idea of Your Piece Before You Write Pre-Writing: 4 Easy Steps to Make the Process Go Faster
A Wise Word


Read a devotional about this scripture here. Get other words of wisdom about writing  here.
That's it for now. See you next time.

Remember ... words matter. Use them wisely!


Word Wise: Home of Nonprofit Copywriter
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