Announcing our New Exhibit at Image City Photography Gallery

Women's Perspectives 2024


Kimberly Benedetto, Diane W. Dersch,

Cindy El-Gaaly, Joyce Freitas, Donna LaPlante

Melissa Mance-Coniglio, Margy Meath

Sandi Osterwise, Martha Price, Patty Ulrich Singer

April 16 - May 12, 2024

Opening Receptions

Friday, April 19, 5 - 8:30 pm

First Friday Gallery Night, May 3, 5 - 9 pm

Our fifth exhibit this year at Image City is Women's Perspectives 2024, by Kimberly Benedetto, Diane W. Dersch, Cindy El-Gaaly, Joyce Freitas, Christy Hibsch, Donna LaPlante, Melissa Mance-Coniglio, Margy Meath, Sandi Osterwise, Martha Price, and Patty Singer. The tenphotographers describe their exhibit: "We are a collective of women who share a love of photography. Our common interest has nurtured many friendships. We admire and support one another’s work and find inspiration in sharing our photos. In our fourth annual show we invite you to explore how each artist views the world through her unique lens. The photographs in this exhibit include some of our personal favorites and each of us has also included an image that represents the theme of Reflections!" Joining the show are guest photographers David Perlman, Ron Shapiro, and Andrea Gluckman with the third of her three exhibits as Visiting Artist, and Michael Shoemaker and d dargan teska as Visiting Artists in the first of three shows. Select photographs by Camera Rochester photographers include Amy J. Carpenter, Archie Curry, Steven Gall, and Larry Mandelker. Rounding out the show are Gallery Partners Dick Bennett, Marie Costanza, Steve Levinson, Gil Maker, Don Menges, Luann Pero, Betsy Phillips, John Solberg, and Sheridan Vincent.

The exhibit runs from April 16 thru May 12. Opening receptions will be held at the Gallery on Friday, April 19 from 5 to 8:30pm and First Friday Gallery Night is May 3, 5 to 9pm.

Click Here to see our website listing and Click Here to check out a selection of photos in the Preview of the Show Gallery.

With the varieties of photographic style and interests presented by the 28 exhibiting photographers there is much to enjoy, and to consider making a purchase to add to your photography collection or to enhance your home and office decor.

Women's Perspectives 2024

Kimberly Benedetto, Diane W. Dersch, Cindy El-Gaaly

Joyce Freitas, Donna LaPlante

Melissa Mance-Coniglio, Margy Meath

Sandi Osterwise, Martha Price, Patty Ulrich Singer

April 16 - May 12, 2024



Visiting Artists

Andrea Gluckman

Michael Shoemaker

d dargan teska


Guest Photographers

Lisa Cook, Chris Cummings, Bonnie Gamache

Andrea Gluckman, Loni Titus


Gallery Partners

Dick Bennett, Marie Costanza, Steve Levinson

Gil Maker, Don Menges, Luann Pero

Betsy Phillips, John Solberg, Sheridan Vincent 


Friday, April 19, 5 - 8:30 pm

First Friday Gallery Night, May 3, 5 - 9 pm

Gallery Hours:

Tuesday - Saturday noon - 6pm

Sunday noon - 4pm

There is no Admission Fee to visit and the Gallery is accessible to all.

Visit The Announcement Webpage and a Preview Selection of Photographs

Celebrating our 18th Year!

Image City Photography Gallery

in the Heart of ARTWALK in the Neighborhood of the Arts




Phone 585-271-2540

722 University Avenue

Rochester, NY 14607