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Chasing Worship

"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

Recently, we lost a dear member of our Living Stones family, Don. For those who didn't have the chance to meet him, Don was born with a disability that affected his ability to walk, talk, and perform other fine motor skills. Eventually, he became wheelchair bound. Despite facing many challenges throughout his life, Don had a deep love for the Lord and often expressed gratitude for what he called a "blessed life from birth." At his memorial service, he was fondly remembered for his unwavering love and awe of God, and for spinning and praising Him from his wheelchair. The prevailing message from the service was that "Don chased worship.”

The phrase "chasing worship" resonated deeply with us. It evokes a beautiful image that many Christians aspire to, but how many of us can truly be remembered in the same way? The more I pondered it, the more I realized how diverse and beautiful worship can be. For Don, it meant using all his muscle strength to spin and smile in his wheelchair or writing a memoir about his life using only his feet. Worship also includes participating in Bible studies and church services. However, worshipping God can also be seen through acts of service. God commanded us to love our neighbors, feed the hungry, invite the stranger in, and look after the sick, among other things. When we carry out God’s will and do our best to love as He loves, we are worshipping Him. 

Every time our volunteers call our neighbors by name, pray for them, or dedicate their time to serving God's children, worship is taking place. During every prayer offered, every phone call made to check on a neighbor, and every piece of clothing donated—worship is happening. Don's life and legacy serve as an inspiration for us all as we strive to dwell in God's glory. His life is a reminder of why Living Stones exists. As this ministry continues to grow, may we never lose sight of this vision: let us joyfully chase worship in every act of service.

Come to the Table


Second Sunday of every month

Brentwood Presbyterian Church

3725 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227


Third Sunday of every month

North Way Christian Community Church

Corner of Espy Ave. & Potomac Ave.

Dormont, PA 15216

Across from Potomac Avenue T stop

Last Sunday of every month

Fairhaven United Methodist Church

2415 Saw Mill Run Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15234

To support the work we do, simply scan a code below or make a check payable to

Living Stones and mail it to

Living Stones, PO Box 13077, Pittsburgh, PA 15243

Thank you!

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Contact Us

Living Stones fosters the cultivation of relationships with neighbors who join us for meals. As relationships develop and deepen, Living Stones volunteers come alongside those individuals and families to assist them in navigating the challenges in their lives and encourage them to find hope in Christ as they learn to trust Him.

"Won't you be my neighbor?"

Fred Rogers