"What a great event! I am amazed at how creative this event was ... which is especially difficult in these crazy times!"
Hello GLF friends,

Our annual fundraising “gala” – this year a virtual affair – is always a production that requires many hands to pull off. This year was especially tricky as we navigated a virtual event for the first time. I’m thrilled to say that our “Virtual Books & Brews” on Saturday, October 17th was a success! We raised more than $35,000 thanks to our sponsors, event donors, and attendees.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank the one who did the most work behind the scenes in planning, and on the frontline (literally out in front of Goodnow!) during the evening: Kristin Schneider, the GLF’s Development Associate. Our office is small but mighty! Kristin is the most organized person I know (which says a lot because I used to think that accolade went to me) and she gets things done. Thank you, Kristin.

The Bakers’ Best catered dinners (197 of them!) were delicious, and the program was fantastic. Due to the generosity of many, we donated 40 of the meals to the staff at Emerson Hospital. Kristin and I thank those of you who attended, sponsored, participated, and/or provided talent for the evening. We have such talent in our local community – and at the GLF, we love to support local people and businesses! 

We thank ALL OF YOU for your commitment to the Goodnow Library Foundation and for continuing this support of Goodnow during this unpredictable year. We have uploaded the recording of Books & Brews to our GLF YouTube channel. Please click HERE if you would like to view the program.

Holly Bernene
Thank you to everyone who sent us pictures or tagged us on social media! Even though we were apart, seeing these pictures was one way we could still feel somewhat together.
After all, #LibrariesAreCommunity!
We would like to recognize our “Goodnow Develops” high school interns who all pitched in to make Books & Brews flow smoothly. Helping with set-up and breakdown of the event, waving flags to direct traffic, and holding signs to cheer on our supporters...they did a great job!

Thanks to generous grants from The Sudbury Foundation and Main Street Bank, we have formalized our internship program. Our “developers” work in the Foundation office to learn about the daily operations and inner-workings of a nonprofit. Pre-pandemic, these students partnered with staff and senior volunteers to assist with mailings, database work, event planning, and social media support. They also provided hands-on work in the Sara Sherman NOW Lab helping Goodnow’s Teen Librarian to prepare for activities and classes using the makerspace. 

Since the Library’s doors have been closed to the public due to the coronavirus pandemic, our program has been challenged. It was a huge treat to have the interns with us for the Books & Brews event and we look forward to our regular Wednesday afternoon in-person meetings once Goodnow re-opens.
Our interns provided a well-coordinated "welcome" to Books & Brews attendees who drove to
the Library to pick up their Bakers' Best meals.
Here are some fun facts about our Goodnow Developers. We asked them all to reveal their favorite book and their favorite “something else” – perhaps a food, place, sport, or game. Here’s to knowing what teenagers are interested in these days!
Eliza Bernene
Book: Franny & Zooey by J.D. Salinger
Something Else: Skiing

Trevor Cope
Book: The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown
Something Else: Mint chocolate chip ice cream and playing all sports

Jishnu Ghosh
Book: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Something Else: The beach

Mason Greenfield
Book: Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Something Else: Cheeseburgers and football

Brooke Kinney
Book: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Something Else: Ice cream
Christine Kinzfogl
Book: Keeper of the Lost Cities series by Shannon Messenger, especially Neverseen
Something Else: Biking

Sabrina Remley
Book: Keeper of the Lost Cities series by Shannon Messenger
Something Else: Running and baking

Jack Schneider
Book: Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Something Else: Lacrosse

Henry Sheldon
Book: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Something Else: Training with the football team

The Goodnow Library Foundation is embarking on a campaign to raise $50,000 to supplement funding from the CPC to renovate the Library’s Historical Room.  (If you recall, at the Town Meeting in September, $150,000 in funding was approved from the Historic Resources category of the Community Preservation Act Fund to renovate the Library’s Historical Room.) The total cost of the project is estimated to be $200,000.
The Historical Room renovation will allow for its opening to the public for a quiet space to ready, write, and study – something that you, Goodnow’s patrons, have been asking for for years! It will also provide for preserving Goodnow’s important archival material.

Please let us know if you would like to make a contribution specifically towards this renovation. You may contact Holly Bernene via email at goodnowlibraryfoundation@gmail.com or by phone at (978) 440-5562. You may also go directly to the Foundation’s website to make your gift. (In this case, please use the Memorial Donations box to write: “for the Historical Room renovation.”)
Photo by Mitchell Green Photography
We look forward to the 2021 return of our Be Bold Speaker Series – evenings designed to educate and connect our community through sharing viewpoints and discussion. Stay tuned for more information on “Get Outdoors” – the first in collaboration with the Sudbury Valley Trustees on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.
Did you know that every Thursday (weather permitting) from 12:30-4:30 pm, Goodnow holds a pop-up library in the parking lot?

Our Library knows that patrons miss that wonderful browsing experience, and we are so grateful for a creative staff that makes this work!

* Remember your mask and library card!
Goodnow has started a new reading challenge! The Read Woke Challenge asks you to read a total of 10 books, one from each of 10 categories. The categories include African-American voices, Asian-American voices, Hispanic American voices, Female voices, LGBTQ+ voices, Native American voices, Diverse abilities, Immigrant and Refugee Voices, Social Injustice and Racism, and Voices of those experiencing poverty and homelessness. This challenge will run from October 1-May 31. For more information, click HERE.
Just as it is with every organization (especially now), a social media presence is really important for us to share our news and expand our circle of friends.

Do you like to hear our news? Please don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook and Instagram. And tell your friends! You can reach out to us any time at goodnowlibraryfoundation@gmail.com. We love hearing from YOU!
Goodnow Library Foundation | 978.440.5562 | GoodnowLibraryFoundation@gmail.com