Volume 12, Issue 117 | 2020 View as Webpage
Hi Friend,

In a moment of despair and crisis, my 80 year old friend whispered, "This is not how I wanted my life to turn out."

Her grief was about roads not taken and joy not lived. I know many details about this person's life, so I knew that, even though she could not see it in that moment, there WERE things to feel good about.

But, times of crisis can cause us to be more reflective, honest and intentional. And the struggle to create a life that feels purposeful and "right" is something the young and old, the wealthy and poor, the educated and uneducated, all wrestle with. 

Robert S. Hartman (1910 – 1973) was a philosopher, professor, and business leader who was nominated in 1973 for the Nobel Peace Prize. He pioneered the science of values (”Axiology”) as a field of study.

Hartman focused his work on defining how to live a balanced and meaningful life. He guided his students to reflect on their answers to this question: 

"So, to my friends and colleagues everywhere, on those days when you wonder what you are here for, reach for personal meaning,
connection, caring and compassion for yourself and others, first."

Learn more about Robert S. Hartman and about how to live a life of meaning and happiness in Suzie's fun and informative discussions with Hartman/Axiology Influencers: K.T. Connor, PhD and Art Ellis, PhD
★ Listen Now:

In Episode 73 of the WUE podcast, we cover:
  • Learn how and why a former nun turned organizational consultant found and embraced Axiology and the Hartman Value Profile.

  • Hear real world and work applications of Axiology in employee development. 

  • Follow along and become inspired by K.T.’s joyous and ever evolving life. 

★ Listen Now:

In Episode 74 of the WUE podcast, we cover:
  • Learn about Axiology and Robert S. Hartman through someone who studied under and was coached by Hartman, and how and why it was a life changing experience. 
  • See how relevant Axiology is to: making good value decisions, overcoming addiction, living better, profit sharing,international relations and around nuclear war. 
  • Be inspired has you learn more about Art’s Wake Up Eager life.  

Learn More About Hartman, Axiology and Value Theory:
2020 44th Annual Robert S. Hartman
Institute Conference
(Suzie is on the Board and is Conference Chair) :

Tuesday, September 22 | Tuesday, October 13 | Tuesday, November 10
8:00 a.m. PDT / 10:00 AM CDT / 11:00 a.m. EDT/ 4:00 PM BST / 5:00 p.m. CEST