Volume 13, Issue 118 | 2021 View as Webpage
Happy 2021 Friend,

Robert S. Hartman (1910 – 1973) was a philosopher, professor, and business leader who was nominated in 1973 for the Nobel Peace Prize. He pioneered the science of values (”Axiology”) as a field of study. This science is the Acumen in our TriMetrix Assessment.

Hartman shared four meaningful steps for developing our inner selves. Here are the steps and the philosophers he credited:  

  • Know yourself. (Socrates)  
  • Choose yourself. (Kierkegaard)  
  • Grow yourself. (Pico della Mirandola's and Kierkegaard's) 
  • Give yourself to something great than yourself. (Jesus)

Each step is empowering and energizing, providing a sense of control and possibility. Especially now, when there's so much we cannot control. The benefit these steps provide to ourselves and the world is endless.  

Axiology (Acumen) helps us understand and embrace all the Good we've come into this world with. It helps us accept who we are, while also pointing out EXACTLY where we can grow. Showing what is possible and 
shining a light on how we can become more.

Hartman said, "This is the material you have to develop to infinity, and there is absolutely no limit... to which you can go...You are your own  creation. It's never too late..."

As we grow our inner selves we have more to give others. Self-discovery leads to self-knowledge. Self-knowledge leads to self-choosing and self-creating. This leads to impactful giving to others.

What a wonderful way to live, give and love in 2021 and beyond:
"Know yourself, Choose yourself, Grow yourself, Give of yourself."

"As we grow our inner selves we have more to give others. Self-discovery leads to self-knowledge. Self-knowledge leads to self-choosing and self-creating. This leads to impactful giving to others."