Paid for by your OCWM Contributions| October 06, 2021
Message to the Conference
Dear Members and Friends of Penn Central Conference,
Throughout the Penn Central Conference and the greater United Church of Christ, we celebrated World Communion Sunday this past week. We did this knowing that other Christians throughout the world, in congregations big and small, in English, Korean, French, and Swahili, shared communion on this day, as we did. Maybe they had bread or crackers or wine, juice, or milk (as one young person requested during our Children’s Sermon).  It was a time to recognize that truly God has blessed us with the abundant gifts of creation. We were reminded that the communion table is God’s table…it is for all of us, and it’s a table of grace. 

We are blessed as part of the Penn Central Conference of the United Church of Christ. Your Board of Directors met this past Saturday, and we would like to update the members of the conference about our work – the blessings of our conference!

1.      Everyone is asking about the sale of Hartman Center. While we can’t publicize the buyer at this time, please know that the sale is moving forward. Members of the staff and board have been dealing with some ongoing sewer issues, but we believe these have been remediated at this time. The title company has requested a full survey of the property to assure boundary line markers, and this will be completed sometime in November. These are some additional expenses that the conference will need to cover before ownership of the camp is turned over. Members of the board will be developing guidelines for the investing and use of the money received from this sale.

2.      And speaking of Camp, the relationship with the Lutheran Camping Association is going exceptionally well. We had a good number of campers attend summer camp, with expenses covered by the conference or their local church. Rev. Foust will be joining the Lutheran Camping Corporation Board of Directors this year, with additional staff and volunteers coming on board in the coming months.  A Youth & Confirmation Retreat is scheduled for mid-March so STAY TUNED for details. Special thanks to Board Member Dr. Janis Taylor who played a significant role in becoming the Medical Director, improving recordkeeping, and recruiting nursing staff for events over the year. Camp does not happen without nursing coverage! In addition, Hartman Center Spirit Week was a huge success and plans are underway for 2022. Please note: The Board will be forming an Outdoor Ministry Commission with one person from each Association, to oversee the use of funds received from the sale of Hartman Center. 

3.      The sale of St. John’s in Lebanon is now final and those that have visited the building since the change in ownership shared such wonderful news on the upgrades made to the building. The new owner is a Spanish Pentecostal church. They love the building and will be excellent stewards. The monies from the sale has gone into a special account with the Conference for use by Lebanon Association churches and organizations in the form of grants.

4.      Staff updated the board regarding their many activities, including Theological Roundtables, a Poetry as Prayer group, Communities of Practice, the development of Committee on Ministry Training Modules, Search and Call, a support group for pastors, Congregational Empowerment Academy, and consultation with local churches, to name a few. Staff regularly preach on Sunday mornings at churches throughout our conference. In addition, our conference minister is communicating with the new Dean of Moravian Seminary and Lancaster Theological Seminary regarding how the Penn Central Conference can be engaged in the continued ministry of LTS.

5.      Other Business Items:
a. The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed and approved for audit. Giving to the OCWM was down in August, but September giving has improved! THANK YOU local churches!
b. Changes to the Personnel Polices have been proposed and the board will be making final updates in the coming weeks.
c. The Rev. Dr. Carrie Call has signed the lease for the office relocation to St. Thomas in Linglestown. All (especially staff) are excited about this move which will begin in early November. We thank St. Thomas for the changes they made in their building to accommodate the church office needs. This move will allow the church office to “downsize” and “right size” and will be a savings of $5,000 per year!
d. Rev. Rick Luciotti officially started in September as Facilitator of Care to Clergy and Clergy Families and the board provided an official welcome.
e. The board reviewed the Strategic Plan. This is the tool we use to plan, outline, and hold ourselves accountable to the work of the conference. All work is underway and many items have been accomplished. We have remarkable staff and board that are doing work on behalf of the conference, and we are so blessed!

6.      The board spent time discussing two additional topics, the first being a follow up to this year’s General Synod and the many resolutions that were passed. The Strategic Plan will be updated to include work related to two specific resolutions passed at General Synod. The first is “Who Will Speak for the Trees” and the second is “Racism as a Public Health Crisis/Racial Justice”. There is much interest in our conference on both critical issues and actionable items will be added to the strategic plan. You can learn more in the coming weeks and months as updates and resources are shared in the E-News and resources added to the ‘soon to be upgraded’ Website! In addition, the board began to think about the future of the conference and how we need to prepare for that future to assure our continued ministry. 

Once again, I want to thank our very passionate staff, the committed leadership of our Conference Minister, and our amazing Board of Directors. We truly are blessed with abundance!
In Christ’s Name,
Shirley Keith Knox
Moderator, Penn Central Conference
Scheduling notes:

October 10 - Starview UCC, Mt. Wolf - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola preaching
October 17 - Shiloh UCC, York - Rev. Nora Foust preaching
October 17 - Peace UCC, Denver - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.
Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

Zion UCC, York
St. Jacob’s UCC, York New Salem
St. Peter's UCC, Aaronsburg
Salem UCC, Spring Mills
COVID-19 Resources

Penn Central Conference has added a special section on our website for COVID-19 resources, including the times and links for Zoom meetings. Find them here:
Penn Central Conference is once again accepting applications for the PCC Innovation Grants which is for PCC churches who are looking for funding for a bold & innovative approach to ministry. Application can be found here, please email completed forms to Paul.
Local Church:

A church in PCC is looking for additional copies of The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration. They would like 30 to 50. If your church has some they were looking to sell or donate, please reach out to Paul and he will connect you!
Church World Services Bucket Project

Grace UCC, Lebanon has begun to collect the items to fill CWS buckets for those affected by disasters like Hurricane Ida. They will be collecting through the end of October. If you church would like to contribute, learn more here.
Outdoor Ministries Fall Events
October 24; 1-6 p.m. @ Kirchenwald and Nawakwa [Free]
Come to camp for the afternoon to enjoy fall activities, worship, and a picnic supper. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet up with old friends or introduce new folks to camp. An evening meal is included.

November 7 @ Nawakwa
This fun-filled day of bidding raises money for the Lutheran Camping Corporation’s Endowment Fund, which helps to financially sustain LCC’s outdoor ministry activities and programs.
Donate an item: Download the Donation Form

More events can be found here!
Creation Justice
The next UCC Creation Justice webinar on Oct 13, 2021 01:00 PM will feature some of the most influential pioneers in the environmental justice movement as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit. This summit is considered one of the most significant events in the history of the movement as more than a thousand people gathered to literally redefine the word "environment" and issue the landmark 17 Environmental Justice Principles. Our panel for this webinar will feature:
-Charles Lee, the lead organizer of the summit and current Senior Policy Advisor for the EPA's Office of Environmental Justice
-Vernice Miller-Travis, Executive Vice President of the Metropolitan Group and co-founder of Harlem's WeACT for Environmental Justice
-Richard Moore, co-founder of the Los Jardines Institute and member of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council
who each played prominent roles at the gathering. Together, our panelists will reflect on the past, present, and future of the environmental justice movement.
If you register but are unable to attend a link will be emailed to you.
Stay in touch by signing up for monthly updates on Creation Justice Webinar offerings and subscribing to The Pollinator, the UCC's environmental justice newsletter.

Clergy Events
Save the Date: Advent Planning
October 20, 2021 - 6:30PM via Zoom
More info to come! Register here.
Boundary Training – All Zooms unless otherwise noted, 2 credit hours
(read full descriptions here.)

October 13 6pm (Register) – A Boundary Refresher for All Stages of Ministry with Rev. Nora Foust
October 25 10am (Register) – A Boundary Refresher for All Stages of Ministry with Rev. Nora Foust
October 28 10am-1pm LIVE St. John’s in Lewisburg Retired and Supply Boundaries and Departures (with LUNCH) $10 (register and pay)
Fall 2021 Education Forums
Third Tuesdays at 10am LIVE ONLY at St. Thomas, Linglestown and 6pm ZOOM ONLY

October 19 with Rev. India Garnett – Rev. India has been doing webinars with Healing From Racism Programs out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and will bring her expertise and life experience to share with Penn Central clergy. We each come to these sessions with our own stories which are part of the whole of humanity. We are called to love each other as Jesus loves us. In so doing — in following His imperative, there is no room for guilt and shame. Guilt and shame serve no useful purposes and are diametrically opposed to Universal Love — Agape. So, let us gather in the heart attitude of learning more about each other and our perspectives. In Psalm 139:1-18 (NRSV), we are assured that we “are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Let us, therefore, embark upon this journey with God, learning of the awe and wonder of each other… (2 hours Anti-Racism Credit)
10am LIVE at St. Thomas UCC, Linglestown (Register); 6pm Zoom (Register)
More Education Forums: (read full descriptions here.)

November 16 with Rev. Nora FoustChallenges of Living in Covenant
10am LIVE at St. Thomas UCC, Linglestown (Register); 6pm Zoom (Register)
Penn Central Conference Lectionary Discussion Group - This group is open to all clergy, meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1:00PM to discuss upcoming lectionary passages. Us this Zoom link here.
Association Events
Installation of Rev. Susan Schmidt - October 17, 3PM - Salem UCC, Harrisburg
Harrisburg Association Meeting - October 24, 2:00PM - Colonial Park UCC, Harrisburg, with ecclesiastical council for Rev. Judy Strayer
UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

If your local congregation wants to send contributions to the national offices, the best way to do so is via the conference. However, if you are sending any directly, please send to the updated address:

United Church of Christ
PO BOX 71957
Cleveland, Ohio 44194
PCC Board Member Rayna Cooper has put together a sheet of Afghan Resettlement Info and Training for Churches with links from the UCC and Church World Services. Click here for that list.
Global H.O.P.E. Kit Matching Grant Application (20-22)
- Grant Application will be awarded to churches that have submitted a completed Global H.O.P.E. Kit Matching Grant Application.
- Grant Applications for 2021 will be received through January 28, 2022. 
- Congregations that raise $250 or more (monetary or in-kind supplies) for Church World Service Kits are eligible to apply for a $250 matching grant from UCC Global H.O.P.E.
- Grant Applications must be accompanied by a completed W-9 form at
- 100% of Matching Grant funds must be used for purchasing supplies for the assembly of the CWS Kits or for processing costs ($3/Clean Up Bucket, $2/School or Hygiene Kit).
Summaries of General Synod Resolutions, by our PCC delegates.
Read them all here.
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry

Money and Ministry: A Theology for Congregational Leaders, Thursday, October 14, 7–8:30pm and Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm, Oct 19–Nov 16, 2021, via Zoom. Instructor: Mike Little, Director of Faith and Money Network. 2.5 CEUs. $325. Register by October 5.
From Our Partners and Friends
Pennsylvania Council of Churches:
Fruitbelt Farmworker Christian Ministry
Harvest Festival
Saturday, October 16, 10 am-2:00 pm
United Church Center, 900 S. Arlington Avenue, Harrisburg 17109
Bring your lawn chairs and join us for a day of music, prayer, food, fellowship, and fun! Learn more and print off a flyer here!
Clergy Spouses Connect Across Denominations

Groups are limited to eight participants to safeguard confidentiality and create a sacred space for healthy discussion. Each group initially runs for only six sessions, with an option for the group to decide to continue longer. Participants register for two “try it before you buy it” free sessions, before committing to four paid sessions at $20* per facilitated hour-long session. This fall, two different groups will meet:
  • Monthly - First Saturday mornings from November through April
  • Semi-monthly - First and third Tuesday evenings from November through January
Contact Julie to learn more or to register for either group by Friday, Oct 22, 2021.
*Financial assistance available on request. Learn more here.
The Zachariah Walker Racial Justice Symposium
White Supremacy, Racism, & the Christian Church:
The Call to a Discipleship of Liberation and Justice
Saturday, October 23rd & 24th
Weekend and daily registration options are available. For group rates see registration. Register by clicking here and full flyer here.
Employment Opportunities
Zion UCC, Arendtsville job openings

The Choir Director directs a 15-member choir to prepare music for regular Sunday morning services. The choir director also works with the minister and the organist to plan special services. Duties include preparing music, scheduling choir practices, identifying soloists, and developing special music presentations. Salary compensation is negotiable.
The organist/pianist accompanies a 15-member choir at regularly scheduled Sunday morning services. Applicants must have the ability to play both the piano and the organ, and be prepared for weekly choir rehearsals. Duties include following the direction of the choir director and minister in planning musical services. This includes Sunday worship and special services. He/she must attend regularly scheduled and special choir rehearsals. Salary compensation negotiable.
Position available: Church Musician
This 9 to 12 month position includes playing for weekly adult choir rehearsals, a scheduled single Sunday 10:30 a.m. worship service and occasional evening/special services. Proficiency with piano is required. We have two Yamaha studio upright pianos that are well maintained via regular tuning/maintenance. We also have the historic 1868 Durner tracker pipe organ that was restored in 1998 and is well maintained via regular tuning/servicing. Candidates will work with church/choir leaders in regearsing and planning musical material appropriate to the liturgical calendar. Candidates should send a litter of introduction and resume to or mail to St. John's UCC, PO Box 88, Boalsburg, PA 16827
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 12

Rev. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister 
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex.13

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 15
Anne Rankin
Outdoor Ministries Liaison
phone: 717-945-4585
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 14
If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: | phone: 717-652-1560