March Newsletter 2022


Hello Spring

As we enter into this season of Lent, you are encouraged to reflect on these words from Psalms 51...

Create in me a clean heart, O God,

And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from Your presence,

And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,

And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

May each day as we journey towards Calvary and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross bring a renewed spirit and heart ablaze for sharing the Good News!

From the District Superintendent

Dear Treasured Crossroads District Leaders,


With Covid-19’s impact, a difficult social and political season in our nation, the conflict in Ukraine, the ongoing struggles within our denomination, along with our personal struggles and trials, and more, there is so much that can cause anxiety and worry to dominate our lives these days. Worry is often defined as a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or even potential problems. If we allow it, worry can bog us down, cause regrettable reactions, and even impact our productivity. We have been warned also that too much worry can take an emotional toll on us and even impact our physical health. On the other hand, our instincts to worry or be anxious could also prompt us to take provide needed responses or take necessary actions. Neuroscientists say that the key is how we control or contain our worry.


The Apostle Paul was concerned about worries of the community of believers in the church of ancient Philippi. He went on to admonish them to relieve their worries by taking them to God in earnest prayer and discernment. He wrote in Philippians 4:6-7 (NRSV), “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” According to Paul, prayer is the key to maintaining clarity and focus in situations that would otherwise confound the imagination and trouble our souls. With our worries more grounded by prayer and trust in God, our minds and souls can be freed for healthier thought and more productive responses to the challenges that we are facing in our world and lives today. In addition, we can hope and trust in God to make a vital difference through our prayers as well.


Perhaps the Christian season of Lent has arrived just in time to help us center and ground ourselves for our best discernment, action, and hope in these difficult times. This is certainly my prayer for every church and leader in the Crossroads District as we strive to continue to offer the world a faithful witness to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in these turbulent times.


Please hang in there and remember that the peace of God is ours through our prayer and trust in Christ our Lord.


Grace and Peace,



A direct and compelling headline

Important Announcements

The Crossroads District Nominations Committee has begun its work to fill vacancies for positions on various committees and organizations in the Crossroads District. To achieve this goal, we need nominations of members of congregations on our District whom you assess to be willing, capable and gifted in appropriate areas of service. 

Pray about members and leaders in your congregations and please consider serving yourself. All completed surveys should be turned in to the district office by March 31, 2022.

A copy of the letter from DS Marcus as well as the Leadership Survey document and online form can be found on the district website.

Visit our Website

For all those interested in this event, we ask that you register, provide basic contact information and the Zoom link will be shared with you. You can register using the link below or visit the Crossroads District office.

Register Here

Pastors & Professionals Meeting

Save the date for the next IN PERSON Pastors meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 10 AM Smithville FUMC

(400 Olive St. 78957)

DCOM Interviews

It's time for annual meetings with the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. 

These interviews are encouraged to be made in person, however, if you do need to meet via Zoom, please choose that option when scheduling your meeting time. 

Thursday, April 21st, 2022 - Interviews will be held at Columbus FUMC

                     1229 Milam (Columbus, 78934)


Thursday, May 12th, 2022 - Interviews will be held at Seguin FUMC

                       710 N. Austin (Seguin, 78155)


You can schedule a meeting by clicking the Clergy tab on the District website or by using the link below.

compelling headline

DCOM Scheduler

New People, New Places Grant

The deadline for New People, New Places grant application has been pushed back to Thursday, April 7th. This grant money will be available to local churches and districts that demonstrate how they intend to use this money to reach new people for Christ or to be in new places in Christ. You can visit the Conference website for details and the application.

Also, we are no longer accepting technology grants.

Grant details 

Candidacy Summit

July 11-12, 2022 - Tentatively at Mt. Wesley, Kerrville Texas - Light on the Hill

Candidacy Summit will happen this year as scheduled.  We will be conducting the event (tentatively) at Mt. Wesley, Kerrville, TX.  All Applications must be submitted electronically to Alicia Leyva, no later than June 10, 2022.


PLEASE NOTE: This includes approval from your District Superintendent via copy of signed Candidacy Summit application or via email sent directly to Alicia Leyva by your District Superintendent.


Candidacy Formation Checklist

Summit Information


The Crossroads District Lay Servant Ministries team will offer an Advanced Course, "Called To Preach" on July 16 and July 23. The course will be offered at the First United Methodist Church in La Grange. 

More information will follow.

Important Reminder for Pastors


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