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Kathleen M. O'Connor
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From the Supervisor's Office
Libertyville Township Board Meeting
May 28, 2024
7:00 pm at the Township
359 Merrill Court, Libertyville
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Food Pantry News
The food pantry operates on Tuesdays from 10 am - 3 pm for any Libertyville Township resident in financial need and provides proof of residency. If an individual is not a registered user of the food pantry, they will be asked to provide a photo ID and a copy of a current utility bill as proof of residency. The bagged food will be distributed via drive thru. Residents will remain in the car and Township staff will load the food items.
We are currently in need of shampoo and conditioner, ground coffee, canned spaghetti, canned stew or ravioli, canned tuna, liquid dish soap, liquid hand soap, baby wipes, and toilet paper.
Monetary donations can be made out to the Libertyville Township Gift Fund.
Food and/or monetary donations will be accepted during the regular business hours of 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
Interested in volunteering?
The food pantry is looking for help unloading food deliveries on Monday and/or Wednesday mornings.
If you have an hour or two and would like to help out, please call Liz at 847.816.5989
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Congratulations to Gary Coutre
Libertyville Township Food Pantry Volunteer
A big congratulations to Gary Coutre for being inducted into the Senior Council of Libertyville’s Hall of Fame! Gary was recognized for his volunteer work at Libertyville Township’s Food Pantry. Gary volunteers two to three times per week unloading donations, sorting food, assembling bags of food for distribution, and stocking our shelves. He always serves with a smile on his face and an abundance of energy! We are incredibly grateful for all that he does to help the families we serve!
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On Saturday, June 8, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to noon, we will hold a volunteer work day at the Donnelly Prairies and Oaks Preserve. No experience is necessary – we’ll show you what to do, and we’ll explain why it’s important. We’ll also provide gloves, goggles and hand tools (if needed), drinking water and snacks.
Wear layers of clothes that can get dirty. We strongly recommend blue jeans, sturdy boots, and three layers on top. We’ve learned that fleece jackets are just a magnet for sticky seeds and are best left in the car. We’ve also learned that if we’re cold we’re miserable, so we always recommend an extra layer of warmth – better to have it and not need it than the other way around.
We are a hardy bunch but workdays will not be held under the following conditions:
- Temperatures of 95 degrees or higher
- Lightning or extremely high winds.
- Deep, heavy snow
- Temperatures or wind chills of 10 degrees or lower
Directions to Donnelly Prairies and Oaks Preserve
The site is located on Casey Road.
Entrance to the site is the farm entrance/gate west of Almond and Casey Roads, on the South side of Casey Road.
Youth Guidelines
Children 12 and older are welcome if accompanied by a supervising adult. High school students who enjoy working in the outdoors are welcome with parental permission. Releases will be available at the work day.
Please contact us at 847.362.9760 or email jhapp@libertyvilletownship.us
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Donnelley Prairies & Oaks Mitigation Bank Construction Project Update | |
In November 2023, construction of the Donnelley Prairies and Oaks Wetland Mitigation Bank broke ground. Hey & Associates, Inc. has provided the engineering service and technical assistance and HGS, LLC dba RES Environmental Operating Company, LLC is responsible for the construction of the bank. The project includes the realignment of the trail, 17 water control berms, the disablement of 2.3 miles of drain tile, the installation of erosion control measures, and planting of native seed and plugs.
The next phase of the project will include the planting of approximately 30,000 native plugs! The construction of the bank will be completed early summer. The Township, Hey & Associates and the RES Environmental Operation Company will continue to monitor to ensure the planting of native seed and plugs is successful. Once the resurfacing of the realigned trail is complete, the trail will be reopened.
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Nest Structures for Mallard Ducks
Over the winter months, Libertyville Township Open Space staff built and installed mallard duck nesting structures also known as hen houses to provide a predator-proof nesting site. These hen houses consist of a metal frame and a wire mesh tube which is double rolled with a layer of natural vegetation in between. Additional natural vegetation is added to the inside of the tubes with which the hens build their nest. The hen houses are installed and maintained during the winter so that they are ready for occupancy during the spring nesting season. They are installed over open water about 20 feet away from vegetation in ponds and open-water wetlands within Open Space property. Hen houses are strategically oriented to provide access to flight paths and keep nestlings out of prevailing winds. Some hen houses can even be spotted from Open Space trails.
The hen house concept came from Delta Waterfowl, a non-profit organization whose mission is to secure the future of waterfowl and waterfowl hunting. According to Delta Waterfowl, “Hen Houses consistently boost nest success to more than 60 percent. In areas where ground-nesting mallards typically achieve nest success of less than 10 percent, Hen Houses can increase nest success up to 80 percent.” Hen houses increase nest success by reducing the likelihood that a nest or hen will be predated by mesopredators such as raccoons and skunks.
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News from the Assessor Office
Effective Friday, May 24th (Memorial Day Weekend) through Friday, August 30th (Labor Day Weekend), the Assessor Office will be closing at noon on Fridays. Our summer office hours will be as follows:
Monday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 8:30am - Noon
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News From the Highway Commissioner
Oak Spring Road Bridge Reconstruction Project
With an anticipated start date of June 2024, Libertyville Township Road District will begin removing and reconstructing the Oak Spring Road Bridge with pavement reconstruction on the east and west approaches. The new structure will provide a single 12-foot travel lane in each direction plus a 3-foot shoulder and an 8-foot pathway on both sides of the traveled way. This project will be largely funded through a federal infrastructure improvement grant. A completion date for the project is yet to be determined.
Due to the size and nature of a bridge replacement project, Oak Spring Road will be CLOSED for the duration of construction from the Des Plaines River Trail to the west and the private driveway at 15463 Oak Spring Road to the east. Local traffic only will be permitted from Appley Avenue/2nd Street to the full closure, and from St. Mary's Road to the full closure. It is anticipated the Lake Minear parking, Des Plaines River Trail path, and all residential driveways and side streets will be accessible throughout the construction duration, however, the Lake County Forest Preserve District Canoe Launch parking lot will be closed. Please see below for location map and detour exhibit.
For questions and/or additional information, please contact Dave Marquardt, Gewalt Hamilton & Associates, Inc., at dmarquardt@gha-engineers.com or 847.821.6263 or Marty Neal, Highway Commissioner, at 847.362.3350 or highwaydepartment@libertyvilletownship.us.
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Lyme Disease Awareness Month
Although ticks can be present year-round, they are most active during warmer months. Ticks may be small in size, but we still need to protect ourselves, our families, and our pets against the diseases they can carry, especially Lyme disease.
Lyme disease is spread through the bite of infected ticks. In most cases, the ticks that are attached 36 hours or more may transmit infection. The most common symptom of Lyme disease is the bullseye rash; however, other symptoms can include fever, headache, and fatigue.
Steps you can take to prevent Lyme disease include:
- Dress: Wear long sleeves, pants, and closed toe shoes when outdoors to cover your skin
- Defend: Use insect repellent when outdoors and avoid tick habitats
- Check: Check your entire body for ticks after being outdoors, including your children and pets
- Remove: Use fine-tipped tweezers to promptly remove ticks
To learn more about protecting yourself and your loved ones from tick-borne diseases and to know what to do if you are bitten by a tick visit FighttheBiteNow.com.
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Flood Insurance Premium Discounts
Property owners residing in unincorporated Lake County may be eligible to save an average of $232 a year on their flood insurance policies. Currently, there are more than 654 flood insurance policies in unincorporated Lake County.
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Through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Community Rating System (CRS) program, residents within unincorporated Lake County – who meet certain requirements – are eligible for up to 20% savings on flood insurance premiums. This results in a potential annual total savings of $151,708 overall for residents across the county. Property owners should contact their flood insurance agent to obtain individual savings information.
Since 2008, Lake County has participated in the CRS program and received favorable ratings saving property owners thousands of dollars on their policies. Lake County is required to create an Annual Evaluation Report to maintain the favorable rating.
Highlights from the report include:
- Lake County issued permits for two projects for elevating the finished floor of an existing structure to be above the regulatory floodplain elevation and for one project for elevating utilities and/or adding foundation openings to bring the structures into compliance with the Lake County Unified Development Ordinance in 2022. This will help protect these structures from future flooding.
- The Lake County Stormwater Management Commission's (SMC) Watershed Management Board cost-share grant program helps fund local stormwater projects. The highest funding priority is flood damage and prevention/mitigation, but other project benefits are also included in funding decisions.
- Lake County works closely with residents and coordinates with other agencies such as the Township Highway Commissioners and Lake County SMC to respond to drainage complaints affecting private properties.
- View details of the Annual Evaluation Report
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The Veterans Assistance Commission of Lake County
The Veterans Assistance Commission (VAC) promotes the welfare of honorably discharged veterans of military service and their families. The VAC acts as a central service office for all veteran organizations and has general oversight of the distribution of emergency assistance to military veterans and their families.
Types of Assistance
· Assistance with rental and mortgage payments.
· Utility payment assistance.
· Emergency medical care is provided to any member of the veteran’s immediate family who qualifies. Medical care includes hospital payments, outpatient care provided by Lake County clinics, emergency dental, and vision care.
· Job service assistance.
· Food, clothing and other supplies at Midwest Veterans Closet.
· Proper burial for indigent veterans.
For more information, please visit their website: https://www.vaclc.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lakecountyvac/ or call 847.377.3344.
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Ride Lake County
Ride Lake County is a borderless countywide paratransit service that provides seniors age 60+ and people with disabilities transportation to any area of Lake County for work, shopping, medical appointments and more.
As a dial-a-ride program, vehicles do not travel in a fixed route each day. Riders schedule their trips in advance and the vehicles provide curb-to-curb service from the rider's desired pick-up and drop-off destinations. Ride Lake County is a shared-ride service, so vehicles may make stops for other passengers.
Click here for Brochure
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211 Is Here to Help
211 is a free, confidential, 24-hour information and referral helpline connecting individuals & families in need with access to available health and human services.
211 is Lake County's one-stop shop for help!
Lake County residents can connect to a wide range of services by phone or text, and an expert navigator will guide them to the help they need, regardless of the time of day, the language they speak, or where they live.
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Township Officials
Highway Commissioner
Carol A. August, Trustee
Matthew Kovatch, Trustee
Terry A. White, Trustee
Cathleen Dohrn, Trustee
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Township Contact Information
Office of the Supervisor
359 Merrill Court, Libertyville, IL 60048
Phone: 847.816.6800
Fax: 847.816.0861
Office of the Highway Commissioner
343 Merrill Court
Phone: 847.362.3350
Office of the Assessor
Phone: 847.362.5900
Office of the Clerk:
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