FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Seriously we do not make this stuff up! Like putting a Thanksgiving carcass down a garbage disposal—this stuff does happen! So, we want to give you a few reminders in anticipation of some seasonal changes that are upon us….

  •        Really, be careful what you choose to try to put through the disposal; your garbage disposal is designed to grind food scraps and nothing more. Some of the items that you should not put down your drain include large animal bones, grease, fat, oil and objects made of glass, plastic and metal. It’s also best to avoid grinding any food that expands such as spaghetti and rice because they can clog your disposal.
  •       Check your system before the temperatures drop (severely) and make sure the heat comes on; if not, emergency heat, also known as “auxiliary heat” (the second stage of heat that your thermostat runs on when the temperature is too cold for your heat pump to extract heat from the outside) may kick on! Emergency heat is typically triggered when it is 30°F and below outside. Not likely in Florida but it has happened and running emergency heat will affect your utility bill and tax the system. This is why checking early and reporting any issues is important when you see a much cooler forecast!
  •         Boxes, food left out, garbage not secured—all invitations for pests of all kinds. Additionally, they are already looking for warmer spots they can get into when the temperatures drop (like an attic or crawl space) so its important to be mindful of your household habits.
  •         Overtaxing the electrical system; be mindful of how much demand you are creating with devices, holiday decorations, etc. Don’t overload extension cords, don’t leave lights on all night, use products in their intended way (i.e. outside lights designated for outdoor use)

We’re throwing in some light hanging tips (in case you’re debating or haven’t got to it yet) so you know we’re not all business during the holidays!

Lastly, if you need assistance, here is the latest aid being made available:

All the Best~ The FPM Properties Team
FPM Properties | 904-497-4200 |
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