News from the Goodnow Library Foundation
We received this "anonymous poem" from a frequent Goodnow patron - awaiting the Library's re-opening. Goodnow starts contactless pickup today, June 15! And while we are eager to one day get back to "normal" (like this photo from the Goodnow Open in April 2019 below), we applaud every little step in the process and extend our gratitude to Library Director Esmé Green and the rest of the Goodnow staff.
Change is in the air! June is in full swing and the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and the Library is showing signs of renewed life. Something new in News from the GLF is a periodic feature about people in our Library community. From our patrons, to our volunteers, and to our staff members, each and every person has a story to tell about how they use Goodnow and why they love it.

Last week I spoke with longtime GLF volunteer Jeanne Maloney. We love when Jeanne arrives to work in our Library office - always upbeat and ready to help out in any way. She is super tech-savvy and reminds me that her knowledge of technology started "way back when" since she worked for 28 years as an immigration consultant for Digital Equipment Corp. in Maynard. Jeanne says, "I loved what I did. It was very fulfilling and I was lucky to have the job I had. I was always learning and I met some wonderful people from all over the world." Jeanne's positivity is infectious; I learned so much — and now you can too. Read on to "meet" Jeanne.

In the meantime, stay healthy, stay busy, and keep reading!

Jeanne Maloney with former Goodnow Library Foundation Development Director Sam Greenfield
Jeanne grew up in post-Depression Cleveland during World War II. Her parents emigrated from a farming community to America in the 1920s, in search of a better life. Jeanne's love of libraries, music, and the arts started young. Her father took Jeanne and her brother to their local library every two weeks. Jeanne played the piano and her brother played the violin. (And her grandfather and two uncles were organists!) She continues to feed her love of the arts with subscriptions to several local theater groups. One thing Jeanne wants to remind people: There is so much available to us in our community; we are so fortunate to live here!

Why do you like to volunteer at Goodnow? The Library makes me happy! I like books! They are a valuable tool for everyone. You can travel with books; you can learn creative writing from books. Reading opens up a whole avenue of life.

What are you reading now? I'm an eclectic reader and always have several books going at once. I'm currently reading Samatha Powers' book The Education of an Idealist ; it would be great for young women to read. I'm also reading The Woman's Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote , by Elaine Weiss. I also love Daniel Silva's spy novels, political books, and books about nature.

Kindle or Books? Books!

How is the Library "community" for you? The Library is a focal point for the town. Every time I go, I get to talk to someone, and I meet people there. It's a means of communicating with the citizens of the town. It's a place where you connect. It's also so nice to see the kids at the Library because they come from all different towns. There are people in the area who don't have the advantages that some of us have and Goodnow offers good exposure for these kids with its programs.
In case you haven't noticed, at the GLF we believe wholeheartedly that #LibrariesAreCommunity. We know you've passed by and appreciated the beautiful Children's Garden! These enhancements are courtesy of the Thursday Garden Club of Sudbury , the organization that designs, plants, and maintains this area. We want to give them a shout-out for helping to make Goodnow the welcoming place that it is.
Library Director Esmé Green and the rest of the Goodnow staff are hard at work getting ready for the first phase of the Library's re-opening. If you have not already done so, please visit the Goodnow Library homepage for the most recent update.
Here's a Tangible Way to Help the Process...
From the Goodnow Library website: "If you have found yourself with a surplus of paper shopping bags during/as a result of the pandemic, we could use your help. In order to provide contactless service, we are looking for donations of paper shopping bags in near-new condition. You may deposit them in the the bin next to the main book drop and we will quarantine them just as we are quarantining all library materials. We thank you for your generosity and patience during these unprecedented times."
Janice Corkin Rudolf is putting final touches on "Tree of Inspiration," the sculpture to be installed on the second floor of Goodnow. Janice's work was originally set to be unveiled at Books & Brews in March, but because of the impact of COVID-19, we look forward to a fall unveiling and celebration!
Our work at the Goodnow Library Foundation continues so that we can fulfill our mission to maintain Goodnow's excellence for you, our patrons. Upcoming priorities include:

  • the renovation and opening of the Library’s Historical Room as a quiet space for reading, writing, and studying

  • building our “Fund for the Future,” a designated fund to support the Library in perpetuity

Financial contributions of all amounts are necessary to support these goals. We invite you to make a donation to the GLF . We are sincerely grateful for every gift we receive, no matter the size. You can donate by clicking HERE , or mailing in a check to the Goodnow Library Foundation, 21 Concord Road, Sudbury, MA 01776.  Thank you.

If you have questions, please contact Holly Bernene, the Foundation’s Director of Development: (978) 440-5562 or email
Goodnow Library Foundation | 978.440.5562 |