The Lake Current - May 2022
Welcome to the May 2022 edition of our Council newsletter!

Here are a couple of quick (but important!) notices before we get into the news:

  • Our regular monthly business meeting is Wednesday, May 11th, starting at 7:30 p.m. Five bucks gets you a home-cooked dinner starting around 6:30 p.m. We will be discussing elections for Council officers and Corporation directors (see reports of the nominating committees below). With so many activities to plan for and important business news to share with the membership, all members should attend!

  • Our Home Corporation, 6318 Associates Inc., is looking for a Third Degree member for the position of Treasurer. The Treasurer will pay the bills, deposit revenue, maintain the checkbooks, and prepare monthly summary reports of the checkbook activity for the Corporation Board and Council meetings. The Corporation will hire an accountant to prepare financial statements and tax returns. If you are interested, please contact Corporation President Mike Tomassi or Vice President Anthony Falco.
Council & Corporation Elections - Wednesday, June 8th

Our Council will hold elections for all eligible officer positions at our June business meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, June 7th, starting at 7:30 p.m.

Please review the Report of the Nominating Committee and Proposed Slate of Council Officers for the 2022-23 Fraternal Year, which appears below. The report explains the rules for additional nominations.

Please note that there is an opening for the office of Chancellor.

Please speak with GK Ralph Fleischman or any member of the Council's Nominating Committee if you are interested in the position of Chancellor. You may also contact any of them if you have any questions about running for any other office or about the elections process.

We will also be holding elections for three Home Corporation directors. Please see the report of the Corporation's Nominating Committee below.

All members in good standing of our Council are eligible to vote for Council officers and Corporation Directors.
Summer Kickoff BBQ & Founders' Award - Friday, May 27th

Join us as we kick-off summer with our Seventh Annual Founders' Day BBQ & Trongone Award Ceremony on Friday, May 27th!
On the menu will be burgers, hot dogs, grilled Cornell chicken, sausage and peppers, sliced steak, corn on the cob, baked beans, salads, desserts, and more!

We're also continuing our fantastic PIG ROAST, which has been such a hit the past three years! All that for only $25 for adults, $10 for kids, and kids 6 and under eat free. Nobody has ever left hungry! Bring the whole family!
We do need a headcount for food purchase and planning, so please let GK Ralph know if you're coming NO LATER THAN May 20th! We will have sign-up sheets for volunteers and for guests at our monthly business meeting on Wednesday, May 11th.
As is our tradition, we will be honoring a member of our Council who has provided many years of dedicated service with our Angelo R. Trongone Founders' Award.

This year, we are pleased to announce that our honoree is Sir Knight Michael McDonough!

Mike became an important and integral part of our Council starting shortly after its founding. He has served in numerous offices including Grand Knight (1990-92), Faithful Navigator, District Deputy, Chair of the Westchester-Putnam Conference, and Chair of NYS Knights Against Domestic Violence.

Mike was also the very first winner of our Council's "Knight of the Year" Award in 1979!

Please join us as we honor Mike with our Founder's Award in recognition of his long history of invaluable contributions to our Council.
Sign-up for The George Dean Memorial Golf Outing on June 3rd!

Putnam County Golf Course

9 a.m. Shotgun Start

Sponsorships Available - Take one Today!

Our fantastic George Dean Memorial Annual Golf Outing will be on Friday, June 3rd!


In addition to a great round of golf at Putnam County Golf Course, you'll get a delicious lunch, beverage cart, golfer SWAG, prizes, and our own sumptuous filet mignon dinner, all for only $170.

Sponsorships are available: Hole Sponsor ($150, or $100 with a foursome), Lunch Sponsor ($500); Dinner Sponsor ($750) and Platinum Sponsor ($1000).

A printable flyer appears below.

Registration is 8 a.m.; shotgun start at 9 a.m. Cocktails and dinner for golfers at our council immediately following the outing.

Prizes will be awarded for best foursome, longest drive, and closest to the pin.

This is our annual major fundraiser that enables our council to do the many charitable, community and parish activities that we do on a regular basis. Please support this event by golfing, taking a sponsorship, donating prizes, or helping us get others to do the same.

Click here to download the entry and sponsorship form.

For reservations, sponsorships, or more information, please contact GK Ralph Fleischman.
Sunday Cash Bingo on May 22nd for TLC Foundation

Our Ladies Auxiliary presents another fun afternoon of Cash Bingo on Sunday, May 22nd.

Doors open 1 p.m. Rules read at 1:45 p.m. First game at 2 p.m.

Your $35 gets you admission and all-nighters. Extra Specials and Bell Jar tickets will be sold.

Reservations ONLY through Eventbrite. Click here to make your reservation.

Walk-ins will pay $40 at the door if there are any remaining seats.

Proceeds will be donated to the Ty Louis Campbell Foundation, a nonprofit organization that funds innovative research and clinical trials specifically geared toward the treatment of the most aggressive childhood cancers. TLC's mission is to help fund the intelligence and technology that will improve long-term survival rates and minimize side-effects for children diagnosed with the deadliest cancers, while helping to care for families when their child is in treatment by providing financial assistance and uplifting experiences.

There will be a concessions table. Complimentary coffee and tea, and cake will be served at intermission.

No person under age 18 permitted. Masks are optional.

Contact to reserve or with questions.
Fourth Degree News

Four members of our Council received the honors of the Fourth Degree at the Exemplification for St. Isaac Jogues Provence held on Saturday, May 7th, at the Crowne Plaza in Suffern, NY.

Pictured below, they are (from left to right) DGK Tim McDonald, Kevin Heis, Pat Cassidy, and GK Ralph Fleischman.
The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship and a love of, and loyalty to, our country.

Our newest Sir Knights are now part of Mother Cabrini Assembly #1572, the group of Fourth Degree members from our Council, as well as those from Mahopac, Brewster, Patterson and Somers councils.

The next meeting of the Fourth Degree Sir Knights of Mother Cabrini Assembly will be Thursday, May 19th, at 7:30 p.m. at our Council.

All Sir Knights should attend!

  • Ladies Appreciation Dinner (Wed. May 18): We can use some help in the kitchen and with serving dinner to the Ladies Auxiliary at our annual dinner for them, where we show our appreciation for all they do. Speak with the GK or PGK Rob Firriolo if you're interested in helping.

  • St. James Craft Fair (Sat. May 21): We're helping out our parish by doing some cooking for this event, which runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Speak with GK Ralph if you can lend a hand.

  • Council Cleanup (Sun. May 22): We need to get our place looking great for the Founders' Day BBQ, Golf Outing, and the many other events and rentals coming up this spring and summer. So please lend a hand as we do some much needed spring cleaning around our building and grounds. We'll start at 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 22nd. Please bring the usual landscaping and cleanup gear (leaf blowers, string trimmers, rakes, shovels, brooms, etc.) Our Fish Fry Crew already did the laborious job of giving the kitchen a deep cleaning, so we'll focus this cleanup on the grounds around the building.
Remember, a full calendar of events can always be found on our website: under the Upcoming Events tab. And don't forget to "like" our Facebook page for up-to-the minute announcements, photos, event listings, and items of interest.