The Lake Current - January 2023
Happy New Year and welcome to the January 2023 edition of our Council newsletter!
A few quick but important items up-front before we get into the news.
Our next regular business meeting will be this Wednesday, January 11th, starting at 7:30 p.m. Dinner for $5 will be at 6:30, as usual. All members are welcome.
Bartenders, Rentals Chairman Wanted - Our Home Corporation, 6318 Associates, is once again putting out the call for members interested in bar-tending in our Lounge. They are also looking for someone to step up and help book the rentals for our Council Hall. If you're interested in either position, please speak with Corporation VP Anthony Falco.
Beefsteak is SOLD OUT! - Our Men's Beefsteak on Saturday, January 21st, is now sold out. If you made your reservation, please turn in your payment to GK Tim or Treasurer Rich Dambra as soon as possible. We are also still accepting donations of sporting event tickets, theater tickets, gift certificates to local restaurants and other businesses, stays in vacation homes, and bottles of fine wines and spirits. We count on these donations to raise enough funds to meet our fundraising goal for St. James. Please also note that we will need volunteers both before and after the event to help with setting up, prep, serving, and -- most importantly -- cleanup! Please speak with GK Tim if you are interested in helping out.
Attic Clean-out Postponed - Due to the funeral services for our departed brother, Tyler Tompkins, on Saturday, January 14th, we are postponing the clean-out of the attic originally planned for that day. Please watch for a new date in a future newsletter and on our Council calendar.
Over $2,300 Raised for the Parish Food Pantry! - Thanks to the generosity of our members and our guests, our annual Adult Christmas Party on December 17th raised well over $2,300 in gift cards for the St. James the Apostle Food Pantry to help local families in need. This year's party was a fun night that offered an outstanding hot dinner buffet - a true feast! -- and the Ladies Auxiliary did not disappoint with another incredible dessert table. Thanks to all who attended for making it such a success, and to our Kitchen Crew, volunteers, and bartenders for throwing us all such a great party.
Holiday Blood Drive Another Record Breaking Success!
A great big THANK YOU to our cadre of dedicated volunteers, and to all of the amazing donors in our community, for making our 2022 Winter Holiday Blood Drive on December 30th another HUGE success.
Befitting our 25th Anniversary of holding these drives, we collected a record-breaking 145 units of blood! And over those 25 years, we've collected an amazing total of 4,006 units of blood!
The Greater New York Blood Bank always reports blood shortages around the Christmas and New Year's holiday period, and this year we once again found ourselves in a serious blood shortage emergency. But our members always come through in a pinch!
Sincere thanks to all the donors, and also to all the volunteers who help make this happen, especially our own brother Knight Denis Hanrahan, for whom organizing our summer and winter blood drives is a labor of love.
Welcome To Our Newest Members!
While many councils and districts throughout the state are holding degrees virtually, our Council hosted another live and in-person Degree of Charity, Unity and Fraternity to initiate new members of our Order on Sunday, January 8th.
We welcomed these seven Catholic gentlemen into the ranks of our honored Order and to membership in our Council:
Adam Brandt
Joseph Cassidy
Andrew Crecco
Johnny Crecco
John Falcone
Robert J. Palazzo, and
Michael Vrabel.
Please congratulate these brothers when you see them, welcome them to our Council, and encourage them to take an active part in the many fraternal and charitable activities at our very busy council.
The ceremony was offered in loving memory of John Falcone's son, Detective John M. Falcone (1967-2011), who perished in the line of duty while serving in the finest tradition of the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department.
Thanks to our Membership Chairman, Chancellor Richard Kreps, our in-house Degree Team, and the members who came out in support of the candidates.
Fourth Degree News
The next meeting of Mother Cabrini Assembly will be Thursday, January 19th, at our Council.
The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
Members will be able to purchase and pick up tickets to sell for the Assembly's 2023 "Night Out on the Sir Knights" Year of Dinners Raffle.
We also plan to prepare our annual dues mailing, so volunteers are requested to assist with the effort before the meeting.
All Fourth Degree Sir Knights are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Crèche Take-Down - Thanks to all of the brothers who turned out to take down the St. James Nativity Scene on Monday, January 9th.
Feb 3 (Fri): St. Pat's Parade Grand Marshal Installation Dinner - Join us as we celebrate the installation of the Grand Marshal for the 46th Annual Northern Westchester/Putnam St. Patrick’s Day Parade - our own brother Knight Pat O'Malley - at the Grand Marshal Installation Dinner taking place on Friday, February 3rd at the Centennial Golf Club in Carmel. $50 per person, pay at the door. Please let the Grand Knight or our parade rep, PGK Mike McDonald, know if you are coming so we can save enough seats.
Feb 12 (Sun): Super Bowl Party - Join us for our annual family-friendly Super Bowl party. Doors and our Lounge open at 4 p.m. Some snacks and wedges will be provided, but the best part of the party is our Pot Luck Dinner, so bring an appetizer or entree (preferably in a foil half-tray) and enjoy the buffet! Desserts are also welcome.
Feb 19 (Sun): Brendan Toohey Breakfast - We will be hosting the Westchester/Putnam Conference's annual Brendan Toohey Breakfast. This year, the very worthy honoree is our member, Past Conference Chairman Bob Cuthbert. More details will be forthcoming, but please save the date, plan to attend the Mass and breakfast, and consider volunteering to help out preparing, serving, or cleaning up.
Fish Fry Fridays begin February 24th! - We will be announcing a staff meeting / planning session to be held in early February. All are welcome to attend and join the Fish Fry Crew!
Remember, a full calendar of events can always be found on our website: under the Upcoming Events tab. And don't forget to "like" our Facebook page for up-to-the minute announcements, photos, event listings, and items of interest.
See what's happening on our social sites