The Lake Current - December 2022
Welcome to the December 2022 edition of our Council newsletter!
As usual, here are a few quick but important items up-front before we get into the news.
Our next regular business meeting will be Wednesday, December 14th, starting at 7:30 p.m. All members are welcome. We'll be serving dinner for members around 6:30 for only $5.
Our Christmas Party for adults is Saturday, December 17th at 6 p.m. Please see the item below for details - and join us!
Mingle & Jingle at the Council Christmas Party on 12/17
Another great council tradition continues with our Adult Christmas Party for members of our Council and Ladies Auxiliary on Saturday, December 17th at 6 p.m., jointly hosted with the Fourth Degree Sir Knights of Mother Cabrini Assembly.
We'll have a complimentary (free!), informal, but very tasty hot buffet dinner including roast beef, sausage with broccoli rabe, roast chicken, and other favorites. There will also be a cash bar and, for a special treat, members of our Ladies Auxiliary will once again be putting out a great spread for the dessert table.
All we ask is that each person bring a gift for the less fortunate in our community, to brighten their Christmas season by helping them put good meals on the table for their families.
This year we are once again collecting donations for the St. James the Apostle Church Food Pantry. The pantry is well stocked with canned goods and other non-perishables, but what they need is supermarket gift cards so families can buy perishable items like milk, meats, fresh vegetables and frozen foods, which the pantry cannot stock.
So, please bring ShopRite or Tops gift cards to our party, and we will present them to St. James on behalf of the Knights and our families. The suggested donation is $20 per person, but be as generous as you like.
Since we started this tradition, we've collected over $12,000 in donations to those in need. So let's show our Christmas spirit and do it again for our parish and our community!
Winter Holiday Blood Drive 12/30
Blood Supply Emergency Continues
Donate by Appointment Only
Donors and Volunteers Needed
The NY Blood Center has declared a BLOOD SUPPLY EMERGENCY. Because of the holidays and the lingering effects of the pandemic, the blood inventory is again at critical 1-2 day supply.
This is our 25th anniversary of hosting blood drives. In those 25 years you've donated 3,861 pints. In that time, we’ve also had three bone marrow registry drives with one known match. We thank you for your generous gifts and helping fill a life-sustaining need.
We’re asking you once again to step up and join us at our winter holiday blood drive, set for FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Carmel Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, located at 32 Gleneida Avenue (Route 52).
As with last few blood drives, donation will be BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
To make an appointment via the internet, please visit the NY Blood Center web site Donor Portal by clicking here.
Or to schedule an appointment by phone, please call 1-800-933-2566.
Volunteers are needed, especially for set up at 8:00 a.m. and for breakdown at 7:00 p.m.
We’re sorry to announce that because of current restrictions, we still have to forgo our much talked about hot and cold buffet. But we’re happy to announce the return of the cherished NY Blood Center holiday socks for each donation!
We hope you can once again join our members, along with the Driscoll Lodge of the FOP and local New York City firefighters, in this absolutely critical blood drive.
Any questions or concerns, or if you wish to volunteer, please call GK Tim McDonald at 845-225-6318 or Denis Hanrahan at 845-300-0428, or visit
The 7th Annual "J.O." Men's Beefsteak - Jan. 21st
Join us for our Seventh Annual James "J.O." O'Neill Memorial Men's Beefsteak Dinner on Saturday, January 21, 2023!
We continue the tradition started by J.O. by gathering at our Council to enjoy outstanding food, watch the NFL Playoffs on our big screen UHD-TVs, and have lots of fun while we raise funds for a great cause right here in our own community.
This year our funds will once again be earmarked for St. James the Apostle Parish and School!
Doors open at 3 p.m. for the afternoon playoff game and cash bar. Dinner at halftime of the first game (approx. 6 p.m.) includes gourmet filet mignon, fries, draft beer or wine, dessert and coffee. Stay after dinner and watch the evening playoff game with us.
$60 if prepaid by Jan. 15 - $70 after Jan. 15 and at the door (unless we're sold out).
Click here to buy tickets on Eventbrite or mail your check and list of guests to: BEEFSTEAK, KofC Council 6318, 10 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To make this fundraiser a success, we need donations of items for our live auction and raffle table, including sporting event tickets, theater tickets, gift certificates to local restaurants and other businesses, items for gift baskets, and stays in vacation homes. Please contact GK Tim about any donations you may be interested in making or soliciting for us.
Contact GK Tim McDonald ( or (914) 589-3508 with questions or to donate raffle / auction items.
Serving Our Community & Our Troops in Time of Need
Our Council continues to make a difference right here in Putnam County and far from home as well. Outreach to those in need is never more important than during the holidays. Here are a few recent examples of our successful efforts to lend a helping hand. They demonstrate that we fully embrace the first principle of our Order, Charity.
Operation "Turkeys Away"
On the Monday before Thanksgiving, we assisted people in need by distributing 50 turkeys and 50 supermarket gift cards (valued at over $2,500) through Putnam's Community Opportunity Program (C.A.P.). We sourced and purchased the turkeys (thanks Rich Dambra!) and arranged for their distribution to those in need by C.A.P. in Brewster.
Operation "Senior Meals"
That same day, we distributed over 60 meals to the elderly in partnership with the Putnam County Office of Senior Resources. Our Kitchen Crew roasted turkeys and made homemade turkey noodle soup. They also made hearty meat sauce and baked ziti. Then they packaged generous portions of both along with fresh dinner rolls for each senior who requested a meal. Our members also delivered the meals to the homes of seniors who were unable to pick them up from the Council.
Operation "Toys for the Troops"
Earlier this week, we answered a call for help from an old friend and arranged for the delivery of toys to the families of our troops deployed overseas.
You may remember that our friend and brother Knight, Father Adolphus Muoghalu, left St. James to return to the United States Army, where he is a Captain and serves as a Battalion Chaplain in the 101st Airborne Division, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. This past summer, Fr. Adolphus and 5,000 troops from the 101st Airborne were deployed to Poland in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
At his request, the parishioners of St. James generously donated over 100 Christmas gifts for the children of those deployed troops. Then it was up to our Council to get them to the kids -- and fast!
So a group of Council officers obtained the necessary packing materials and carefully packaged all of the gifts in nine large shipping boxes, separated for delivery to the appropriate units at the base. Then they drove the boxes to Yorktown Heights for shipment by FedEx to Fort Campbell so that they'd arrive in time for distribution to the children at the units' Christmas parties.
Fr. Adolphus expressed his gratitude for our efforts, writing to us in an email:
The brother Knights pulled a surprise to this one, with helping in packing, and most importantly with the shipping even though the Council was not in the picture. The brother Knights are known for generosity, and this is what the brothers have manifested. Your reward will be great in heaven, for I was naked, and you clothed me (Mtt 25:36).
You people will hear from my Battalion Commander (LTC Klint Kuhlman) very soon.
These are just three of the many "behind the scenes" type of tasks that we regularly do to help our parish, our community, and those who serve us in a variety of capacities.
A Spectacular Holiday on the Lake / Our Christmas Village
A little rain could not dampen our holiday spirit! Hundreds of people had a fantastic time enjoying a host of Christmas activities in and around our Council on Saturday, December 3rd. Our contributions to Carmel's annual Holiday on the Lake made it possibly the best one ever!
Our Ladies Auxiliary did an incredible job pulling off their second "Our Christmas Village." There were lots of great vendors, food trucks, a chili contest, unbelievable decorations, and fun for all fun both inside and outside our Council hall. Cookies & Milk with Santa and Candy Bingo were huge hits with local families.
In the afternoon, our Council held another festive Children's Christmas Part, serving up a homemade hot and tasty dinner for the kids (and their parents and grandparents), as well as for the volunteers who helped us out with Holiday on the Lake.
Then we scrambled to put together our Council's beautiful parade float and assemble 5,000 glow necklaces, and then get them all down to the Paladin Center in time to step off in the Parade of Lights. We were once again one of the parade's lead attractions, with Mr. & Mrs. Claus riding in the sled on our float, and our Council's elves handing out all of those glow necklaces to the thousands of spectators lining the parade route.
Making multiple events on one day such a success took a tremendous effort by our Council members and Ladies Auxiliary, both in the planning and in the execution. Thanks to everyone who pitched in a lot or a little, with special thanks to Ladies Auxiliary President Kim Crecco and to Lecturer Anthony Falco for heading-up the teams of volunteers that made it all happen.
Not surprisingly, the local press took notice of our accomplishments. Enjoy the extensive photo coverage below, which appeared on the front and back pages of the December 7th edition of the Putnam County Times.
Fourth Degree News
The next meeting of Mother Cabrini Assembly will be Thursday, December 15th at our Council.
The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. It will be held upstairs as there will be another event in our Council Hall at that time.
All Fourth Degree Sir Knights are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting.
Jan 8 (Sun): Admission Ceremony - We are holding an "Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity," which is the Order's new all-in-one admission ceremony, at noon on Sunday, January 8th. This is for Catholic gentlemen wishing to join as well as any First or Second Degree member wishing to advance to the Third Degree. Please speak with our Admissions Chair, Chancellor Richard Kreps, or to our Grand Knight, if you know of any candidates wishing to participate. All current members are encouraged to attend in support of our newest members joining the Council.
Jan 9 (Mon): Creche Take-down - We're planning to take down the nativity scene at St. James, weather permitting, starting at 10 a.m. Please watch our social media for confirmation / updates as we get closer to the date. We'll need the usual tools. If there is snow on the ground, we'll also need a few snow shovels.
Jan 14 (Sat): Attic Clean-out - We're planning to rent a dumpster and do a major clean-out of our building's attic starting at 9 a.m. Many hands make light work, so lend a hand and help us do some much needed housekeeping.
Feb 3 (Fri): St. Pat's Parade Grand Marshal Installation Dinner - Join us as we celebrate the installation of the Grand Marshal for the 46th Annual Northern Westchester/Putnam St. Patrick’s Day Parade - our own brother Knight Pat O'Malley - at the Grand Marshal Installation Dinner taking place on Friday, February 3rd at the Centennial Golf Club in Carmel. $50 per person. Please let the Grand Knight or our parade rep, PGK Mike McDonald, know if you are coming so we can save enough seats.
Remember, a full calendar of events can always be found on our website: under the Upcoming Events tab. And don't forget to "like" our Facebook page for up-to-the minute announcements, photos, event listings, and items of interest.
See what's happening on our social sites