February 2024 ✧ Volume 2 ✧ Issue 5

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2024 Communities of Practice: Learning that Never Ends

We're excited to announce our 2024 Community of Practice Series and invite you to save the dates. This year's theme encourages being a lifelong learner, with topics centering on learning that never ends.

These conversations will be held from Noon to 1:00pm (CST) on 4th Thursday's of the month beginning in April.

  • Apr 25 - Evaluation: Using Data Ethically
  • May 23 - Real World DEI: A Look at Privilege
  • Jun 27 - Real World DEI: A Closer Look at Self Assessment
  • Jul 25 - Creativity: Your Professional Spark
  • Aug 22 - Leadership: Exploring 2 Types - Servant and Transformational

Registration will open soon, so please mark your calendar and plan to join us for Community of Practice conversations with hosts Cindy Pharis and Steve Miller.

Language Guidance When Serving

LGBTQ+ Populations

Our January lunch-n-learn series about Why Language Matters provided participants with a wealth of resources on the subjects of DEI, LGBTQ+, neurodivergence, and veterans. We'll be sharing our presenters resources in the future, but wanted to provide a link to this convenient resource from The Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity (CoE LGBTQ+ BHE).

They have created the language guidance related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) as a resource for behavioral health practitioners to better understand the most recent language used in LGBTQ+ communities.

Download: Language Guidance When Serving LGBTQ+ Populations

Prevention Perk, the podcast from Mid-America PTTC produces content that reflects the mission of our network to serve as a prevention catalyst, empowering individuals and fostering partnerships to promote safe, healthy, and drug-free communities.

Welcome, come on in for a perk to your prevention efforts.

Safe and Sober

Kurt Larson has been representing personal injury clients as a Missouri lawyer for more than 20 years.


One of Kurt’s greatest projects is Missouri Safe and Sober. Founded by Kurt in 2004, the Safe and Sober program is designed to keep students and others safe from the dangers of drunk driving.

Episode 90

Building Blocks: Faith Resilience & Recovery

Dr. Monty Burks works to engage the State of Tennessee’s faith communities to government and other non-profits.

In this episode we talk about his work in this area and how he utilizes martial arts as a platform to discuss, promote, and engage diverse communities on conversations around mental health and emotional fitness!

Episode 91

(coming February 15th)

Resources Available from SAMHSA

Impaired Driving: Talk With Your Kids

The most effective way to stop impaired driving is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Use the following tips when talking with your kids about drunk and drug-impaired driving. Impaired driving is entirely preventable. Know the facts, and talk with your kids

Download this Document

Faith-Based and Community Leaders

Increasing awareness of mental health issues and making it easier for people to seek help requires partners working together.

These talking points can help faith leaders develop messages for their congregations and communities about the importance of mental health.

Download this Document

⏪ Listen on Rewind ⏪

Top 5 Listened to Podcasts of 2023


Technology the Future of Prevention


Mastery, the Future of Prevention


Prevention Across the Lifespan


Networking, the Foundation of a New Prevention Specialist


Discussing Marijuana, A Drug Free America Conversation

View, Listen, and Learn

Structural Inequities Affecting Prevention

Behavioral Health and Substance Use Awareness in the Workplace

8 Core Competencies for Higher Education

Leadership Institute Community of Practice

Getting to Know Your Why

Download the CheckDEC App

CheckDEC is a free mobile app that immediately connects children, families and professionals to substance abuse-related information, crisis helplines, drug and treatment information, supportive resources and services within their local area.
