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Grounded in Data

A three part series on Gathering, Analyzing & Interpreting, and Using the Information in your prevention efforts. Each virtual segment will be hosted on Tuesday from 1:00 to 3:00 pm (CST) on September 5th, 12th and 19th. Register for individual sessions or the entire series.

One of the more critical pieces of a needs assessment is data or objective information. This kind of information could be local, regional, state and country-wide, as well as quantitative or qualitative data.

In this session, we will discuss common sources of information and data as well as how to access it. Specific national sources discussed will be Kids Count, NSDUH, YRBS, the Census, and NIBRS. At the state level, we will provide examples of reports, discuss student surveys, and demonstrate good navigation techniques.

Our goal is that attendees will have a better understanding of places they can go to efficiently answer the community’s questions that started the needs assessment process, and to help de-mystify the process of creating one’s own data.

The main reason to gather information is to make sense of it. However, people like to say, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

In our current climate, believability and clarity are essential when using data. In this session, we will discuss descriptive statistics, averages, time trends, and provide a cheat sheet about what various statistical analyses teach us. Good qualitative data analysis practices will be discussed.

Tips about making objective decisions about your confidence in a data set will be provided, as well as how to decide what a good data set and a bad data set look like. Group analysis practices such as a data walk will be described.

Once you think you know what the data means, it is time to use it. The design of charts, tables, statements, and infographics will be discussed. Citing sources and sample sizes as well as other ethical considerations in using data will be emphasized. Story-telling with data, and blending quantitative and qualitative data will be practiced.

Data dissemination techniques will be discussed, as will capturing and working with answering the additional questions that emerge from well-presented data

Register for these sessions individually or attend all three in the series.

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AUGUST 29-31

Coming Together for Help,

Hope, and Support

Kansas City Marriott Downtown


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The HEALing Communities Study: Addressing Overdose Deaths and the Fentanyl Crisis

Addiction Policy Forum invites you to a webinar Addressing Overdose Deaths and the Fentanyl Crisis: Lessons from the HEALing Communities Study on Friday, August 25, 2023 at 1pm ET. In this session, we’ll hear from Dr. Redonna Chandler from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) on key interventions and strategies utilized in the HEALing Communities study sites, including innovations to address fentanyl.

Register Now

The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) includes scientists from the nation’s leading health agencies and four major academic institutions to investigate how tools for preventing and treating opioid misuse and OUD are most effective at the local level. The robust initiative includes 67 communities across four states. HCS is supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in partnership with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and is part of the Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM Initiative, or NIH HEAL Initiative, a bold effort to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid crisis.

All Hands on DEC

(Quarterly Call)

October 25, 2023

The purpose of these events is to bring DEC leaders together from across the nation to share their effective DEC efforts with each other, exchange information and learn from each other.

Register Here


14th - Prevention Leadership

Our Community of Practice series, concludes August 14th.

Registration is open this event; which is held over the lunch hour from Noon to 1:00 p.m. (CST).

Register Here

Prevention Perk, the podcast from Mid-America PTTC produces content that reflects the mission of our network to serve as a prevention catalyst, empowering individuals and fostering partnerships to promote safe, healthy, and drug-free communities.

Welcome, come on in for a perk to your prevention efforts.

Understanding the Message


DIMLE is an interactive program that empowers individuals to develop a greater independence from the information conveyed through the channels of mass media, with a teaching model and instructional support for educators and students with the tools to evaluate and analyze media messages.

Listen: Episode 77

Battle for Healthy Communities

Christa Shifflett serves as Executive Director of the Warren Coalition. Over the past four years she and her staff have been developing a layered, intricate approach to developing community resilience. The foundation of this work is the ACE’s - Adverse Childhood Experiences. Listen and learn about her presentation Connection and Resilience vs. Aces and Isolation – The Battle for Healthy Communities

Listen: Episode 78

Guides to Prevention

National Center of Substance Abuse and Child Welfare

NCSACW is a national resource center providing information, expert consultation, training and technical assistance to child welfare, dependency court and substance use treatment professionals to improve the safety, permanency, well-being and recovery outcomes for children, parents and families.


Year-round, we encourage individuals and organizations to create and share a prevention story on social media—whether it’s telling how they are helping to prevent substance use or sharing the ways they’re promoting mental health. Be a part of the national conversation that celebrates prevention by using the hashtag #MyPreventionStory!

⏪ Listen on Rewind ⏪

The Guide to the Eight Professional Competencies for Higher Education Substance Misuse Prevention

A companion for this guide is being developed by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) for their Campus Drug Prevention website.

This multi-part series explores each of the components of the guide and is being released over an 8-week period leading into the school 2023-24 school year.

View this series

Leadership Institute Community of Practice

This four-part series, developed by Region 7 TTC's, was created for current and emerging leaders in behavioral health disciplines to participate in dialogue and create space for our industries leaders of tomorrow.

Workforce Innovations - Social Impact and Remote Working, Equity and Inclusion, Examining Bias in Hiring Practices, and Building Rapport & Working Overextensions.

Watch these sessions


Introduction to the Prevention Core Competencies

Describe how evidence-based (EB) prevention strategies can be delivered across settings including the family, school, media, community, or workplace.

This is a six module, self-paced course. Start your learning journey today by signing up on HealtheKnowledge 

and selecting the "Introduction to Prevention Core Competencies" course. 


Take this course

Evidence Based Practices: From Basics to Selecting the Right Fit

Our three-part series on working with evidence based practices is now on HealtheKnowledge.

These 2 hour courses are designed to ensure your understanding of the importance of EBP's, learn the selection process, and finally implement with fidelity and for sustainability.

This series will help your community select effective interventions with conceptual and practical fit.


Structural Inequities Affecting Prevention Practice

This five-part series w/ Nicole M Augustine from Rize Consultants explores why equity matters in our work.

Foundational concepts

Equity in data

Equity in people

Equity in the planning

Equity in action

The series concludes by creating a personal action plan designed to help you commit to putting your new knowledge into action.

Watch this series


Behavioral Health and Substance Use Awareness in the Workplace

Everyone in the workplace can make an impact by learning more about these conditions, working to reduce stigma, and learning how to talk to a coworker who might be struggling and help them to access supportive resources.

This 1.5 hour course is not designed for the mental health professional, and this series does not train the viewer to diagnose, only to recognize and respond.

Watch these sessions
