3 Useful (and Fast) Reads for You

I hope this email finds you well and that your inbox isn't too overloaded (wishful thinking during the holidays!)

For my long overdue #TeachableTuesday, I'll keep it short: Here are 3 valuable articles I came across this week:

  1. 3 ways to turn your brand into a movement: How to turn customers into fans be reframing your brand
  2. 6 small business lessons to take into 2021: This article includes resources and real-world examples - well worth the time!
  3. 5 steps business owners can take to trim their 2020 taxes: Because every dollar counts!

If any of these resonate with you, I'd love to hear about it!
I'm Here to Help
I'm here to help and always willing to talk shop.

And, all of Frizz Marketing's services are available on a virtual basis with video, screen share, and phone options. This includes:

  • Email marketing demos, account setup and audits
  • Strategy sessions and marketing jumpstarts
  • Strategic plan workshops
  • Constant Contact training
  • Content services

...and more.
A Couple Quick Reminders
  • Frizz Marketing's week of holiday giving starts Monday!
  • Our offices will be closed December 28th - January 1st. Got projects? Get 'em in!
Be well, and have a good week.

Tracy Jensen