Update: Following high demand, we only have a few installation slots remaining for this year
NHS England provided an update on 3 July to Ophthalmic contractors.
"From 1 January 2024, it will be a contractual requirement that all GOS claims are submitted electronically via your practice management system or PCSE Online."
Are you ready?
FLEX Users
You can submit electronic GOS claims already via the integrated eGOS claims management window. If you currently submit claims using PCSE online and would like to move to eGOS within FLEX then contact the helpdesk who will be able to assist you.
V5 / PCS Users
Contact Chris Smith to arrange a demonstration and to discuss upgrading to Optinet FLEX and start submitting electronic claims with FLEX eGOS.
Some of the advantages of eGOS:
- Integrated into FLEX
- Create claims even when PCSE online is offline!
- Fewer rejected claims
- Track your claims
- Reduced carbon footprint