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#72 - Week ending May 6th, 2022

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute weekly Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop an email to or raise a ticket in the portal.

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Optical Payment Services (OPS)

A paperless direct debit system exclusively for Optinet users and National Eyecare Group members that integrates with FLEX to streamline regular payment collections.

OPS offers a cost effective way of collecting monthly payments from your patients, by Direct Debit. Regardless of whether you already collect DDs or use standing Orders, OPS can save you money and offer an easy to use, paperless service which can help you manage your cashflow and increase your patient loyalty.

Benefits of OPS

  • Bank account validation
  • Advanced notification sent to payee
  • Can be fully paperless or paper mandates
  • View & amend payer records including payment history
  • Full reporting of cancelled D/D on day of cancellation
  • Fully detailed reconciliation reports on day of clearing
Read More about OPS in FLEX
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email to open a ticket automatically

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Check for missed eGOS claims

There is a useful tool in the appointment diary that will tell you whether you have forgotten to create eGOS claims for NHS patients booked in on a given day. 

Click on any slot in the diary, for the day you want to check, then click the 'Check eGOS Claims' button - if you have patients with no claims they will appear in an alert box (see below).

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Order Collection Window

Did you know there is a collection window in FLEX that shows a summary of the patient order, along with relevant notes and the prescribed and dispensed prescriptions.

Use it whenever a patient comes to collect, all the info is on-hand in one place and when you click the 'Confirm Collection' button the work in progress is updated to collected - you can even enter collection notes that will be stored against the work in progress order status.

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To access the collection window, right-click an order in the orders window or on the orders widget on the home-screen and select 'Open Collection Window'

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Essilor Visioffice Integration

FLEX has the capability to talk to and receive date from Essilor Visioffice - saving you time when dispensing a patient.

Compatibility: Visioffice 2 and Visioffice X

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How to use the Visioffice Integration

In the dispense screen, click 'Measurements' then 'Essilor Visioffice' to open the remote control window.

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The remote control window has three options; 'Export', 'Import' and 'Close'

  • Export
  • Sends data from FLEX into Visioffice
  • Creates the patient record if it doesn't exist
  • Import:
  • Receives data from Visioffice into FLEX and populates the dispense record
  • Close
  • Exits the remote control window

The table below shows what data is exchanged:

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Don't miss out - book your place NOW!

With the ever-changing reality of business, the NEG conference “The tools for success

will share with members the tools that they need to develop their businesses,

succeed in an ever-changing world and help promote a strong independent

sector in the UK.

This years event moves to a new venue at the 'Staverton Park Estate' near Daventry.

There is no charge for Optinet users (FLEX, V5 & PCS) to attend, remember to enter 'Optinet' in the account number box on the reservation form.

Accommodation is available for Sunday 19th June, single occupancy is £110+VAT and double occupancy is £145+VAT. The room rate includes three course dinner, bed & breakfast.

For more information, including how to book, visit the dedicated NEG conference website via the link below.

NEG Conference Website

How are we doing?

We want to hear from you!

Send us your ideas for enhancements to FLEX, service improvements and general feedback - click the link below...

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