Message to the Conference | |
Greetings members and friends of Penn Central Conference,
Do not remember the former things
or consider the things of old.
I am about to do a new thing;
now it springs forth; do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:18-19
It is time for the UCC's General Synod! Carrie and I, along with delegates from across Penn Central are traveling to Indianapolis, Indiana to join 2000 or so of our UCC siblings from June 29th through July 5th. We are gathering to consider the current call and business of our national setting that can influence the work of Conferences, associations, and local churches. Our delegation is listed below. Please hold them in prayer, along with all others from across the denomination traveling and gathering for this 34th General Synod. Synod is an incredible, one-time setting of our Church. The keynotes, elections, workshops, and RESOLUTIONS will, we hope, generate conversations for every setting of the United Church of Christ, including your local church.
The gathered Synod speaks to the denomination, often in striking prophetic tones, inviting dialogue and action from and within each setting of the church. For example, one resolution that might be meaningful for many churches in our rural Penn Central Conference is "Closing the Digital Divide: Calling on the United Church of Christ to Seek Digital Justice and Inclusion." This resolution offers detailed information on the growing digital divide in the United States and demonstrates how lack of access to affordable, reliable internet service, devices, and digital literacy can have a wide variety of impacts. These can include job availability, obtaining education, communication with health care and other providers, and building technological literacy for children.
This resolution advocates for four specific outcomes. (1) Name the digital divide as a justice issue for the church, (2) develop digital inclusion activities and policies, (3) receive widespread denominational support and advocacy for churches, namely in rural settings, where digital infrastructure is lacking, and (4) raise our voices for digital justice and affordable, quality digital access for all. These four "therefore be it resolved" statements do indeed set the table for many congregations here in Penn Central. It could be letter-writing campaigns lobbying for expenditures on infrastructure or grant writing for Chromebooks at the urban schools. Assuming the resolution passes, how does it speak to your congregation? And how might you respond?
If this resolution doesn't speak to you, there are more than 15 other possibilities for your local congregation join in conversation with our national setting!
Association delegates receive funds from your association dues and OCWM gifts to pay for this opportunity to gather and learn at Synod. Reach out to them after Synod and invite one or more to start, or continue, a Synod-generated conversation with your congregation.
Finally, the worship on Sunday at 2:00 and the plenary sessions will be livestreamed. Visit for more information.
Penn Central Staff and Delegation
· Andrew Boyer
· Kathy Brown
· Rev. Carrie Call
· Brenda Eckert
· Rev. Nora Foust
· Rev. Dwight Hein
· Riley Hoey
· Mark Holm
· Rev. Jes Kast
· Julia Lambert
· Gail Landers
· Rev. Fa Lane
· Lee Nocheck
· Rev. Libby Nocheck
· Rev. Alice Rauch
· Susan Rudy
· Rev. Caroline Saxton
· Rev. Kelly Shiflett
· Rev. Judy Strayer
· Kristin Vines
· Zach Worley
· Rev. Fred Young
· Lisa Young
· Glenn Young
Rev. Dr. Nora Foust
Associate Conference Minister
Penn Central Conference
Annual Meeting Service Project Update
We are so pleased with the generosity of our churches at this year's Annual Meeting! We delivered 227 packages of maxi pads, 158 packages of tampons and 83 packages of wipe (for a total of 468 packages of products) to The Period Project Harrisburg. We have also received $70 to pass on to the Period Project.
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Scheduling notes:
June 29 - July 5 - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call and Rev. Dr. Nora Foust at General Synod
July 9 - St. Paul's UCC, Sacramento - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
July 9 - St. Luke's UCC, Lititz - Rev. Dr. Nora Foust preaching
July 9 - Salem UCC, Elizabethtown - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
July 16 - Trinity UCC, Palmyra - Rev. Rick Luciotti preaching
July 16 - St. John's Blymire's UCC, Dallastown - Rev. Dr. Nora Foust preaching
July 16 - Willow Street UCC, Willow Street - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call
July 23 - St. Luke's UCC, Lititz - Rev. Dr. Nora Foust preaching
August 13 - September 4 - Rev. Dr. Nora Foust on sabbatical
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Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)
This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...
Locust Grove UCC, York
Mt. Zion UCC, York
St. Stephens UCC, York
Shiloh UCC, York
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Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events. | |
St. Thomas UCC, Harrisburg is having their annual blueberry sale! $34 for a ten pound box, last day to order is Tuesday, June 27 with pickup on July 7.
St. Thomas UCC. Harrisburg is having their 17th Annual Golf Tournament on Friday, August 4, 2023 at Manada Golf Club. Register by July 23rd. See the brochure here.
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Looking for a good choice for a book club or book discussion group in your church? Try Learning to See: A Memoir of Southern Africa, by the Rev. Dr. Rich Christensen, long-time pastor, missionary and church historian. Taking the reader on a journey through an African culture where magic spells are a reality, tribal meetings gather for as long as eight hours to resolve community problems, and vibrant singing in four-part harmony overwhelms visitors with its beauty, the book relates the story of Rich and his family as they lived and worked in the early 1980’s at a secondary school in Botswana. It’s a story of family, genuine hospitality, and the gospel that keeps hope alive in difficult circumstances.
Professor Lee Barrett of Lancaster Seminary describes the book as “a rare combination of spiritual insight, theological reflection, poignant interpersonal anecdotes, and political passion. It provides a nuanced critique of the implicit colonialism in many missionary movements in southern Africa without minimizing the value of spreading the gospel in word and deed.”
The book is available through or
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This year, the churches of the Northern Association of the Penn Central Conference are hosting an Outreach Mission Event to fight world hunger. The Association is working with the organization "Rise Against Hunger", a group striving to end world hunger in our lifetime. Rise Against Hunger is a program that packages nutritious dehydrated meals of rice, soy, vegetables, and 23 essential vitamins and minerals. The packaged meals are then sent to developing countries and areas affected by natural disasters as needs dictate.
The Association meal packaging event will be held on Saturday, July 29, 2023 at the Centre Hall Lion's Club beginning around 10 am. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please consider contributing to this event either by volunteering to help package the meals and/or donating to the event (each meal costs 38¢).
This is a great fun activity and no special skill or equipment is required. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Volunteers can vary in age from 5 years old to 99 years old. The goal is to package 20,088 meals--meaning we need to raise $5,850 to cover the meals and transportation expenses of the Rise Against Hunger Team traveling from Pittsburgh. We will also need approximately 60 volunteers. We are looking to run two shifts 10 am to 12 noon; and 1 pm to 3 pm. and 30 volunteers for each shift. If you feel comfortable you can sign up for both shifts. You may register online at or you may contact Susan Rudy at 1-303-349-3028 and provide her your information and she will register you. We are also looking for a few strong arms to lift 50 pound bags when the truck arrives to unload. They would need to arrive around 8:30 am that day July 29, 2023.
To make your tax deductible donation please make checks payable to Northern Association and mail them to:
Trinity United Church of Christ
ATTN: Bob Rumbaugh
PO Box 212
Centre Hall, PA 16828
(please note in memo line "Rise Against Hunger")
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Events with our partners at Lutheran Camping Corporation
Summer Camp with Lutheran Camping Corporation - use code PENNCENTRAL2023 to use a 50% campership from PCC's Outdoor Ministries!
Hartman Center Homecoming week
July 31 through August 5, 2023
We will be returning to Hartman Center Campground in Milroy, PA as guests.
Camping experiences for all ages, including intergenerational camps.
2 night camps - Monday, July 31 at 4PM through Wednesday, August 2 at 4PM
Getting Started - Grades 1 and 2 ($125)
Intergenerational Camp ($125)
3 night camps - Wednesday, August 2 at 4PM through Saturday, August 5 at 11AM
Intergenerational Camp ($190)
Camp of the Heart ($250)
5 night camps - Monday, 31 at 4PM through Saturday, August 5 at 11AM
Elementary - Grades 3 - 5 ($300)
Junior High - Grades 6 - 8 ($300)
Senior High - Grades 9 - 12 plus ($300)
Leadership - Grades 9 - 12 plus ($300)
For more information, contact Rev. Alice Rauch (director)
or Rev. Amelia Price (registrar)
Register here and print a brochure here
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From our Friends and Partners | |
Bethany Children's Home
Celebrating 160 Years
Summer Concert Series
July 14th - Flamin' Dick & the Hot Rods - 5:00PM, $5.00 per car
August 19th - Anniversary Day Returns: Raffles, Live Music, Carnival Games, Food & Ride - $5.00 per car & additional costs for activities
Jeff Krick Jr: Elvis Tribute - 12:00PM
The Celtic Martins - 3:00PM
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UCC Webinar— Seeing through the Smoke: Wildfires, Climate, and a Path Forward
How can we find a path forward in addressing the wildfires that have created a landscape of crisis in our climate changed world? This webinar will feature leading thinkers and practitioners in answering this question. Panelist John Vaillant has recently released an acclaimed book entitled "Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World,” while panelist Kimiko Barrett from Headwaters Economics is a wildfire research and policy analyst who has been interviewed by national news outlets for her insights. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time on July 12th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a link to a recording of it. Register now!
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Rev. Dr. Aaron B. Wade, Minister for Congregational Leadership Development,
Granting & Scholarships, is delighted to share the exciting news that the 2023 Justice and Local Church Ministry Common Application is NOW OPEN. I encourage you to share the link provided below with individuals and churches who may be interested in applying for Operational support, Neighbors in Need, CASA New and Renewing Church, and Pension Board New Church Start Benefit Support grants.
Link to the application:
This convenient link allows applicants to either print the application or start filling out the common application for any of our four grant offerings. Please note that all applications will require a reference from their respective Conference Minister.
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Our Whole Lives training
In addition to an increasing number of in-person trainings across the country, Our Whole Lives trainings will continue to be offered online in 2023 for UCC and UUA members, at a cost of only $250 plus curriculum.
Registration applications will be accepted from July 17-July 31 for a Jr Sr High Level Training in September
Registration applications will be accepted from Aug 21-Sept 5 for an Elementary (Grades K-1 and 4-6) Training in October
Registration applications will be accepted from Sept 11-Sept 25 for an All Adult Levels Training in November
More information about these trainings, in addition to information about upcoming in-person trainings, can be found here.
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From our friends and partners | |
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry (PAM) | |
July 11 - August 15, 2023
Tuesday evenings via Zoom.
Clergy and laity are invited to join instructor Kelsey Wallace for an introduction to the art and practice of biblical interpretation. We will consider issues of historical context, translation, literary analysis, and social location and the skills necessary to be a responsible public interpreter of scripture.
For clergy/pastors and lay leaders
$325 for each of the two series of six classes
2.5 CEUs may be earned for each series
Information and Registration:
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2023 Festival of Biblical Storytelling
AUGUST 2,3, AND 4, 2023
At the Maritime Conference Center near BWI and Baltimore, MD
Learn more and register here.
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Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-3196
Rev. Dr. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-433-2587
Rev. Rick Luciotti
Coordinator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families
Phone: 717-433-6306
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560
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