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Internal Only

May 30, 2024

A new look and feel for creating alerts

We have updated the experience of creating new alerts in Reveal, making it much more streamlined and intuitive for customers. It helps guide customers through the alert creation process and provides them more detail on how the alert can help their business.

Alerts separated into categories

When creating a new alert, customers are now shown what category the alert falls into. 

The alerts have been broken out into four categories, (1) Behavior, (2) Compliance, (3) Fleet health, and (4) Safety. Reveal alerts fit into each category as follows:



Fleet health







Late start

Long stop

Sensor activation


Driving hours

HOS violations

Unassigned miles

Unassigned vehicle

Asset low battery

EV low battery

Diagnostic trouble code

Power disruption

Harsh driving




Previously when creating new alerts, customers would simply be shown all the alerts available in Reveal in alphabetical order. There was no context provided to help customers find specifically what they need or to show them what area of their business the alert could assist with. 

Create Alert before:

Create Alert after:

Creating a new alert

In order to create a new alert, customers still select CREATE ALERT on either the “Overview” page or the “My alerts” page.

Once CREATE ALERT is selected, a new page will appear instead of just a popup. 

From there, customers provide a name for their new alert, select the checkbox if it is a high priority alert, and then select the specific alert time. No special characters are allowed in the name.  

From that point on, the process has not changed from the existing create alert experience.



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