Q: Can the Emission System Report be used in lieu of physical emissions checks or tests?
A: No. Currently no states will accept the results of the Emission System Report in lieu of having emissions checks. Instead, a report can help customers identify issues with their vehicles and have those issues repaired before they go in for a physical emissions check.
Q: Does the Emissions System Report show the actual particles coming from a vehicle?
A: No. Most emissions checks no longer test the actual emissions coming out of a vehicle’s tailpipe. Instead, emissions checks collect OBD-II port data to see if a vehicle’s systems are functioning properly. As such, providing data on the health of these systems is more important to help customers pass emissions checks.
Q. Is this report part of the California Bureau of Automotive Repair Continuous Test Program Pilot?
A: The Emissions System Report is separate from the BAR CTP. The Emissions System Report is available to all US Reveal Customers, while the BAR CTP is only available for CA government customers. However, if BAR CTP participating customers receive a notice that an issue was detected by BAR, those customers may be able to use the Emissions System Report to identify the issue.
Q. When I run the report, the message “No drive cycles for this report period” shows for some of my vehicles. However, I know the vehicle was driving during the selected timeframe. What does this mean?
A: There are a couple things that might cause this message to appear. Let's verify the type of devices that you have are currently eligible for this report. All Vehicle Data Devices in ECM mode should be eligible but any Xirgo XT device has not yet received the required firmware upgrades in order to populate data. This message may appear if the device you have is not collecting the required data.