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The ISU Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic welcomes two new diagnostician staff; Zach Schuum, insect diagnostician and Chelsea Harbach, plant disease diagnostician. Learn more about them here!
Garden Trivia

What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

Read on to see the answer!
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Garden Trivia Answer

Strawberry! Although saying its seeds are on the outside is a bit misleading! Fruit is typically formed from a ripened ovary. A strawberry is classified as a pseudocarp (also called accessory fruit or false fruit) because the fleshy part we eat is not formed from the ovary but the receptacle instead. The receptacle is the base of the flower where all the flower parts (petals, stamens, etc.) come together. 

The true fruits of a strawberry are the tiny brown or whitish specks on the surface. These “seeds” are actually tiny dry fruits called achenes with a teeny-tiny seed inside of them. This makes the strawberry best classified as an aggregate fruit with many tiny individual fruits embedded on the surface of a fleshy receptacle. 
See our previous issue here.

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