Women Moving Forward

September 2022 Graduate Newsletter 


In This Issue

"Quiet Quitting"

Welcome Marigold Donna Sue Van Vleet

In Person WMF®

Dec. 6-8,2022

Hyatt Regency

Westlake Village, CA

only 2 spaces left

In Person Advanced WMF®

July 18 & 20 and October 12-13

Hyatt Regency

Westlake Village, CA

only 2 spaces left in both


December 6-8, 2022

Hyatt Regency

Westlake Village, CA.

only 2 spaces left

Register here


In Person

Hyatt Regency

Westlake Village, CA



Only 2 spaces left

Join us to discover your purpose and/or learn how to live a more "on purpose" life!

Check out our website


Books available
Order your copies of the Women Moving Forward® books here:

Click to order through Amazon in US

Click here AMAZON UK in Europe

Also Available at Barnes & Noble


simply show us your sales receipt to receive discount!!

Our Family was honored and blessed to welcome;

Marigold Donna Sue Van Vleet

She was 8+ lbs! Mom and Baby and Dad and big brother Ellis are doing well!

Women Moving Forward®

or Advanced Women Moving Forward®

For Your Company or


Our schedule is getting filled so please reach out for 2022/23 NOW

      "Quiet Quitting"

Why is it every couple of years we get new names for a condition that's been around for at least 50 years?

I think it's because a new GURU comes along and needs a new title for an article or book. So they give it a new name so they can say they were the first to ID it.

This time it's "Quiet Quitting" which supposedly describes why people are limiting

thier work to just what they get paid to do.

What a great concept; Just do the work you get paid to do! Wow revolutionary!

In most of the world this is called working,

In the US it's not hustling. In the US It's seen as "not being a team player, not putting in 120%, not going above and beyond to meet the company needs", etc.

You know what they call it at your company.

Try; You just don't have the company's best interests at heart or You just don't prioritize the company and your work in your life.Or my favorite; you need to go above and beyond to prove yourself, to prove you can be promoted or to prove you can keep your job. 

I've read several articles warning workers to "be careful" they could be let go if they stop working over and above what they get paid for. 

Why is that? Why are they warning you?

Because without you doing your job AND someone else's they would have to appropriately staff your division and that would cut into the company's profit margin. 

During that pesky pandemic, millions left their jobs in the great resignation (another spiffy new term) which is really a condition brought to you by years of bad management

and mistreatment of workers.

Workers saw they had options and left to pursue them. They saw they could have a life and a job and not neglect their families. Some Companies reacted with a heavy hand demanding they return to work with no promise of or better working conditions.

Most were able to get new jobs, better jobs with better conditions.Consequently companies are left running around trying to fill positions that are still empty with no attempt to face what caused the situation to begin with.

So those of you who remain are forced to make up for lack of head count and you've made the decision to do only what your job description says you get paid for.You've chosen to set boundaries and keep a better quality of life!

Well to that I say BRAVO! It's about time your quality of life trumps work!

If you want to call it "Quiet Quitting" be my guest. Call it anything you want to and keep your quality of life!

For those of you who have to hire, or are talent managers get a clue! It was your company's bad management NOT lazy workers!

I recommend two books to you;

-It's The Manager by Clifton and Harter


This book describes the results of the largest global study of the Future of Work from Gallup.I think you can guess what they found just from the title.

-The Addictive Organization by Schaef &  

  Fassel 1988

It describes why we Overwork, Cover UP, Pick up the pieces, Please the boss and Perpetuate Sick Organizations (it's subtitle). 

Yup someone got to it before it was renamed "Quiet Quitting" and they did a better job of describing it! 

Let us know your experience with this issue.


Please get vaccinated and boosted. We want you alive and able to attend our workshops.


 Virtual & In Person Workshop

Leading Projects Through Relationships, Commitment and Purpose©

September 20-23

Westlake Village, CA


Advanced Women Moving Forward®

October 12-13

Westlake Village, CA


Only 2 spaces left

Managing Corporate Change©

via zoom

October 17,19 & 21

Westlake Village, CA.


Advanced Men's Course©

In Person

Oct. 25-27

Ritz Carlton Bacara Resort




3 spaces

Women's Leadership Retreat®

In Person

Ritz Carlton Bacara






wait list available

there may be spaces opening up so put your name on the wait list!

Women Moving Forward®

December 6-8

Westlake Village, CA


only 2 spaces left

2023 workshops coming soon!

To bring any of these workshops into your 

company either in person or via Zoom

contact us

303-660-5206 or

Email Us

Special Women Moving Forward®

Graduate Programs

Observing WMF®

All graduates are able to observe any in person WMF® public workshop

Availability is based on space

cost: $250

To Observe contact Susan to reserve space.

Reviewing WMF®

Any graduate can attend a public WMF® virtual or in person workshop and be a full participant in the workshop again.

You will need to fully participate and be present for the entire workshop.

cost: 50% of the workshop cost

(currently $1875 in the US)

Reviewer spaces are based on availability.

Men's Programs

Contact John for more information

About our workshops for men;

Men Relationships & Work©

Advanced Men's Course©

For those of you who want to bring these very special workshop to the men in your company contact us to schedule one.

Men all over the world have taken this workshop and have been surprised by the results.



In person

December 6-8, 2022

only 2 spaces left


If your company needs help with post Covid issues with employees we can help.

As people come back to your sites you will need to take steps to offset some deep emotional problems that were exacerbated during the Pandemic.

Reach out to us to discuss further.


Let us know if you would like to discuss what your company/

team might need.

We're always open to have a discussion.

692 Camino Verde
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Phone: 303.660.5206 
Email Susan Van