From The CCI India Subcontinent Regional Director


Dear Ministry Partner,

It is so ironic that this is my scheduled title for the month of April, which was determined many months ago. It makes me think of the bigger picture and how God’s will is already determined. It is so good to see God’s will be done in our lives. God wants all of us to accomplish varying things for His glory. Therefore, doing what God wants each of us to do takes preparation. Are you getting prepared?

My family and I are prepared to GO for God’s glory. We write with warm hearts because of great encouragement and support for our family and ministry. The ways in which you give of yourselves lifts our spirits. This is what it means to work together for the kingdom of God. As we lock arms, we anticipate God doing great things. Scroll through this newsletter because you are a part of God’s will and can partake in the fruit as He brings it forth.

Thank you for your prayers and your support.

I appreciate you,

Regional Director of the India Subcontinent

Will you partner with the Regional Director of India Subcontinent?


Pastor E continues to teach Course 4 to 15 church leaders. A new teacher has started teaching Course 1 in a new area. There are now 8 teachers training 222 leaders and pastors. Praise God!

Testimony from a teacher in Pakistan

"Greetings in the almighty name of Jesus Christ. I am a pastor and teacher of the CCI curriculum. I am teaching Course 1. It is amazing for me and totally new. This course changed my preaching and studying. I am spiritually growing. I give thanks to the Lord for CCI."

- Mr. M


Pastor S is teaching Course 3 in a southern part of Bangladesh and then in a north-eastern part of Bangladesh.

Pastor D is teaching Course 3, New Testament Survey. He trains 4 groups; two among the unreached. Would anyone like to help him with the cost of a motorcycle?

Testimony from Bangladesh

Mr. N is a regular student of a CCI class and is also attending college. Before the CCI training, he did not speak well, he was shy, fearful, and unwilling to participate in Bible study, youth seminars or Sunday service. He was baptized last month because of the obvious acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Savior. His parents and siblings are not believers, but he is committed to sharing the Gospel with them. There is great transformation in Mr. N’s life. Now, he can share and preach the message from the Bible. He conducts Bible class for the youth. He joined in the God's Financial Principles (GFP) seminar and then God blessed him and answered his prayer to bring other people to Christ from his community. He wants to be an evangelist and share the Gospel everywhere among the youth.

We are really grateful to God that the CCI training is supporting us to grow the ministry through these students in Bangladesh. His parents and neighbors are amazed to see the transformation in his life. It was possible only through the training and discipleship. So, we convey thanks to our God for bringing CCI to make a great impact in this area.

North India

Your support was used to send out a Certified Trainer to the state in the northeast of India. Pictured in a teal shirt is Pastor N, our new CCI partner in northwest Bengal. In January, ministry partners gave so that team member and I could go and train trainers like Pastor N. Look at the result!

My team member traveled to India and taught Course 1 for the first time in eastern India. We now have 15 new teachers and trainers to offer CCI discipleship training. Your giving impacts and enlarges the Kingdom of God!

Testimony from a student in North India

"Greetings! I am glad to let you know that God has given me a great privilege to learn the Word of God in CCI classes here in my northern village. Please pray for me to continue to know the Word of God deeply and after I finish my course, that I can be available to teach others in my area. Thank you for providing sound doctrine and material in my language. May God bless you all! In Christ."

- Mr. M


Pastor M is a CCI Certified Trainer in UAE, established in January with your support. Pastor M is conducting training in the Urdu language. He is a native of Pakistan. He hopes to train church leaders and make disciples primarily because the Lord commands it. He knows that a lack of discipleship plagues the Church.


CCI Nepal started a new CCI class in central Nepal. And a God's Financial Principles (GFP) seminar was held in north central Nepal with 20 participants.

Testimony from Nepal

"My name is Ms. R. I am a church member and a kindergarten teacher. For a long time, I have deep passion to learn the Word of God and a deep hunger for the Word of God. Sunday church fellowship alone doesn’t satisfy me either. I could not understand Bible very well by myself because I did not know how to study the Bible. Without a system and method it was hard to understand the Bible. I am very happy about the CCI ministry in Nepal! Their training helps me to understand the difference between reading and studying the Bible. Now, I have great satisfaction and more interest in understanding and studying the Bible. It not only helps me directly, it helps me to understand the biblical value of my job with my students in His view. Thank you CCI Nepal and CCI training!"

Will you help us reach the India Subcontinent?

Help Support the National Staff Working in India Subcontinent Countries

Prayers & Praises


  • One of our staff was electrocuted a few days ago and suffered burns on nearly half of the body. Please pray for relief and healing.
  • Please pray for our upcoming training classes around Nepal.
  • Pray for funds to publish the CCI Nepali version of training materials.
  • Pray for the CCI training with Training Center residents, which started on April 17 with 14 students from all around Nepal.
  • Pray that all staff can attend the CCI Global Conference with much needed funds. Finances are a big hindrance to attending. Click button at bottom of page to help.


  • Please pray for the three new classes, which just started.
  • Please pray for teachers’ travel and the Holy Spirit to guide them for wisdom in teaching. 
  • Pray for students' understanding of the curriculum and to grow spiritually.
  • Pray that 40 bibles can be provided for students’ needs.
  • Please pray for CCI Pakistan.

Bangladesh: Pastor D

  • Please pray that our students continue their training in new areas.
  • Please pray for the CCI students; that they can understand the Bible properly and increase discipleship among the new believers.
  • Pray for new student believers; that they can understand the biblical knowledge and stand strong in Christ.
  • Pray for His provision for a motorcycle that I can use to frequently visit my ministry areas.
  • We travel regularly to conduct Bible training, share the Gospel, visit the church members in new areas, conduct Sunday service and other ministry purposes. We need your prayer support for our safety and security.

Bangladesh: Pastor S

  • I praise God for His provision of a motorcycle to carry out the CCI ministry.
  • Give thanks for Ananto, God bless him with a job.
  • Give thanks that Shahanur's mom is completely recovering from surgery.
  • Give thanks for Anju, God blessed her with a baby girl.
  • Pray for my recovery, I have a cold and cough.
  • Pray for Tony’s mother, she is going through some health issue.
  • Pray for Robin, who needs a job.
  • Pray for spiritual stimulation to increase in all believers in Bangladesh.
  • Continue to pray for salvation of Shahanur’s grandmother and wife.
  • Pray for Josinta, she is going through a skin problem.
  • Continue to pray for CCI ministry in Bangladesh.

North India

  • Please pray for 4 new classes; 2 of them in other states in North India.
  • That the Lord would open doors to support more teachers.
  • That poor students can be provided with scholarships in order to buy books.


  • For new qualified teachers to begin to train others.
  • For my students to utilize what they have been taught and seek to develop others.
  • For foreign staff to faithfully serve God with integrity.
  • For our families to be strengthened as we follow God in obedience.
  • Ministry in subcontinent to be stable under staff’s leadership.
  • Bengali staff to be diligent in hardship, also salvation for others.
  • For the Bengali translation to go well.
  • Please pray for God to continue to comfort Sabin and his family in the loss of his Dad.
  • Pray for Certified Trainer in North India who has a right leg fracture from a motorcycle accident.

The staff of CCI India Subcontinent Countries is looking forward to the Global Conference to be held in Thailand in November. Many would like to go, but do not have the money to BUY PLANE TICKETS. Please pray for God’s provision for this. If you feel led to help, please click below:

Help Us Attend the CCI Global Conference

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