Communications Climb During Social Distancing
Social isolation across the U.S. because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has Civil Air Patrol’s radio nets humming.

Maj. Chuck Brudtkuhl, National Headquarters communications operations division head, said attendance on CAP’s National Traffic Net is up by 30% over just two weeks earlier, adding that “we may have set an all-time record of 158 stations on the net this past Wednesday.”

The National Traffic Net is a weekly sign-on and equipment check of CAP’s HF radio stations, with an average of 100-120 stations nationwide checking in daily Monday through Friday.
Ore. Cadets Place 2nd in StellarXplorers Competition
CAP has scored its first top three finish in the Air Force Association’s national STEM competition, StellarXplorers, as the third time proved the charm for the Oregon Wing’s second-place Aurora Composite Squadron.

The team earned its third finals berth, having participated in the overall field four times in the six years the event has been held. This year’s competition began with 213 high school teams, including 13 from CAP units.

 The National Finals Competition, originally scheduled to be held this month at Houston Space Center, was changed to be a virtual event in March because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nationwide shelter-in-place restrictions, however, led to the StellarXplorers Program Office’s decision to recognize the top teams from the semifinal round as the overall winners of the competition.
Kan. Wing Helps
Distribute Supplies
Across State for
Pandemic Response

The Kansas Wing continues to assist the Kansas Division of Emergency Management during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, covering 10,000 miles on the ground this weekend to transport materials from the state's Strategic National Stockpile stockpile to all 105 counties.

On April 4 and 5, Kansas Wing volunteers joined with Kansas National Guard soldiers and airmen to deliver the supplies statewide.

Supporting the effort were 32 members from across the state, who used all 15 CAP vehicles. Since March 12, about 47 CAP members have assisted in either the State Emergency Operations Center or with transportation, with many performing both missions.
CAP's WWII Role Highlighted in VFW Publication
Civil Air Patrol’s early days are chronicled in a three-page story in the VFW Magazine’s April 2020 issue. The article was authored by Steve Alvarez, who writes for the publication and is also a public affairs officer for the Texas Wing's Pegasus Composite Squadron. He joined CAP last summer and holds the rank of major.
NHQ News
Grooming Standards Adjusted During Pandemic

With limited access to barbers and stylists during the COVID-19 pandemic, Maj. Gen. Mark Smith, National Commander, has issued a waiver letter taking effect immediately regarding grooming standards for senior members and cadets.
'Volunteer University' Seeks Chair, Instructor Applications

As previously announced in PROPS , Professional Development will be transformed into "Education and Training" beginning Aug. 4.

The key administrative leadership positions include the Chair positions for the five levels of the senior member training program (10 total – five onsite and five online). In addition, we are looking to fill the ranks of instructors to teach the new course material at onsite and in online classes.

If you are interested in joining the team and helping to take CAP Education and Training into the future, please visit the Education & Training page for additional information and a link to the online application. Questions are welcome via the webpage as well.
The Week's Top Headlines
"Dalton High's Miller Flying to New Heights "
(Dalton, Ga.)

"Bozeman Teens Pitch In to Help Civil Air Patrol"
(Great Falls, Mont.)

"Moline's Puglisi Appointed to West Point on 18th Birthday "
(Davenport, Iowa)

Tweet of the Week @CivilAirPatrol
Coronavirus & CAP --
Stay Informed
Make sure to watch for the Special Bulletins that National Headquarters has been emailing the membership to announce CAP's latest actions regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on the organization's policies and activities.

In addition, the latest updates can always be found on and
'Do It Yourself:' Plan for the Future

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Do it Yourself”? A weekend of paintbrushes, hammer and nails, and possibly a bruised thumb?

The feeling of a finished project is satisfying. You did it yourself!

According to a survey, 60% of Americans have not planned for their future by preparing a will or estate plan. You can start the process as a "do it yourself." Why not consider taking time to prepare during this time at home?

Have 25 minutes? Civil Air Patrol has made it FREE and easy to help you navigate your future plans for you and your family.

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