Professional Development Program Set
for Revamp to 'Education & Training'
Aug. 4 promises to be a momentous day for Civil Air Patrol. Since the late 1970s, CAP’s Professional Development program has provided training for thousands of senior members, albeit with a somewhat regimented approach. Now, though, the program is undergoing a huge transformation and on Aug. 4 will be known as Education and Training. 

Over 200 CAP volunteers have been involved in this transformation, led by North Central Region Commander Col. Regena Aye. You'll soon be hearing about "Volunteer University" – the "schoolhouse" for Education and Training. Col. Joe Winter, outgoing Maryland Wing Commander, has been chosen as Provost for Volunteer University. The intent is to provide an experience that is much more aligned with current university practices. 

Volunteer University will feature both onsite and online classes that will fit into a busy volunteer's lifestyle by allowing a member to mix those experiences, as the member wishes.  

While Levels 1-5 will continue to be the program's benchmarks, offerings will be vastly modernized through the use of discussion and application-based activities. Online cohort classes will begin every month; regions, wings, groups and squadrons will schedule onsite courses. All courses will be led by a qualified instructor.
Cadets Receive $155,500 in Academic, Flight Scholarships

Civil Air Patrol cadets from 34 wings have received 95 scholarships – 59 academic and 36 for flight – worth a total of $155,500.

Academic scholarships account for $116,500 of that amount and flight scholarships for $39,000.

In addition, 20 cadets from 15 wings received recommendations for acceptance to the U.S. Air Force Preparatory School in Colorado Springs .
'Walk to Mars' Update -- 865K Miles & Counting
Looking for a way to contribute to CAP while maintaining "social distancing"? We need your contribution for the CAP Walk to Mars program.

Walking is one activity experts agree you should be performing in your neighborhood and local parks. As of now, members totaled over 865,000 miles of the 33.9-million-mile goal. Our pacer, the Board of Governors' Col. Dale Newell, is averaging about 260,000 steps a month – over 140 miles.
How are you doing? There’s always time to go back and catch up on your entries. You can even combine your daily totals and submit one entry at the end of the week or at the end of the month. 
National Headquarters Hosts Air National Guard Director
 U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. L. Scott Rice, director of the Air National Guard at the Pentagon since May 2016, paid a visit Thursday to National Headquarters. During his tour Rice presented his challenge coin to  Cadet Programs  staff members Wendy Hamilton (left) and Margarita Mesones for their outstanding work. Formerly a New Hampshire Wing cadet, he plans to rejoin CAP and work with cadets after retiring.
NHQ News
National Scholarship Program Support
If you would like to support CAP’s national scholarship program, please visit these pages:
Interested in discussing an endowed named scholarship instead?  Email us or call 833-426-4227.
New Updates to Safety
Specialty Track, CAPP 217
The Safety Specialty Track, CAPP 217, has been updated to reflect the current safety regulations, forms and pamphlet, while also adding a couple of training courses such as the new Mishap Review course and the Activity Safety Officer course. 

A larger rewrite of the whole Safety Specialty track is about to begin. 

Volunteers Needed
CAP Safety is looking for volunteers to help with the Safety Specialty Track rewrite. Are you interested? If you're technician, senior or master rated in the safety specialty track and would like to be on the team, let us know. 

You don’t need to be a unit safety officer; we’re looking for a variety of CAP duties on the team.  If you are interested in helping this fast-paced effort, email us to let us know. Tell us why you’re interested, with a couple thoughts on areas in the specialty track that you feel need to be improved, and a suggestion or two on how those improvements could be made. We’ll be choosing the team soon!   
Your Tax Return Can Help Civil Air Patrol
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Coronavirus Concerns
& CAP -- Stay Informed
Make sure to watch for the Special Bulletins that National Headquarters has been emailing the membership to announce CAP's latest actions regarding the COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on the organization's policies and activities.

In addition, the latest update can always be found on
The Week's Top Headlines
"A Bird's Eye View of the Heartland Flood Rebuilding 1 Year Later "

" Civil Air Patrol Flights Soar Through Tehachapi Valley "

"Civil Air Patrol: A Change of Command "

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