January 2017 Newslette


"Toying with change? Then be at play! Instilling whimsy into your problem solving skills really does make a difference. Being @Play suggests that the door is open to opportunity, that you are ready for exploration and renewal, and that you are inviting in whatever is next!" ~Randi Levin Coaching
Twelve months lay ahead of us. What percentage of this coming year will be playful for you?
Before you answer, consider the whole of the definition of play. Play in any form suggests taking action. To play is to do. There can be a ball in play, you could be playing the game, or toying with the possibility of making a decision. At play, you may be departing from the ordinary of your day to include a piece of the extraordinary. When you play, in any form, you are actively engaged in the current moment. Play suggests curiosity, serendipity, and wonder.
The process of playing the game is as much about the game itself as it is about the end result. Winning may be important, but the challenge is often competition with yourself rather than with others. Can you do better, up your score, show up in a different manner, or improve? Play is as much about fun and recreation as it is about strategy and imagination. When you play it is often self-chosen as well as self directed. The rules of play may be dictated by the game itself, or even more often they are less structured and defined by your own parameters. Playing has goals and boundaries that are part of the journey of discovery itself.
Now, how many hours are you actively projecting to put play on your planner?
This departure from the traditional allows you to think creatively, engage in competition...even if only with yourself, increase your energy and stamina, and get more involved. It also provides you with a respite from the norm, just long enough to embrace and inhale your creative side.
We long for connection, imagination, and possibility. We are clinging to the concept of play as an escape from the tensions of our fast paced and tech driven world.
  • Play replaces perfection in the form of daydreaming.
  • Play replaces "store bought" with a return to creative and homemade cookies, crafts, art and gifts.
  • Play replaces our fears with a nostalgic look back and a celebrated and focused look ahead.
  • Play is not just recreational in nature, play impacts our business decisions as well.
  • Play engages personal pursuit and team driven collaboration.
  • Play and a curious mind sit at the intersection of change and recycle.
  • Play welcomes in possibility and opportunity. Playing with the idea is a catalyst to renewal.
Longing for action steps that take you closer to your goals and dreams? Play is the pathway there. It is the open door, the rules that only you can define, the challenge of the moment, and the most action-oriented usage of your personal and team driven skill set.

Where are you @Play in your everyday? Contact me at
or better yet, jump on my calendar for a "virtual coffee" and

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In-Person Events
Thrilled to be a part of Body Image Boutique's Winter Programming! Just click on the images to register! Can't wait to see you there. Every workshop is f-i-l-l-e-d with interactive insights and opportunities for personal growth and enrichment. I am especially happy to be offering TWO sessions of vision boarding because so many of you have requested it.


Virtual Events

Launching 1/18!
Mapping Your Reinvention Webinar
8pm EST LIVE From Your Own Home

I am sure you were invested this holiday season in giving back to others. This is your opportunity to grab something for yourself! Free and virtual, my on-line classroom comes right to you for 60 minutes LIVE and interactive via Zoom.
If I could give you a simple system to refresh your life, what would that be worth to you? I designed Mapping Your Reinvention based on the key strategies and reinvention principals that shaped, and continue to shape my own renewal. It is infused with my Signature GPS Coaching System that I use with my private clients!

What if you could bring all of your resolutions and promises to life?

Now you can!

Inspired? Stay informed or share this newsletter with others.

Randi Levin Coaching | 201-803-1333  |

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