June 2021
Now is the Time to Align County Spending with its Environmental Goals
A long-term plan with tepid commitment to climate goals cannot succeed. EcoAction Arlington asks
Arlington County to do its part by ensuring that its long-term investments included in the FY 22-24 Capital Improvement Plan advance the County’s goals for climate change, sustainability, racial equity, and environmental justice.

Green electric bus with sign that reads zero emission. Olectra - BYD Electric Bus at Domestic Departures terminal in Hyderabad. Image is cropped.
Petition: Support a Quieter, Cleaner Virginia
Quiet Clean NOVA has launched a petition asking the General Assembly to allow local governments to ban or otherwise regulate gas-powered leaf blowers. Granting this authority is a first step toward the goal of making our state quieter, cleaner, healthier and more livable for those who reside and work here by protecting them from high-decibel noise and dangerous pollution.

Weigh in on Arlington’s Development Plans
Citizen participation in Arlington’s long-range sector plans can help shape neighborhoods into livable, resilient, and sustainable communities. Discussions for PenPlace, the next phase of Amazon’s HQ2 development, are getting underway. Amazon has promised to make the buildings LEED Platinum (an impressive and important bar for a development project) and to align with the County’s Community Energy Goals. Robust community engagement through the Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) process can be influential to meet their vision for the project.

a yellow hard hat sits on top of a white drafting paper with site plans
The EcoAdvocate is compiled by the EcoAction Advocacy Committee. Contributors for this month's issue were Stephen D'Alessio, Joan McIntyre, and Leslie Louden.
EcoAction Arlington's mission is to promote stewardship of our natural resources and practical solutions for a sustainable lifestyle. The EcoAction Advocacy Committee engages in public discussion and promotes civic engagement among its members to influence government action in support of its mission. EcoAction Arlington is a non-profit and non-partisan organization.