As the team continues to work through the approvals with the City and finish funding for Phase One, we will update readers with significant milestones. We don’t want you to forget about us, so we will devote our newsletter section to the information we share with funders when we apply for grants. These numbers keep us motivated as we learn more about the dire situation in Rochester.
The US Census Bureau reported that the Area Median Income (AMI) for Monroe County in 2021 was $66,317. Households with extremely low incomes (up to 30% of the AMI) have at most $19,895 or $1,658/month. The National Low-Income Housing Coalition’s Gap Report found that over 42,494 Monroe County households had extremely low incomes, yet only 11,279 rental units are available at their price point.
Only three solutions exist for the remaining 31,215 households who aren’t lucky enough to have affordable rent. 75% of these households solve the problem by spending half or more of their monthly income on housing. Another 20% spend one-third to one-half of their monthly income on housing, and 5% or 1561 households are unhoused.