“News that Really Matters”
I’ve always been a news junkie. Even as a teenager, I remember watching the national news with Tom Brokaw. Those were the days before cable TV…just NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, and a few UHF channels! Monday through Friday at 5:30, Tom would start talking about the news from around the world. If I was home, I watched the broadcast each day…the good, the bad…all of it. Today, I still consume news stories, but with an added bonus of gathering together and delivering ROYS stories from around the world that really matter. News that I pray will bring glory to our Lord, drive us to our knees in prayer, and cause us to celebrate God’s activity in the next generation, and in the leaders around the world who are reaching them with the gospel. Here are some of this month’s global highlights…

A blessing enters the world…

Luis Miguel is one of our Regional Leaders in Cuba. His testimony is featured as a part of the Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry online training. And this month, we have the honor of featuring Lilly and his brand-new baby girl! Everyone, meet Abby!

And, remember Andrea from last month’s newsletter? On March 17 she shared with her church about how important it is to have Christian friends. She talked about how having the right friends can actually help you have a closer relationship with God. Way to go Andrea!

On the Russian side of the Ukraine/Russian border…
Our team of trainers worked with youth leaders from two churches in Rostov, Russia who are serious about reaching the next generation in their communities!
While on the Ukrainian side of the border in Apostolove, Doug Landro (former Country Leader/current Eagle Leader) is coaching 5 churches in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry. On a recent trip, Doug worked with them on discipling students, teaching students, and basic counseling helps.

In South Asia, training manuals are being printed!
In South Asia, books are currently being printed for Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry training for multiple countries. Although we are unable to share with you the names and faces of those involved in leading these training events, we encourage you to pray for these moments which will occur this year in these countries.

A mega rally at Ogandi Girls High School, in Kenya…
This month, a student conference was hosted at Ogandi Girls High School in Kenya where 3,000 teens and college students were in attendance. Reach Out’s Regional Leader, Isaac Okoth, spoke at the event. The focus was on “living for Christ as a young person.” Let’s continue to pray for our leaders in Kenya (and throughout Africa) who are actively involved in the schools, sharing the gospel and teaching students what it means to live a life that is focused on Jesus!

In Mozambique during just the first quarter of this year…

In Democratic Republic of Congo…
Here is a new church planted as a result of a JFYM Forum. Will you take minute to pray for this new congregation filled with THE NEXT GENERATION?

And students from that new church were baptized on a beautiful Easter weekend!

In Zimbabwe, check out these testimonies from students who attended a recent JFYM Forum...
At the conclusion of the Forum, they mentioned how it helped them learn more about God’s Word and to live life for God.

And while we are still focused on Africa…
We also received our final statistics from how God used Reach Out Youth Solutions across the continent in 2023:
Africa 2023 Stats:
3,346 leaders were trained for the first time!
1,311 leaders were mentored through our implementation strategy!
17,250 students were saved!
And 85 churches were planted!
Will you take a moment to praise God for the work He has done!

From Ukraine to Zimbabwe and South Asia to Mozambique, God is at work around the world in the next generation! Thank you for partnering with us in this mission. 
If you are not a financial partner, we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming one today! We ask that you read back over this newsletter again, and pray for the countries, leaders, and students mentioned. We also invite you to pray for our team at the Global office in Texas, as we steward what God has entrusted in our care and prayerfully determine next steps as God continues to open doors around the world.

Well…thanks for tuning in! 😊
Jesus is Lord,
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions