Pregnancy Support Center of Johnson County

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Fall 2024

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A New Level of Support

Dear Friends,

We hope to continue preparing a newsletter quarterly or as often as we can be helpful to you. If you are a client, a donor, a volunteer, or if you are just interested in what we do, we intend to give you three reasons you’ll be glad you read our newsletter:

·        It is inspiring and encouraging to you

·        It provides information you find helpful, and

·        It links you to your areas of interest.

It is our sincere desire to “Make a Difference Where Life Begins.” Please feel free to contact me personally with any suggestions or concerns you may have. May God bless you and your family.


Fran Hampton

Fran Hampton


Director's Spotlight

Bettie Davis- Volunteer

Bettie began with The Pregnancy Support Center in May 2018. She and her husband attend Nelson's Chapel Baptist Church.

Bettie is such a hard worker and has a servant's heart. She does a lot of behind-the-scenes work. She makes up our new mom's bags, does a lot of laundry, and helps with the cleaning of our facility.

She is always willing to jump right in and help in any way she can. Her husband John even assists whenever possible.

She is such a wonderful addition to our program and very dedicated. When you see Bettie, tell her how much she is appreciated.




The Center has transitioned to a new education program called

Bright Course. This has allowed our clients to do their educational lessons and videos from the comfort of their own home on their phone or computers. Our volunteers have worked very hard to learn the program. We have been very blessed to offer this to our clients as well as the community. Bright Course offers 300 lessons in many areas like Pregnancy and Birth, Fathers, Infants, Toddlers, Life Skills and Spirituality. We recently added the Spanish module to our subscription.

If you are struggling with a particular area of pregnancy, or infant care, or have a spiritual concern, please ask for help!

We have also integrated a new appointment scheduling software as well as a NEW client portal.

Our new appointment system is used on our website

Our new client portal has also been implemented. The portal is like portals that Dr. offices use and allows you to log into your account and see messages from our staff, reply with secure messaging, request appointments, see your Mommy Money balance, and share any documents we may need like driver’s license, proof of pregnancy, etc. 



We recently received The Healthy Mama's and Babies grant through East Tennessee Foundation. We appreciate your work in our little community and thank you for your support to help us help our families succeed and live happy, healthy lives.



Did you know . . .

Our new moms can earn a brand new crib and mattress (or another big ticket item such as a car seat or a pack n play) by showing you attended ten doctor visits. PSCJC supplies these through the help of our wonderful supporters. These free items are a great help to our mothers and provide a safe place for their children to sleep and travel safely. The beds we provide transform so they can continue to use them through toddlerhood.

*Limit; You may only choose ONE big ticket item. You may not choose another item for subsequent pregnancy.

What are our other services for families?

We give out diapers, wipes, personal care items, formula, baby food, cleaning supplies, crib sheets, bibs, baby blankets, and other small accessories.

The local quilt guild supplies handmade quilts for our new babies and, several organizations and individuals that crochet beautiful afghans.

We have beautiful baby clothing, some brand new and some gently used. We also have socks and shoes.

We often have baby equipment such as walkers, high chairs, toys, books, mobiles, dressing tables, etc.

Who pays for all these benefits?

This is an all-volunteer agency, so the main expenses are the gifts themselves and the maintenance of the building. We rely on funds from churches, individuals, donations, and a few small grants for these expenses. If you would like to donate one time or every month, please contact us at 727-8600 or email us at to find out how to do this.

Moms and Dads do not pay any cash at the Center. They get the benefits by earning what we call "Mommy Money."

Click below to see how to earn these.

Mommy Money

Tell us you saw this FREE coupon in this newsletter at your next visit, and we will give you an extra New or gently used outfit from our top rack for FREE!


Contact Us

Pregnancy Support Center Of Johnson County

P.O. Box 614

917 Crossroads Drive, Mountain City, TN

Phone: 423-727-8600



Email Us