Welcome to our #MondayMoment!

Each Monday we will ponder questions of the faith that when answered in prayer can open our minds and hearts to an authentic personal relationship with Christ who above all invites us to a true inner conversion of heart.

We are eager to journey with you as we seek Christ's will more faith-FULLY.


Take a #MondayMoment to pray with this question - Are you holding onto hurts and resentments?

Transformation at the hands of the Holy Spirit calls for a thorough house cleaning of our hearts and minds, so that Jesus can be re-created in us at the hands of the Holy Spirit. This housecleaning invites us to prayerfully seek out any hurts or resentments that we are not ready to let go of. Even if we have moved past a painful situation or convinced ourselves that we have forgiven those involved, sometimes pain, hurt and resentment can hide below the surface.  As we become more ardent disciples of Christ we must commit ourselves to letting go of any an all hurts. 

As St. Paul would put it, “I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself for me” (Galatians 2: 20).

Jesus calls us through His death and resurrection to embrace God’s love, to commit ourselves to the Beatitudes in daily life, to renounce our hurts and resentments, and make a strong commitment to forgive ourselves and others as Jesus forgave. In fact, in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus made forgiveness of others a condition for us to receive forgiveness from God. Immediately after He gave us His prayer, Jesus insisted once again on the forgiveness of our sins being dependent on our forgiveness of others: “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions” (Matthew 6: 14-15). While others treated Jesus as their enemy, He died for all, even those who would reject Him. He expects the same conduct and disposition from His disciples.

Sit silently with our Triune God:

  • Take some time to prayerfully explore with the Holy Spirits any hurts and resentments you might be holding on to. 
  • Pray the Our Father slowly and with intention bringing these hurts to the foot of the cross.
  • Add the Our Father to moments of your daily prayer as you seek to forgive as you have been forgiven. 

If you're need of a great daily prayer companion check out our FREE ebooks to use during your daily prayer time:


Lead Me Ebook - Who Do You Ebook

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