Welcome to our #MondayMoment!

Each Monday we will ponder questions of the faith that when answered in prayer can open our minds and hearts to an authentic personal relationship with Christ who above all invites us to a true inner conversion of heart.

We are eager to journey with you as we seek Christ's will more faith-FULLY.


Take a #MondayMoment to pray with this question - Have you forgiven yourself?

Forgiveness can be tricky. Letting go isn't always easy. When we do manage to enter into that forgiving space it's not uncommon to not completely let go. Sometimes we can mange to forgive others. We may even come to experience peace in the forgiveness we receive from God, but we cannot quite forgive ourselves. 

Maybe it's a memory from our past that haunts us. It could be our perfectionism that leaves us ever dissatisfied with themselves. We know that God can restore us to spiritual health and wellbeing. Why is it then, that even after seeking forgiveness from God in prayer and the sacrament of reconciliation, we till cannot forgive ourselves?

While shame and guilt about a certain sin is genuine and heartfelt, it can easily become toxic, robbing us individual of true peace and joy. Such un-forgiveness undermines the understanding that we have been forgiven by God. This burden can rob a person of true peace and joy and make it  impossible to be an ardent and generous disciple. 

 Such an obstacle can only be removed by understanding that at the core of our Catholic Faith is the beating Heart of Jesus who bled to death on the cross on our behalf and restored us to our rightful dignity as God’s sons and daughters. Jesus will not withhold His forgiveness and mercy from a repentant heart.

 As part of our formation in trusting the Lord, we will have to remind ourselves that God has forgiven us, and forgotten our sins.  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the special grace to trust Jesus’ promise that those who believe and accept Him as their Savior and Lord will be forgiven their sins and will receive salvation. In the presence of Jesus, address the following question: Lord, am I willing to forgive myself as you have forgiven me? It is time you forgave yourself as God has forgiven you. 

If you're in need of a great daily prayer companion check out our FREE ebooks to use during your daily prayer time:


Lead Me Ebook - Who Do You Ebook

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