Welcome to our #MondayMoment!

Each Monday we will ponder questions of the faith that when answered in prayer can open our minds and hearts to an authentic personal relationship with Christ who above all invites us to a true inner conversion of heart.

We are eager to journey with you as we seek Christ's will more faith-FULLY.


Take a #MondayMoment to pray with this question - Will you pray to be empowered by the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit shares the same divine essence as the Father and the Son. In the Nicene Creed, we pray, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified.”

Jesus asked and received the promise of the Holy Spirit from His Father to continue the work of revealing the Father and the Son to His disciples: “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming.” (John 16: 13). Without the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Kingdom of God, firmly established by Jesus, could not be inaugurated. The inauguration could only happen in and through the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our Guardian and Guide, the One who causes Jesus to be our Risen Lord and to take Him seriously. It is within this covenant with Jesus that we share in the Trinitarian Life of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ‘Is your discipleship guarded and guided by the Holy Spirit?’ Ask the Holy Spirit to fulfil this special promise that Jesus has made to us. 

Keep the Holy Spirit as your constant companion in prayer: 

Begin your prayer sessions with our Prayer to the Holy Spirit.

End your prayer sessions with our Prayer to the Holy Trinity.

If you're in need of a great daily prayer companion check out our FREE ebooks to use during your daily prayer time:


Lead Me Ebook - Who Do You Ebook

Join the Conversation

#MondayMoment can be found on both our Facebook and Instagram pages. Give us a follow and take the time to share your answers to these questions of discipleship.

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