Welcome to our #MondayMoment!

Each Monday we will ponder questions of the faith that when answered in prayer can open our minds and hearts to an authentic personal relationship with Christ who above all invites us to a true inner conversion of heart.

We are eager to journey with you as we seek Christ's will more faith-FULLY.


Take a #MondayMoment to pray with this question - Have you encountered Jesus as your Savior and Lord of the World?

Most often the quick answer will be yes. Of course I have encountered Jesus. A life of faith almost always hinges on an encounter with Jesus. But who is the Jesus you know? Is he a far off savior who died on a cross a long time ago? Is he the God who opened the gates of heaven and now simply waits for us to enter, watching as we go about out day? Is He the Jesus on the outskirts of your life occasionally taking center stage for a moment of prayer or a Sunday service? An encounter with Jesus changes things. It is impossible to come face to face with the Savior and Lord of the world and not be changed and have our worldview changed. When we truly come to know this Jesus He moves from the outskirts to the center of our lives. He is no longer only a part of the conversation, but becomes a constant source of strength and focus. As we dig deeper into our relationship with Him he is not only AT the center but he becomes THE center. All we live, do and be flows from Him.

The ongoing process of having the Trine God become the center of our lives takes commitment. Here are some ways to more deeply examine who/what is at the center of your life:

🙏Set aside designated time each morning and evening for daily prayer.

⌚️Attempt at least 5 minutes of silence in prayer.

❓Make a point to examine your conscience daily.

✝Make a good confession - even if it has been a while.

If you're need great daily prayer companion check out our FREE ebooks to use during your daily prayer time:


Lead Me Ebook - Who Do You Ebook

Join the Conversation

#MondayMoment can be found on both our Facebook and Instagram pages. Give us a follow and take the time to share your answers to these questions of discipleship.

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