Welcome to our #MondayMoment!

Each Monday we will ponder questions of the faith that when answered in prayer can open our minds and hearts to an authentic personal relationship with Christ who above all invites us to a true inner conversion of heart.

We are eager to journey with you as we seek Christ's will more faith-FULLY.


Take a #MondayMoment to pray with this question - Are you ready to receive new life in Jesus?

The Resurrection celebrates not only Christ's rising from the dead, but the new life we are called to in Jesus. We will only experience new life in Jesus when we are totally dependent on God for everything, willing out of love and gratitude to be at His beck and call.

With the Triune God as my soul focus, where does that leave my life? Too often we cling tightly to our life and the control we think we have over it. While we want to be renewed in Christ we worry too much about what we will lose if we wholeheartedly follow him. What are the things that you are afraid to lose? Your time? Control? Popularity? Money? Possessions? Friendships? Are you willing to trust that God in his providence will take care of you? 

In prayer, invite the Holy Spirit to reveal any places you might be holding back from God. How would things look different if you turned it all over? Are you ready to receive new life in Jesus? 

If you're need great daily prayer companion check out our FREE ebooks to use during your daily prayer time:


Lead Me Ebook - Who Do You Ebook

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#MondayMoment can be found on both our Facebook and Instagram pages. Give us a follow and take the time to share your answers to these questions of discipleship.

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