FROM: Jeannie Montano, President & CEO, United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region

Please give what you can to help us meet our $200,000 goal. The need in our community is still growing, even as we reopen. Every gift makes a difference in someone's life.
To United Way donors, I am an adult student at SUNY Orange who has attempted college 4 times and was never successful at completing even 1 semester. This was my first semester back to school in 10 years. When I couldn't pay my rent in April, I was almost forced to drop out of school (for the 5th time), but luckily, thanks to your emergency fund, I was able to forget about my rent, focus on school and succeed. I am proud to say that I have finished my first semester of college with pretty much straight A's, with your help of course. I would not have been able to complete this semester without your help.
-       Michael V.
United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region responds daily to COVID-19 requests in our community. Each week, we use your donations to provide critical help to those in greatest need. Now during the reopening and recovery phases, we continue to help those who are struggling to provide food for their families and keep them safe.
Since last week we have

  • Provided food for 2,000 people by restocking a community food pantry.

  • Purchased PPE to local nonprofits so they can safely reopen their summer educational programs and help serve 625 children.

  • For 25 formerly incarcerated individuals, making a new life, we provided basic hygiene items like toothpaste, shampoo, soap and more.

  • Helped a struggling young mother coming home with a newborn by providing baby clothing.

  • Last Friday, three organizations picked up items for 50 clients at the No Contact Day of Sharing, including infant and children's clothes, diapers, baby wipes, a car seat and children's activity books. Contact Rebecca Lull ( or 845-471-1900 ext 3113) for more information about this program that serves nonprofits, faith-based organizations and schools. Arrangements must be made in advance. Please note that we are closed this Friday (7/3) for the July 4th holiday.

  • Remember to be counted! Make sure to complete the U.S. Census. City of Poughkeepsie residents: click here for a link to the English version or call 844-330-2020; click here for the Spanish version or call 844-468-2020.

  • United Way’s free confidential 24/7 2-1-1 Helpline has received 11,570 COVID-19 related calls over the past 16 weeks. This week callers are still seeking information on COVID-19. Re-opening is generating a new set of questions as well as increased anxiety on the part of frontline workers returning to work and fearful of exposure. Food insecurity accounted for 30% of all calls last week.

  • Thank you for helping us deliver help to 77,545 people in Dutchess and Orange counties since March 12. Together we are #DOCommunityStrong against COVID-19.

and we are continuing to respond to the daily needs of our community as the situation evolves.
Thank you! With your help we are making a difference in people's lives every day! For more information:
If you couldn't attend our Nonprofit Professional Development Training , click here or on the video to stream a recording of the event.
If you missed our Virtual Celebration of Service, click here or on the video to stream a recording of the event. Click here to see the program journal .
There is a new financial incentive for Americans to give generously to qualifying charities, including United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region and many of our community partners. The new universal tax break for charitable donations was included in the final $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package signed into law last week and will go into effect starting with the 2020 tax year. The measure grants taxpayers an above-the-line deduction for up to $300 in charitable donations given in 2020. For example, if you take the standard deduction and give $300 to charity, you will get a $300 tax break in addition to the standard deduction.
Thanks to the following for their support of our community through United Way of the Dutchess-Orange Region’s Dutchess Orange Community Strong COVID-19 Fund:
And with thanks for support from our media partners