MVUU Newsletter

April 5, 2024

Become a Member

Our newsletter is growing! Make sure to fully scroll down or click on "Read Entire Message" in your email so you see all that is happening at MVUU!

MVUU's Current Airborne Communicable Disease status is

LOW Risk in Arizona

Our building is open. Sunday services are in-person and/or online.

Masking is now optional.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, April 7th

Sunday Book Group Online

8:15 am Email John Clark

Sunday, April 7th Service & Fellowship Hour

"Meeting Again for the First Time"

10:30am  Join Zoom

Tuesday, April 9th

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

7 pm Join Zoom

Wednesday, April 10th

Choir Practice

6:30-7:30 in the Sanctuary

MVUU Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting 

Thurs. April 18, 2024

6:00-7:30 pm 

MVUU: Peace room or via Zoom link

Board meetings are open to members to attend and observe the meeting. If you wish to have something considered for the meeting please submit the topic and any supporting documents to Erin Eichelberger, President by Wednesday April 10th by 8:00 pm. This allows the information to be shared with Board members in a timely manner to review and be prepared for any discussions. 

Sunday Services

April is our Baja 4 month for Community. Our earth teacher for our services and our religious exploration is wild flowers. And this month we celebrate our shared ministry with Rev. Matthew on April 20-21st for our installation weekend, "Not Without Dust or Heat." What an amazing combination for a month of activity!

April 7 "Meeting Again for the First Time"

Rev. Matthew & Debbie Roberts

Two years ago, Rev. Matthew was our candidate for called ministry. He returns to a theme similar to his first sermon to us to focus on shared ministry.

April 14 "Not Without Dust and Heat"

Rev. Matthew & Samar Adi

As Installation weekend draws near, we welcome new members among us. If you are interested in joining MVUU contact Rev. Matthew, (520)370-3013. Don't forget to bring water to the service to replenish our communal fount. 

April 21 "Installation Sunday"

Rev. Rod Richards, Debbie Roberts, & Samar Adi

On this, our Installation Sunday morning service, Rev. Rod returns to MVUU where he launched his ministerial aspirations.

April 28 "Comfort and Celebration"

Rev. Matthew

Each quarter we engage in our congregation-wide ritual of Joys and Sorrows. Each person who wishes to speak for themself can take the mic and drop a stone into our communal waters. This Sunday we combine it with our Water Communion, when we symbolically pour out ourselves into our community.

“Religion is not a thing you join,

it is a thing you are called to co-create.”

- Liz James, Unitarian Universalist

My Dear Mountain Vista UUs,

Being a member of Mountain Vista Unitarian Universalist is about sharing the co-creation of our congregation. Instead of receiving salvation or being "card carrying," its benefit is to belong among people who have covenanted, "With love as our guide..." It means you voluntarily come, connect, and commit to be in right relations to one another, our broad community, and our world. In this way we co-create Mountain Vista UU. 

We do it by gathering as a faith community, knowing one another's hearts and minds, and giving our time, talent and treasure in care for one another and to build our church institution together.

On Sunday, April 14, we will welcome new members into our congregation and with this group multiply our relationships and recreate our religion. As is our practice, we will conclude our membership celebration singing our covenant song again and for the first time as a new congregation. We will all renew our membership and re-create MVUU together.

If you have not yet become a member, but you feel a calling to this belonging within MVUU, please contact me,, and we will sit down and talk.

Our 2024 stewardship campaign, "...For Tomorrow=>" has moved into its last phase of collecting your final responses to our five themes and your financial pledges for next year. Just as all your thoughts and feelings will be a part of our Board's strategic planning for our future, your pledge will be the institutional support for MVUU for our 2024-25 church year. This is the practical part of our co-creation; gathering all that you offer and building our infrastructure and programs for tomorrow=>. 

If you have not yet made a pledge and would like to be a part of co-creating our church this way, please let me know, and one of our Tomorrow Team members will reach out to you.

Co-creating with you,

Rev. Matthew

Parenting: the Early Years

April 6th | 10:00-11:00am  | Zoom

Values. Connection. Inspiration. 

This monthly group is designed for those adults raising children who are ages birth to 10, but everyone is welcome. This is an amazing group of adults that come together to talk about topics relevant to our daily lives, specifically about navigating ethical, religious, and spiritual questions with a UU lens. Monthly topics will reflect the learning the kids experience on Sunday Morning. Come talk about ways to extend these lessons through the month! 


Feb = Love 

March = Generosity 

April = Transformation 

May = Community 

We offer support, words of wisdom, and connect to those around us.  We hope that you join and share with us.

Join us on Zoom: 

Meeting ID: 975 7892 4511 

Passcode: 973902

Let us know what YOU think!

Do you have some ideas for adult, youth, and/or children's programming? Please share it with us! This quick survey will help us create things you love.

Tucson Trailblazers 4-H Club

MVUU has been hosting the Tucson Trailblazers 4-H photography project for a few months now. The club will be showing at the Pima County Fair later this month. They also will be taking pictures during the upcoming solar eclipse. Here’s their suggestions for MVUU member and friends to take photos:

Some Resources for Viewing and Photographing the 2024 Solar Eclipse

Free viewing event on U of A campus: next solar eclipse in, diameter covered by the Moon.

Local astronomers will have special viewing telescopes set up on the mall. The Flandrau Science Center will have special exhibits at reduced cost, and safe-viewing glasses for sale.

Tips for viewing and photographing the eclipse:

This site is somewhat technical, for those especially interested in astrophotography.

This site is more commercial (B&H is a world-famous retailer of photographic equipment in New York), but it has a lot of practical information as well as links to equipment such as special filters for cameras. Note that you can ruin a camera if you try to photograph the sun directly without one of these filters, even during the eclipse.

This site has great ideas for ways to safely project and photograph images of the eclipse with no special equipment.

Making the eclipse your own

What would you like to remember years from now? There will be many professionally made photos of this eclipse, but only you will make photos of the way you experience it!

If weather conditions are clear and we get great views, the light will have a very strange quality as the moon covers most of the sun’s disc. Think ahead about scenes you’d like to capture with this strange light on them:

  • Your house, your yard, your street
  • Your family and friends watching the eclipse—maybe wearing cool eclipse glasses!
  • A favorite view of the Tucson skyline, or the mountains, or a profile of a saguaro—anything that says “Tucson” to you

Look around your house for natural “pinholes” where something like a shrub is making dappled shade during midday. Those splotches of light will be crescent-shaped during the eclipse. Plan a photo memory of that now! See the third link above for more information about pinhole projections of the eclipse image.

Above all, be ready! You don’t want to find out your battery was dead or your memory card was full during the event of a lifetime.


Approximately 30 women attended, all with lots of energy, ideas and enthusiasm. 

Our NEXT MEETING will be April 13, 2024 from 1:00 to 3 p.m. at MVUU in the Oasis Room.

All who identify as Women are invited! 

Please note that after April, regular meetings will be on the THIRD Saturday of each month from 10-12.

For more information, please contact Cathleen Becskehazy at, Pam Gilbert at, or Claudia Silverman

When you contact one of us about Women and Connections, please cc the other two; the three of us are working together and it’s easier if we are all in the loop on communications. 

Not Without Dust and Heat

An Installation Celebration of Shared Ministry


Rev. Matthew Funke Crary will be installed at Mountain Vista UU Congregation as their settled minister on the weekend of April 20 & 21, 2024. Join them for one or all of the following events:


Installation Social Justice Project: Baja 4 River Clean Up

April 20 | 9am-11am | Santa Cruz River- 802 N. Riverside Dr


Justice. Joy. Liberation


Let's put on our Justice Warrior hats and lots of sunblock to spend the day with Rev Matthew at the Santa Cruz River to play, learn, and clean. We will be alongside our friends from The Sonoran Institute, The Tucson Audubon Society and Tucson Clean and Beautiful! Folks of all ages will find a way to participate as we learn more about the Santa Cruz River and then beautify the surrounding area by picking up trash. Families are especially welcome. 


Our clean up spot will have a few restrooms, paved sidewalks, easy river access, and limited seating available. We are hoping to provide some quick breakfast items and refreshments for all to enjoy but feel free to bring your own.  


Here are some recommendations as you prepare to participate with us: Bring a hat, sunscreen, water bottles, work gloves, a chair/blanket to rest on, and snacks. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes that you can get dirty and closed toed shoes.  

Please RSVP ( if you would like to attend so we have a headcount. This is extremely helpful so that we can have enough food and supplies for everyone!

You are invited to a catered dinner after Rev. Matthew's Installation

Service on April 21. El Charro is providing the food. Please RSVP and

choose your entree by April 12 using this link:

If you need to cancel your reservation, please email Anne Tatum

( so that we can open up the place to someone else.

Thank you!

Volunteers needed for our Installation weekend celebrations

We need volunteers April 20-21 for the Chili Feed and to work with the

Building and Grounds team to set up and reset the sanctuary and patio for these events.

-- Here's what's needed for the Chili Feed on Saturday, April 20:

10 crockpots of chili, at least one vegetarian and gluten-free

10 9x13 pans of cornbread, 2 gluten-free

10 desserts, each to feed 10, 2 gluten-free

A few bandanas

6 pairs of old cowboy boots (Make sure names are on them.)

3 washtubs

6 volunteers for setup and cleanup.

Please contact Joel Yelland ( to volunteer. There will be a sign up sheet in the Oasis room as well.

-- We also need volunteers to set up the sanctuary before the Saturday,

April 20 Dance. And to reset the sanctuary before the Sunday morning

service on April 21. Please contact Warren Ellis ( to volunteer with the Building and Grounds team.

You can also find more information about the Installation events here:

It’s General Assembly Time and MVUU is looking for Delegates to attend! 

When is the General Assembly? 

Thursday, June 20-Sunday June 23, 2024

Where is it being held? 

This year is a fully virtual event!

What are the expectations of a GA Delegate?

Pre GA a Delegate will commit to:

  • Research and inform self-regarding upcoming GA issues and topics.
  • Tabling after services for designated Sundays leading up to GA to discuss issues and get input from congregants.

During GA a Delegate will commit to:

  • Attend all general and business meetings of GA representing Mountain Vista UU Congregation.
  • Attend sessions that are identified by congregants during pre-GA discussions, as delegates are able.

Post GA a Delegate will commit to:

  • Participate in a post GA Coffee Hour to debrief with members or write an article for the MVUU newsletter regarding their experience at the General Assembly.
  • Share experience and knowledge with newer delegates.

What is required to be a GA Delegate?

  • Each delegate shall be a voting member of Mountain Vista UU Congregation for at least one year prior to assembly as a delegate.
  • Each delegate shall have taken an active role in MVUU as a member of the Board of Trustees, through leadership or membership on committees, or through other volunteer efforts, normally for at least one year prior to being appointed a delegate.

What can a GA Delegate expect from MVUU?

Congregational Commitments to Delegates:

  • Pay up to the registration fee to attend at GA starting in 2024.(Registration costs and/or other expenses requested by delegates shall be determined by the Board of Trustees with regard to the annual budget and the Church’s financial situation.)
  • Encourage previous GA delegate members to share knowledge.
  • Promote “Coffee Hour” conversations before GA for delegates to connect with members about relevant GA topics.
  • Provide support to delegates by connecting them with previous delegates before GA, offering pastoral care during and after GA.

What is the process to apply to be a GA Delegate?

Send a letter of interest to me by Wed April 17th to be considered. Please include:

  • Name, email, phone number
  • # of years at MVUU
  • # of years as a UU
  • # of General Assemblies previously attended, if any
  • Why you’d like to be a GA Delegate
  • Brief explanation of any committees or involvement at MVUU or other UU congregations 

For more details about General Assembly you may visit

April Bookaholics Unanimous


We are a group of enthusiastic readers who meet the last Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. We select a variety of books based on what has intrigued members. The one who suggests the book generally leads the discussion of that book.   The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 by zoom.   The book is:  The book is Honor by Thrity Umrigar. We are currently meeting by ZOOM.  If you are interested in learning more about the group and perhaps new to ZOOM  contact  Anne Leonard: or 520-307-8045.

Nut Butter Update:

We made it!!! We collected exactly 110 jars of Nut Butter and $50 dollars in cash donations as well!! Thank you so much to everyone who was able to donate. We are making a huge impact on the lives of those in need over at Interfaith Community Food Bank. I will be dropping off the donations the week of April 8th so if you would like to join me please email me at We can arrange for a time to meet at the church that works for everyone. I could definitely use the help. This food drive was a huge success because of YOU!

In Arizona, candidates are required to obtain a minimum number of signatures to appear on the ballot. Voters interested in supporting Statewide and Legislative candidates can sign a paper petition OR voters can now sign electronically with a system called E-QUAL. ( ) A step by step guide can be found at:

Several positions in AZ currently have no competition, giving voters no choice. Educate yourself and make sure that your candidate secures enough signatures in order to continue their run for office. Sign- in to E-QUAL with your driver’s license or voter registration number, you will then see a list of nominations for your district. You can then choose the candidates whom you wish to support. Deadlines vary so go online today to sign nominating petitions and get your candidate on the ballot!

Art Group

Ginny & Chuck Stack invite other adult UUs to join them at an Art Group to be held at the church from 10am – noon, generally on the second Saturday of each month. Any sort of creative expression is welcome, including but not limited to: fused glass, mosaics, ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpting, fabric arts, cartooning, photography, crafts and coloring books. In a supportive group context, makers can share their past and current creations, work on current projects, and if desired, teach their art form to other group attendees. Even if you haven’t created anything yet, you are welcome if interested! Please contact Ginny to confirm dates: Phone-Text: (630) 841-8705 or

Flowing Wells School Partnerships-Neighbors Helping Neighbors MVUU’s School Partnerships School Partnerships social justice team is helping Laguna and Hendricks elementary schools, two schools in the Flowing Wells Unified School District, meet some of their needs. In addition to an annual purchase of school supplies, MVUU members and friends have helped in the past three years to support:

  • Internet access for students in their homes during COVID
  • Gift Cards for students to purchase clothing.
  • In-classroom tutoring in math, reading, and other areas.
  • Two campus beautification projects at Laguna involving between 12 and 22 MVUU volunteers.
  • School Tax credits.

Both Hendricks and Laguna elementary schools are federally defined Title 1 schools, that is, schools that have large concentrations of low-income students who are enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program. Ninety percent of Laguna students and 70 percent of Hendricks students qualify for Title I assistance.

The schools’ needs are great. You can help financially or by volunteering.



MVUU will offer Fair Trade coffee on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month after service. We offer Café Justo coffee at $14 a pound, and there is dark roast, light roast, caffeinated and non, whole bean and ground. They also offer a half decaf/half caffeine coffee, which I will gladly order if there is a request.

Thanks for your continued support!

Contact Melody Luepke at if you'd like to help staff the coffee table.

The Sunday Book Group on Zoom

On Sunday March 10 we will begin discussing our new book: “Salt: A World History” by Mark Kurlansky. For more information contact John Clark at

March Bookaholics Unanimous

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 by zoom. The book is:  The book is Solito by Javier Somoro. We are currently meeting by ZOOM.  If you are interested in learning more about the group and perhaps new to ZOOM  contact  Anne Leonard: or 520-307-8045.

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

Tuesdays at 7 pm

Join us for Men's Night Out, every Tuesday evening via Zoom. Click to Join Zoom For more information Email Tom Sawyer


Recycling for D,C,AA,AAA and Button batteries ONLY is now available. Place them the labeled bucket next to the Library. 

Caring Circles

Join a Caring Circle to connect, strengthen, and expand ties within our congregation. Circles meet weekly or bi-weekly via Zoom and/or in person. Got Questions? Email Pi Irwin


We are a Welcoming Congregation, inviting all LGBTQs in all areas of our community. If you want to speak to someone from the church about LGBTQ+ issues, email or text MVUU's affiliated minister, Rev. Christiane Heyde (520) 393-9960.

Volunteer with MVUU!

Sharing a few minutes of your Sunday morning will create an atmosphere of care and community as you welcome people coming to MVUU.

Sign Up Here to work with Welcomers :

Fellowship Hour Goodies & Treats Sign Up

We now are ready to welcome the congregation's participation via the Fellowship Hour Goodies Sign Up for each week. We cater to those with special food preferences and request only one to two items per category. Thank you!

MVUU Membership Invitation

If you are interested in joining our community and would like to become a member at MVUU, please email


Woven Basket Partner

Give your pledge or
Donate to MVUU online
Send your check to MVUU, P.O. Box 91080, Tucson, AZ 85752, indicating which fund you'd like it to go to (i.e. Pledge, Operating Fund, Capital Campaign, Woven Basket, etc.).

Find your Friends in MVUU's Photo Directory

For login directions Email

Newsletter Deadlines: The next newsletter will be published Friday, April 12th. Submit articles to by 12 pm, Monday April 8th. No Exceptions. Articles may not exceed 250 words. Thank you.