Solid Foundations for Sustainability & Growth

It is an exciting time for ERNs®! Over the past year, several Employer Resource Networks® have grown, adding new employers and/or expanding to adjacent counties. We have seen an increase in communication beyond Peer Learning Calls with members hosting calls with each other. You've been patient through a year-long database upgrade, attending trainings and adapting to regular revisions of monthly dashboards. You've attended Peer Learning Calls and incorporated a new employer engagement process proven to better retain employers and gain utilization. We've created. a web of best practice sharing that is taking hold.

Over the last year, ERN USA has accomplished:

  • ERN® DataSolutions upgrade: enhanced functionality and reporting capabilities.
  • Outreach package/Success Coach Connections Newsletter: new design/platform
  • ERN USA and state ERN websites: new hosting, conversion, and updating
  • NEO (Northeast Ohio ERN) launch: Towards Employment (August 2023)
  • Union Delaware County (UDC) ERN launch: Marion Goodwill (April 2024)
  • North Central ERN launch: Marion Area ERN conversion with expansion to additional counties (April 2024)

Later this year we will launch:

  • Indiana ERN (statewide): Indiana Association for Home & Hospice Care (IAHHC)
  • Tompkins County ERN (New York): Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
  • Solano County ERN (California): Solano County Workforce Board

Exploratory Stage: California, Hawaii, Nashville, and South Carolina

Recent inquiries: Massachusetts and Texas

As you receive interest, please pass them along for tracking within the database which also give us the ability to respond and support from the national level. Thank you all for your mutual support of our community, our shared passion for lives we hope to impact, and, where needed, your willingness to team up with us on ERN and fund development. With increasing economic challenges for working families and their employers, it’s essential for us to band together, sharing and learning best practices for the sustainability and expansion of Employer Resource Networks®. 

James Vander Hulst, President & CDO, ERN USA

Raising Funds Together

Recently, two Ohio ERNs applied for funding separately through the Department of Developmental Disabilities. Ohio ERN partnered with ERN USA on the grant to enhance Ohio's workforce ecosystem by developing ERN infrastructure. Members touched based and shared grant text. One of the ERNs received $35,000 for two companies toward membership costs, while the other ERN and Ohio ERN/ERN USA proposals were not funded.

“Despite our efforts, the request was unsuccessful due to funds running out quickly, but the lesson learned was clear,” said Stephen MacDonald, Manager at Lucas County Family and Children First Council and Co-Lead for Ohio ERN. He advises, "Keep an out for collaborative opportunities for ERNs where you can also include ERN USA to further bolster the national network; organize and submit early.” He adds, “Also, it’s a great proposal; we’re going to submit it again!” 

James Vander Hulst and other state leads are available to join in partnership discussions:

  • Starting one ERN
  • State-wide partnerships w/multiple
  • Adding new location/ERN for a current company member within a new community
  • Scaling programs from one ERN to another
  • Industry-specific multi-company interest

Increased Capacity for Growth & Member Support: Luis Quezada, ERN USA Engagement Specialist

After becoming a member of ERN USA in 2022 and serving as a success coach for Firelands Forward ERN in Ohio, he now joins ERN USA at the national level, providing communications support for success coaches and administrators. “If you’ve met Luis, you know he is a tremendous asset to the ERN USA Network” said Angela Vander Hulst. “Along with the progress we have made on a solid foundation for network communications and analytics, this new position will have a powerful impact on the Network’s capacity to communicate, collaborate, and market ERNs together,” said Angela Vander Hulst, Operations Director, ERN USA.

With over a decade of strategic planning, mobilization, community outreach and engagement experience, Luis has a passion for fostering meaningful connections and instilling positive change. He holds a Master of Arts and is a National Board and International Certified Coach with expertise in emotional intelligence, wellness, and person-centered methodologies. “I’m honored and excited to join the national team,” said Luis. “Within this position, I’m applying and expanding my success coach experience to empowering individuals and communities to drive positive change while uplifting the interests of working families, ERN USA, local initiatives, and stakeholders nationally.”

ERN® DataSolutions: May-June 2024 Enhancements & Offerings

Reporting/Data Entry Reviews will be completed in May to ensure consistency across the network. If you would like your report to be audited for accuracy before your monthly board meeting, please send at least a few days in advance to Angela Vander Hulst.

2023 KPI Reports will be distributed May 2024 after reporting enhancements are completed with our Salesforce developer. Relating monthly reporting will be available again the week of May 6th.

Pipeline Completion &Training for Lead Success Coaches and Admin will allow tracking of:

  • Employer recruiting New ERN development
  • ERN USA contacts
  • MOUs, budgets, target employees year to year
  • Streamlining accounts/data entry process
  • Report set-up for all aspects

Training Resources will be created Summer 2024 after Pipeline work is complete with videos and other tools for ease and accuracy of data entry and reporting.

Member Support Ticket: Have a Question or Need?

Create a New Support Ticket Case within ERN DataSolutions to get questions answered faster and help us stay organized! Team members will answer your questions/requests. Super User licenses are available for admin.

James Vander Hulst: ERN contracts and licenses (Super User/Admin available), partnerships, program scaling, new ERN development

Angela Vander Hulst: ERN DataSolutions, Peer Learning, training, new ERN development management, fund development

Luis Quezada: Outreach packages, newsletters, websites, social media

Upcoming Peer Learning Callings

Success Coach Peer Learning Call - May 2024: New ERN Data Solutions Enhancements: Accounts, Contacts & Tracking Designated Funds, Trends in Data Entry Frequency - what routine works the best for you?

Admin and Success Coach Learning Calls - August 2024: Submit your suggestions for topics!

Employer Peer Learning Call - Early Fall 2024: Discussion will be centered about gathering insights for the Employer Engagement & Recruitment Webinar Late Fall 2024. After Pipeline completion and training, success coaches will be asked to complete employer records and add employer member contacts in preparation.

Share with members, partners and others interested - let's grow the Network!

Employer Resource Network® © 2024
