Here are just some of goodies you will find at the MFM Saturday
Mustard Greens - Turnip Greens - Kohlrabi - Lettuce - Micro-greens
Turnip Roots - Yacon - Spinach - Collard Greens - Spring Mix
Beets - Spring Onions - Meyer Lemons - Bok Choy - Kale
Spinach - Mizuna - Parsley - Mint - Ginger - Turmeric
Milk - Beef - Eggs - Honey - Fresh Cut Flowers - Plants
Coffee - Canned Pickles - Sauces - Jams & Jellies - Relishes
Freshly-made Breads - Homemade Apple and Peach Turnovers
Pork Skins - Cookies - Pecans