August 16, 2022
Featuring Connecticut's Amazing Land Trusts
A Forever-Wild Partnership
“NEWT’s Wildlands Partnership offers CCT an opportunity to ensure that CCT’s protected forestland will never again be logged and will still allow for public enjoyment of nature.” - Bart Jones, President, Cornwall Conservation Trust
Wildlands Partnership, an initiative of Northeast Wilderness Trust (NEWT) that engages local land trusts across the Northeast in wilderness conservation, closed on its first forever-wild protected open space in Connecticut with Cornwall Conservation Trust’s (CCT) enrollment of 375 forested acres in the program. This exciting collaboration demonstrates a deep working relationship between a local and regional land trust resulting in on-the-ground permanent forever-wild protections…
Engaging Youth in Food Justice
This summer, FRESH New London has offered over 20 young people the opportunity to come together and sustain an #EdibleNewLondon through their 2022 Youth Program. The goal is to connect youth to urban and community gardens to empower and engage them in learning the full meaning of food justice and sovereignty. This program equips young people with leadership and agriculture skills to find and develop their voice in order to create a more sustainable and just food system throughout their community
Expansive Trail Network Underway
Bridgewater Land Trust (BWLT) announced a new partnership with Eversource Energy giving BWLT a license to manage 80 acres of land for passive recreational use. This parcel, identified as high conservation value for its climate resilience, critical habitat, and wildlife connectivity, offers old growth forest, stone walls, impressive rock outcroppings, vernal pools, very few invasive species and a scenic stretch along the lake. BWLT is planning to connect with the Town of Bridgewater, The Nature Conservancy and other conservation organizations to map out a new trail network and create a linkage of contiguous protected properties
Bicentennial Goat Hike 🐐
To mark Orange’s Bicentennial anniversary, Orange Land Trust (OLT) and the Town of Orange are hosting the "Summer of Celebration" with several fun and community-oriented events. On July 23, OLT sponsored three goat hikes with over 100 participants including CLCC’s Deputy Director Aaron Lefland. This highly successful event allowed people of all ages to get outside and interact with a fun and playful new group of hiking companions! OLT is planning more goat hikes in the fall…
Hot Off the Press
“Moving next to a nature preserve unlocked a longing for open spaces, and showed why protecting them is so vital.” - Troy McMullen
Hauser Nature Preserve, a 90 acre parcel of open space in Litchfield owned by Northwest Connecticut Land Conservancy, received a feature in the July 2022 issue of Connecticut Magazine. The story, Finding My Path to Nature” by Troy McMullen, a lifelong urban dweller turned recent homeowner of a tiny farmhouse next to the preserve, describes his experience and the numerous benefits of living alongside nature. He outlines the importance of protecting open space and ensuring adequate accessibility for public use
CLCC land and wave
Partnerships, programs, projects, press ... and goats!

Connecticut land trusts are working hard this summer (as they do all year 'round) to ensure land conservation and community engagement are priorities in Connecticut -- while having a little fun along the way.

As my one-year tenure as CLCC's Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellow comes to a close, I want to thank you for sharing your land conservation success stories with CLCC. It has been a privilege to have the opportunity to highlight all the extraordinary and important work of CT land trusts. Curating stories for this eNews has shown me the endless passion, dedication, and perseverance CT land trusts have for conserving and protecting nature. It gives me hope for a bright and flourishing future.

As I continue my journey through this world, I will always remember to #LoveYourCTLandTrust.


Sylvie Boucher
Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellow

P.S. CLCC's new Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellow joins our staff later this month and will take up where I left off in compiling the #LoveYourCTLandTrust eNews. Click here to keep those stories and photos coming.
Woman standing in front of green mountain view
Photo Credits
Forever Wild Forest courtesy of Harry White
Youth Program and Greens courtesy of FRESH New London
80 acres courtesy of Bridgewater Land Trust
Goat Hike courtesy of Aaron Lefland
Troy McMullen courtesy of Randy Jones - www,
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
deKoven House
27 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
The Connecticut Land Conservation Council advocates for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and works to ensure the long term strength and viability of the land conservation community. 

©2021 Connecticut Land Conservation Council. All rights reserved except photos as noted.