January 13, 2022
Featuring Connecticut's Amazing Land Trusts
Walk. Read. Explore.
Introduced last spring with the help of volunteers and in partnership with the Manchester Public Library, Manchester Land Conservation Trust (MLCT) offers a new, educational, and fun way for all ages to hike at their preserves. Through its Story Trail, each time a new book is installed, MLCT hosts a walk exploring posts and page holders. Late last year, The Thankful Book was installed with a guided walk along the trail. MLCT is hosting another event with a 1.5-mile hike at Risley Park on February 5 to walk, read, and explore...
First Steps to a Pollinator Garden
In November, volunteers gathered at Harwinton Land Trust (HLT) Indian Meadow property to prepare the site for an exciting, proposed pollinator garden. The chosen area was cleared and invasive species were cut back to allow for new growth. Native species will be planted in the spring with the Harwinton Garden Club to assist with the planning of the garden. This is one of the many stewardship projects that HLT land stewards have tackled at group work parties...
American Kestrel Champions
Last month, 2021 recipient of Aquarion Water Company’s Environmental Champion award in the Adult category, Art Gingert, bestowed the $2500 award funds to Cornwall Conservation Trust (CCT) to be designated for the installation of an American Kestrel Nest Box at Coltsfoot Valley. Since 1977, Art has worked to design and establish nest boxes across Connecticut to help the rare American Kestrel nest and raise young. Art chose CCT to expand his important work to support the increase of kestrels in Cornwall and elsewhere in Connecticut...
The Healing Power of Gardening
Throughout 2021, Green Village Initiative (GVI) saw an increased participation in their school garden program to support Bridgeport students in connecting to healthy food and learning life skills. The school gardens not only provide hands-on education for the students but have also become places of healing and respite from the impact of the pandemic. By supplying them with proper garden gear and support, GVI encourages the students to engage safely and comfortably in the garden...
Returning a Bat to the Wild
Throughout the year, Wildlife in Crisis (WIC) was busy treating and caring for debilitated wildlife in Connecticut. Among the many species they rescued was a silver-haired bat that was caught in a glue trap. Due to habitat destruction, white-nose syndrome, and insect population decline, silver-haired bats are of special concern in Connecticut. WIC gave the bat the care it needed to be quickly released back into the wild where it belongs...
CLCC land and wave
Happy New Year! For our first #LoveYourCTLandTrust eNews of 2022, we chose to increase the number of featured community conservation stories from four to five.

There weren't enough months in 2021 to keep up with all of the articles, social media posts, press releases, and other news items celebrating the inspiring conservation work happening every day in communities across the state.

It’s a challenge we welcome.

#LoveYourCTLandTrust for ringing in the new year with lots of good news!

Amy Blaymore Paterson, Esq.
Executive Director

P.S. Did you miss an issue in 2021? Find the CLCC eNews archive here. Keep those stories and photos coming!  Please contact Sylvie or go here if you would like to share your news.
Photo Credits
Group photo courtesy of Manchester Land Conservation Trust;
Indian Meadow clearing courtesy of Harwinton Land Trust;
Art Gingert and Aquarion Water Company photo courtesy of Don Heiny (Facebook);
School gardens courtesy of Green Village Initiative (Facebook)
Silver-haired bat courtesy of Wildlife in Crisis (Facebook)
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
deKoven House
27 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
The Connecticut Land Conservation Council advocates for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and works to ensure the long term strength and viability of the land conservation community. 

©2021 Connecticut Land Conservation Council. All rights reserved except photos as noted.