Dear Friends:

Thanks to all who attended the service last week. My big takeaway from Amobi Okugo's sermon was the importance of each of us finding our unique way to serve. I'm always encouraged to hear young leaders seeking ways to respond to their call in life, while supporting others. 

This Sunday, we will hear a special message from a member of our community, Cheryl Robertson (please see bio below). Cheryl will be speaking to us about the Lord's Prayer as the model of prayer that offers us the opportunity to surrender to a sovereign God. 

I will be in the sanctuary Sunday for anyone who wants to meet for dinner after church. I'll also be preaching on the 21st.

Please note the Church of the Holy City Board Meeting will be held on April 16th at 7PM EST.

Have a blessed rest of your week,


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Sunday's Guest Speaker | Cheryl Robertson

Cheryl Robertson, the owner of InnerGrow Integrated Coaching, LLC, and the co-founder of SoulFull Life University, empowers individuals to step into their leadership and business potential through cultivated coaching techniques.

Leveraging years of human resource experience and a passion for transforming lives, she offers a range of services including training, workforce development, and personalized or group coaching to guide professionals at every stage of their careers.

Cheryl reflects on her early years as the catalyst for guiding others. At 17 years old, her mother passed away, leaving her to care for her eight younger siblings alongside her father. “I didn’t have anyone to guide me and help me map out what I wanted to do with my life,” shares Cheryl. “Since I didn’t have that, I found myself being that for others. From family and friends to mentorship programs and learning development, I began supporting others in their journey, first in human resources with the DC government, and then with InnerGrow/SoulfFull Life University.”

She adds, “Every journey is different. For me, it’s my way of touching people’s lives and speaking to their uniqueness.”

Photo Caption: Ms. Cheryl Robertson with some of her youth coachees who are the recipients of the Commitment to Excellence Scholarship Program with the DC Housing Authority.

Readings for the Coming Sunday

Matthew 6:9-13

“This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’"

Luke 11:1-4

1 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.”

2 He said to them, “When you pray, say:

“‘Father, hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come.

3 Give us each day our daily bread.

4  Forgive us our sins,

    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.

And lead us not into temptation.’”

Swedenborg Insight

Whenever I have read the Lord’s Prayer, I have had a clear sensation of being raised up toward him by a sort of magnetism. My mind was then receptive, which brought about contact with certain communities in heaven. I was aware of the Lord’s inflow into every word of the prayer and, therefore, into every single thought sparked in my mind by the prayer’s message. This inflow did not occur the same way one time as another but in indescribably varied ways, which showed how infinite the content of each detail was. It also showed that the Lord was present in all the details. 

Powerful Responses to the Easter Message

We received such amazing responses to Rev. Tafel's Easter Sunday sermon from folks far and beyond our immediate Church of the Holy City community!

The sermon and was even republished by Sage Cole on her Worship is Life blog. Check out a quote by one of the readers above.

Compline on Tuesday, April 30th @ 6 PM EST

Church of the Holy City will host our first event, a meditation and communion service, at 6 PM EST on Tuesday, April 30th, for anyone who is interested.

Roxanne Sperry, who will be co-hosting this service, created it. You can join using the same Zoom link as we use for Sunday worship.

Rich Tafel will be in the sanctuary for any locals.

Link to Join the Compline

Youth Concert at the Church

A traveling youth choir hosted a performance in the church sanctuary this past week. Check out the photo above!

Wayfarers Chapel is Moving

The article below, "Wayfarers Chapel Looks to Relocate Due to Threatening Landslide", was written by Grace Toohey of the Los Angeles Times, and published on April 4, 2024.

The iconic glass chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes overlooking the ocean has, for decades, been one of the most picturesque locations for Angelenos to marry.

Its scenic vistas and renowned architecture have drawn new fans in the age of posting images on social media, and, recently, was upgraded to a National Historic Landmark.

But this winter, an ancient landslide complex sitting below the chapel’s floors rapidly accelerated and expanded, forcing chapel leaders to indefinitely close the popular spiritual and tourist destination amid unprecedented damage and hazards on the property.

Now officials say it’s unlikely the chapel will ever reopen at its current location off Palos Verdes Drive South, which is also rapidly moving due to land movement.

“We will not be able to restore the chapel on our current property. That seems firm,” Dan Burchett, the Wayfarers Chapel executive director said in a statement this week.

The 100-seat glass and wood sanctuary was built in 1951, designed by architect Lloyd Wright — the son of famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright — for the Swedenborgian Church.

Burchett said the chapel’s board of directors are still in preliminary discussions about relocating the chapel, with expectations that considerably more fundraising would be required for a move that he estimates could cost $15 million. The chapel had started fundraising after its closure, but the amount raised remain in the tens of thousands.

“It’s just at the beginning stages,” Burchett said in an interview with The Times. “This is going to take years to determine, very likely.” He said there’s no set location in mind, but the team would like to remain in Rancho Palos Verdes, if possible, and are committed to retaining its national historic designation.

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Thought of the Week

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