“Jesus, I sing for all that You’ve done for me!”
We returned from Cuba on March 3rd. This year marks our 21st year of ministry in this Caribbean country of 11 million people existing just 103 miles from the US coastline.

Each year, my reflections contain the same thought… how can I help others experience what we experience there? 

The worshipful moments with our Regional and Eagle Leaders that take your breath away…The significant conversations with high-capacity leaders doing quality ministry in the most difficult of circumstances…The strategic planning with youth pastors who introduce and help implement Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry throughout Cuba with vision, compassion, and optimism.

In an attempt to get you as close to these moments as possible, read these comments from our team who gathered together three weeks ago in Havana…
Yamida (Center)
(Regional Leader in Camaguey):
“Five churches in our area were in danger of closing their doors due to pastors who have left the country, but youth pastors trained in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry have stepped in and saved these churches. Now, other pastors are calling us for help because of what they have seen and heard about our team.”

(Regional Leader in San German):
“The mayor of our town is allowing us to meet in the plaza next week to pray for our town. This is unprecedented. I believe the scene is set for God to use the Church in Cuba in ways that have never been seen in this country before.”
Jose Carlos
(Regional Leader in Western Cuba (Havana)):
“We have youth leaders who are now planting churches and using JFYM as their church planting strategy.”
(Regional Leader in
Western Cuba):
“Leaders I have invested in are in this meeting now! They are now investing in other leaders!”
Juan Carlos (In Red)
(Regional Leader):
“We see God working in us…and through us.”
*Here are pictures of the prayer meeting Ovi was anticipating. Over 3,000 people were in attendance! God moved mightily…and is continuing to draw thousands of people together for prayer and worship in gatherings throughout Cuba!
(Regional Leader
in Eastern Cuba)
“We have been praying for Las Tunas (a city in central/eastern Cuba) for many years because it has been difficult to establish JFYM there. But this week we have two Eagle Leaders from Las Tunas here with us. They have been implementing JFYM in their church and are now beginning to train others. Now, other pastors from that province are asking and inviting us to train leaders in their churches.”

**Here is a snapshot of one of the teenagers God is using to reach the next generation for Christ in Las Tunas. Andrea is 13 years old. Her youth pastor is one of our Eagle Leaders, “Daimi.” Andrea LOVES Jesus! She regularly talks to her friends at school about Christ. She fits Him into conversations anyway she can. 

For instance, her friends may say “I’m so sad and nobody cares about me,” and she responds with “I know who loves and cares about you…Jesus!” She has brought many of her friends to church. Andrea has even preached in her church, and she has spoken at the monthly meeting they have with the teens of their city. (See the picture of their last monthly team meeting!)

Although her family members are not believers yet, she is being discipled daily by the youth leaders in her church. She is often there…dressing as a clown to serve in the children’s ministry and serving the church any way she can (the picture below shows her working on some church furniture). Currently, she says that she believes God wants her to eventually become a missionary in Africa! Andrea is excited about her faith, and excited about helping others find Jesus!
***In Las Tunas last month, over 1,000 people were saved!
A few statistics from Cuba in 2023:
  • Our team started coaching 25 new churches in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry.  
  • 83 churches were introduced to JFYM through Forums. (This was accomplished by a team of 30 Eagle Leaders who were involved in introducing 453 youth leaders, pastors, and youth volunteers to JFYM across the various provinces of Cuba.)
  • 324 students were saved in these churches as a result of the impact of JFYM.
How can you pray for Cuba? Allow these additional comments from our leaders to help guide your prayers…

“As I think about our current crisis, when I look back at 2022, we were rich and didn’t know it.”

“Finding those who are committed to youth ministry is challenging when so many people are now working up to four jobs at a time.”

“We have to become even more strategic with our training, so that it isn’t dependent on electricity.”

“We often end our days in tears. There are so many challenges.”

“It is emotionally draining…you invest…and then people leave the country…and then you start all over again.”

“The constant demand of helping extended family members and friends is overwhelming.”

Will you also join with them in prayer as they strive for these goals in 2024?

1) Training 133 new churches

2) Successfully managing the increased number of churches who desire to be trained and coached in youth ministry. (Remember Yamida’s words: “Pastors are now calling us for help.”)

3) Expanding their reach into other evangelistic denominations

4) Retaining a strong team of JFYM leaders in the midst of the continual impact that mass migration is having throughout the country in a variety of ways.

Before you go, I invite you to taste a moment of worship with our Cuban leaders and a glimpse into Noel and Leidy’s wedding (Noel is the youngest son of our country leader Elio Martiz and his wife Leydis.). Listen closely, there will be a quiz at the end!
Did you catch the lyrics in those two videos? “Jesus, I sing for all that You’ve done for me” and “All my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so, so good, with every breath that I am able, I will sing of the goodness of God.

THIS is the story of JFYM in Cuba. Leaders overwhelmed by the goodness of God. Leaders facing seemingly insurmountable circumstances, with grateful hearts. 

And so…our team returned to the US, not only filled up to overflowing with the grace and love of God, but also feeling encouraged and inspired by a leadership team passionately pursuing God’s call to reach the next generation, no matter the cost.
Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us as we come alongside these leaders (and other leaders around world) who are impacting the next generation? 

Click the button below and it will take you straight to our donation page, where you can give a one-time gift, commit to adopting a specific country, or choose to give monthly. And may we live each day joyfully proclaiming, “Jesus, I sing for all that You’ve done for me.”
Jesus is Lord,
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions