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Dear Founders,

Aren't you glad you were in service (on-site or off-site) to enjoy the music of the Ramirez Family last Sunday? Wow! Such anointed singers. Thank you, Louis, for sharing your family with us and providing a Spirit-filled time of worship. We hope they'll come back again soon!

Sunday, we wrapped up another month of Pride celebrations. Several of us attended the Interfaith Pride service on Sunday evening at All Saints Church in Pasadena. That was a wonderful way to end a month FULL of Pride activities. I'm so proud of our Pride Team, led by Oriel Briguela Mueller and Fernando Alfaro. This year, with their team, we participated in the WeHo Pride Parade, the WeHo Interfaith Street Service, the LA Pride Parade, La Trans Pride, Santa Monica Pride on the Promenade, LA County Department of Mental Health Pride, and the Interfaith Pride service in Pasadena. Whew! What a month!

This Sunday, we will gather once again after celebrating July 4th, America's Independence Day. With the current atmosphere in American politics, my heart is troubled that many of our freedoms may soon be taken away, depending on the elections this November. Saints, we can't wait until November to hope our vote is enough to keep our freedom. We must do all we can to stay educated on what is happening and what is being proposed for America. At the very least, we can PRAY. Our community has worked so hard through the years to gain equal rights, and those rights are being threatened once again. Let's work together to make sure that doesn't happen. 

Regarding that, I will be joining thousands of other pastors this Sunday with a message that will concentrate on the dangers of Christian Nationalism. The message is entitled, Itchy Ears. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Mark 6:6-12 (Voice Version) and II Timothy 4:1-5 (Voice Version).  As always, come expecting a move of the Spirit. I'll see you Sunday!

Pastor Keith

Timothy 4:1-5 (Voice Version) 

(The Apostle Paul to young Timothy) “And now I bring you this charge before God and Jesus the Anointed, the one destined to judge the living and the dead, at His glorious appearance and His kingdom: go out and preach the word! Go whether it’s an opportune time or not! Reprove, warn, and encourage; but do so with all the patience and instruction needed to fulfill your calling because a time will come when some will no longer tolerate sound teaching. Instead, they will live by their own desires; they’ll scratch their itching ears by surrounding themselves with teachers who approve of their lifestyles and tell them what they want to hear. They will turn away from the real truth you have to offer because they prefer the sound of fables and myths. But you must stay focused and be alert at all times. Tolerate suffering. Accomplish the good work of an evangelist, and complete the ministry to which you have been called.”

Mark, Chapter 6:6-12 (The Voice Version)

Jesus went out among the villages teaching, and He called the twelve to Him and began to send them out in pairs. He gave them authority over unclean spirits and instructed them to take nothing with them but a staff: no money, no bread, no bag, nothing but the sandals on their feet and the coat on their back.

Jesus told them, "When you go into a house, stay there until it is time for you to leave that town. And if someone will not accept you and your message, when you leave, shake off the dust of that place from your feet as a judgment against it."

And so His disciples went out into the countryside, preaching the changed life as Jesus had taught them, casting out unclean spirits and anointing the sick with oil to heal them.

Rev. Steve Pieters' New Book Is Out!  

Hot off the press! Love Is Greater Than AIDS, written by Rev. Steve Pieters (and completed just before he collapsed and went for his final journey to the hospital) is now in print. Here's the link to Amazon, but it can be bought at other vendors as well: Love is Greater than AIDS: A Memoir of Survival, Healing, and Hope - Kindle edition by Pieters, A. Stephen. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

Final Week of Performances

The Sandwich Ministry must close

Sunday, July 7

Only 2 more chances to see Miranda Rose Hall's The Sandwich Ministry, "a tale that is both intensely personal and universally relevant, affirming the indomitable spirit of human connection" (Stage and Cinema).


Saturday, July 6 at 8:30pm

Sunday, July 7 at 3:00pm

New show at the Skylight Theatre just around the corner from the church at Skylight Theatre. Link for more info and tickets: The Sandwich Ministry by Miranda Rose Hall - Skylight Theatre Company

Here’s the link for more information:

Interested in Church Membership? Or, maybe, you just want to know more about our church's core beliefs and history. Set up an online meeting with Rev. Steve Swafford at for an individualized study!

Special Announcement from Founders MCC Board of Directors

Roof Replacement Update

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

OUR GOAL TO REPLACE THE ROOF          $78,100.00

YEAR TO DATE GIVEN + MATCH                $14,305.00

REMAINING NEEDED                                    $63,795.00

$100 becomes $200.00

$250 becomes $500.00

$500 becomes $1,000.00


Thank you for your generosity!

Greetings everyone,

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Pride month! July is upon us already but that doesn't stop our pride celebrations and the continued need for our community to support each other locally and abroad! 

As many of you know, I have moved to San Jose but that won't stop our collective time together. As Covid has made an impact on all of our lives, it has also shifted the ways we create connection in community. 

For the month of July, we will meet virtually due to the pride season. 

July 6th and 20th we will meet virtually from 9- 10:30am 

To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link: 


Or open Meet and enter this code: tsc-rmph-eub

Virtually, we will meet for an hour followed by a 15 minute meditation that you can enjoy in your home or car or any other quiet place you have accessible. Lastly, we will leave the last 15 minutes of group for any questions or additional need for support. 


Going forward, we will meet once in person and one time virtually! On 1st Saturdays we will meet virtually and 3rd Saturdays we will meet in person at Founders. Follow up emails will be sent at the end of each month.

I look forward to seeing you all virtually this month. 


Patrice Ford

Book Study on the Book of Revelation

For 7 Tuesdays at 7:00, starting THIS TUESDAY 7/9/24, we will be holding a book study over Zoom using Dr. Patricia Wahle’s books: A Revelation to Patricia and Taking Revelation Back.

Zoom link:

           This first week we will discuss the introduction to the Revelation and the 7 letters to the 7 churches. The scripture in the book of Revelation was addressed to 7 churches who the author believed had strayed from Jesus’ message to love one another. (No, it wasn’t written to non-believers or sinners, it was the churches that had gone astray.) In Revelation 2:4-5 (NRSV) Jesus says to the first church, “But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember, then, from where you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.” One of the things we will notice in this study of the book of Revelation that the only person or entity that Jesus specifically calls out with something against them is churches who have strayed from Jesus’ message of love and equality and inclusion.

           Either of Patricia Wahle’s books, A Revelation to Patricia or Taking Revelation Back, can be used for the book study. Both books are available as an e-book or large print paperback at You probably have to search with the author’s name “Patricia Wahle” in addition to the titles to bring up the books, or if you click on “Books à Religion and Spirituality” after the initial search for the titles, the correct books will come toward the top of the results. If you would like to join the book study and can’t afford to purchase the book, please let the church know and Patricia will provide a copy for you.


Rev. Steve Pieters

Theologian • Pastor • Activist

You are invited to an event celebrating the life of Rev Steve Pieters: Theologian, Pastor, Activist, highlighting the publication of his autobiography - "Love is Greater Than AIDS: A Memoir of Survival, Healing and Hope" (Rowman & Littlefield, 2024).

Come hear an appreciation of Steve's scholarship and spirituality by several of his peers, including Mona West, Bob Shore-Goss, Lucia Chappelle, Nancy Radclyffe, Keith Mozingo, Justin Sabia-Tanis, Robert Griffin, Nancy WIlson, Karen Ziegler. The panelist will respond to the book and dialogue with each other about the multiple contributions made by Steve in a lifetime of ministry.

Hosted by: Hector Gutierrez and Jim Mitulski

Schedule: Saturday / July 13, 2024

5PM ET / 4PM CT / 3PM MT / 2PM PT

Next Saturday, July, 13th we will have our monthly Saturday Night Spiritual with Rev. Sheena Metal @ 5 p.m. on Facebook Live. The Saturday Night Spiritual is an interfaith service that offers a positive and uplifting experience that blesses many of our congregants!

Our “Opportunity for Chance” drawings to raise scholarship funds for MCC’s PAD Conference continue! On Sunday, June 23, we’ll choose a winner for tickets to “Mrs. Doubtfire” (June 26th), and on Sunday, July 14, the prize will be tickets to “Peter Pan” (July 24). You don’t need to be present to win. To order chances send your name, phone number, postal and email addresses and the number of chances requested with your donation to PAD Raffle, Founders MCC, 4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027.

PAD Conference 'Family Reunion' 

July 26 - 28, Detroit, MI, USA

MCC's People of African Descent: The Next Generation presents an amazing weekend in concert with North America's longest running Black Pride celebration in Detroit, entitled "Hotter Than July." Join the activities for PAD and allies including worship, workshops, fun — and of course, plenty of Motown! Click here for more information:

Flourish In Ministry

MCC’s Pathway to Transformation

Anywhere, anytime…. Leaders are needed

What is FLOURISH? FLOURISH is comprised of two main programs within MCC (Thriving in Ministry and Global Leadership Development). We are working to provide resourcing and programming to allow you to Flourish in your ministry.


It is the FLOURISH program’s goal to ensure all leaders, no matter their location, (laity and clergy) are resourced to enhance and develop their ministry.  

As we begin a new year of Transformation, change abounds. It is important to implement the lesson learned so we can create the MCC that is yet to be.    

We are keenly aware of the importance of culturally and contextually informed programming, noting the myriad of cultural differences within our denomination. 

The Global Leadership Development Fund and the Lilly Endowment matching Grant will be used to sow the financial seeds to sustain FLOURISH. Please know that all of us are Fund Raisers, and we will match these funds to bring resources and programming to all corners of the globe. The benefits are immense! Be on the lookout for future updates on the FLOURISH program and how you can get engaged. Contact us at

Your help is needed to make FLOURISH happen. We need representation in all areas of the globe to weave the lesson learned. We are seeking people who will agree to serve as coordinators (stipend) for programming in specific geographic areas. For an application, please reach out to

A Year From Today...

General Conference 2025!

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In one year, we will be in the middle of our Transformational Weekend, which will be held 3-6 July 2025! General Conference will again take place in two parts:

Part 1: Business Discussion Circles, Forum and Meeting 

In the months leading up to General Conference, there will be many Discussion Circles, webinars, documents and emails to inform you of the business of General Conference. There will be many opportunities for you to provide input. 

At a meeting in June 2024 between the Governing Board and Governance Committee, the Governing Board voted to hold both the General Conference Business Meeting and Business Forum online. The Business Forum will be held on 31st May 2025 and the Business Meeting will be held 7th June 2025. Watch for more information about the content of these sessions. 

Part 2: Transformational Gathering

The 2025 conference will definitely have a retreat feel lasting 3 days instead of our typical 5 or 6-day conference that commingled business with worship and learning. In addition, there will be pre and post-conference activities to enrich and extend your experience. As mentioned above, all business will take place online and not during this in-person gathering. This creates a perfect opportunity for many different members of your congregation to retreat in the desert. Elements of this conference will be live streamed, recorded, and online allowing a hybrid experience for those unable to travel. Our conference app will bridge the online and in-person participants and increase involvement, engagement, and communication between everyone.


We are excited to announce the broad schedule for the Transformational Weekend! 

Thursday, July 3, 2025

  • Afternoon: Check-in and Welcome Reception 
  • Evening: Grounding Worship & Social Time

Friday, July 4, 2025

  • Morning: Opening Worship 
  • Afternoon: Plenary, Small Groups, and Free Time
  • Evening: Reception & Social Time 

Saturday, July 5: 2025 

  • Morning: Worship and Plenary
  • Afternoon: Small Groups and Free Time 
  • Evening: Dinner Church Style Worship (included in your registration) 

Sunday, July 6, 2025: 

  • Morning: Closing Worship with Installation of the Moderator, blessing over the incoming Governing Board, current and outgoing Council of Elders.
  • Afternoon: Optional Excursions

Before and after General Conference, several institutes will take place. Watch for more details on those before airline tickets become available.

Hotel Information

The in-person portion of the conference is taking over Scottsdale, Arizona, USA at the Embassy Suites Resort. It is walking distance from the historic district, Old Town Scottsdale, and the arts and entertainment district.

Our host hotel is an amazing, accessible resort. It is beautiful with incredible views of Camelback Mountain, two refreshing outdoor pools, large suite style sleeping rooms, tennis and pickle ball courts, large conference center, onsite restaurant and bar, and beautiful landscaping. We searched to find not only an accessible hotel for physical accommodations, but also a financially accessible hotel. The Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort is offering us an amazing rate of $119/night which includes free made to order breakfast, daily cocktail hour, and a complimentary shuttle to hundreds of local shops, restaurants, and activities. Every suite has a living room (with a pull-out couch), and kitchenette which easily accommodates multiple parties to maximize savings. 

You can book your room today by following this link:



Although registration will not open until October, we want to help you plan and budget. Below are the Early Bird (first 90 days) and regular registration rates for General Conference: 

In-Person Rates: 

Sponsor Rate: $425 USD; €395; $7710 MEX; R$2370

This rate is for those who want to help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference. 

Early Bird Rate: $325 USD; €305; $5880MEX; R$1810

This rate is the Early Bird rate for General Conference which includes dinner one night. This rate will be available for the first 90 days when registration opens.

Regular Rate: $400 USD; €370; $7255 MEX; R$2225

This rate will be after the 90 days Early Bird rate.

Online Rates: 

Sponsor Online Rate: $300 USD; €280; $5445 MEX; R$1670

This rate is for those who those who want to help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference and only have access to the online portions of the General Conference like worship, plenaries, and online social connections. Note: We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like 202. 

Online Rate: $200 USD; €185; $3630MEX; R$1115

This rate is for those who will only have access to the online portions of the General Conference like worship, plenaries, and online social connections. Note: We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like 2022.


More details about speakers, pre and post-conference institutes, worship, and content for the business meeting will be shared in the coming months. In the meantime, mark your calendars, book your hotel, and get ready to have some fun in the sun (or in the air conditioning) with us!

If you have any questions, you can always email us at: to ensure you get all of the information about this next General Conference. Click the button below and add your email if you haven’t already! 


Commitment Cards

Commitment forms for 2024.


Join us before and after worship for a time of Hospitality in the church courtyard. Martin Miny is heading a team of people to get coffee, juice, and pastries ready each Sunday. Volunteers are always welcome!

Monkey Pox Vaccine Available 

LA County now has another limited supply of Monkeypox Vaccine available. You can sign up here:

Change In Covid-19 Protocols

As we continue to cope with Covid-19, we are changing our protocols. The new protocols are in line with the rest of LA County. Until further notice, here are our guidelines:

1. We will no longer require vaccinations and boosters for church attendance, though we highly encourage them.
2. We will make wearing masks optional. Please feel free to continue wearing masks as you feel comfortable.

3. We ask people that have symptoms of (or tested positive for) Covid, flu, monkeypox, or any other easily communicable disease to please refrain from attending until they are well.

As we have from the very beginning of the pandemic, we will continue to keep in line with the advice of the LA County Public Health Department. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new guidelines.

Tithes & Offerings

HThank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.

Grand Total For Week Ending: 06-30-2024: $10,636.00

Tithing: $3,660.00

Facility Rental: $2,761.00

Helping Hands: $255.00

Roofing Challenge Matching Gift: $3,960.00

Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator)
Kim Doneche (Clerk)
Ed Shaughnessy (Treasurer)
Roger Owens - Governance
Ina Serene - Trans* Unity
Martin Miny - Facilities

Parking Available

Children's Hospital has so graciously volunteered up to 10 spaces for us to park. It is a small lot off Sunset Blvd., just beyond the Metro Station entrance.

Founders Metropolitan Community Church Address And Contact Info:

4607 Prospect Ave, Los Angeles CA 90027 | 323-669-3434



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